Okay let's find out how everyone feels about the Switch

Okay let's find out how everyone feels about the Switch


After voting, please explain your choice in this thread.


Let's get a lot of people in on this to get an idea of how people here feel.

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.co.uk/New-Super-Mario-Bros-Wii-x/dp/B00844Q4EA/ref=sr_1_20?ie=UTF8&qid=1484313325&sr=8-20&keywords=wii u

No because the thing has no games right now. Literally worse than the 3DS launch titles

I'm a bit upset with the price and the lack of games overall. But I like the concept and I fucking need zelda. it releases after my birthday and since I'm not a poorfag I'll be buying it on release, like most games I like.

I picked "sometime in 2017" because I fully expect them to announce Pokémon Stars and a Monster Hunter during 2017 among some other things.

Knowing that those will come will probably make me buy one of the better/newer bundles that'll come out during late 2017.

I do want to play BotW, but it's a single player game and I will not miss out on much by waiting and playing it later.

Pretty underwhelmed to be honest.

Paying for online is also a bit of a downer. Yeah, it's free first few months, but all of that gets taken away after a while.

I'm already done playing Mario for the umpteenth time and strangely enough, I can't find myself to get interested in the new Zelda. New Bomberman is pretty cool, Puyo Puyo x Tetris is fucking great since I'm a big Puyo fan, I guess I'm still waiting for THAT something to come on up and impress me. Boxing game seems okay, but might least to a frustrating direction I think gameplay wise. New Splatoon is cool, but it already shows they're milking it.

>I guess I'm still waiting for THAT something to come on up and impress me.

Plus there is a chance that THAT (or something else you really want) will come in a better bundle in the future, making you save a bit of money.

fuck you nintendo fuck you fuck you fuck you

i ltierally wanted a reason to own the console


a bunch of shovelware too

go fuck yourself

I picked "as soon as I can", because it looks like there's still something promising to this console
I'll just have to play it for the singleplayer games more often than not, which is really disappointing. Everything else on the Switch seems really fuckin' cool, though

there will be more games at launch, just probably not ones you care about.

wiiu launched with a lot of random third party shovelware as well.

no because nintendo became beta after the 64

Man I swear I'd be glad with Wii U and Wii ports and even a port of Dark Souls 1 or 2.

No one played Wii U games because it sold like shit, it would be a good reason to buy the console, especially being portable.

I'd also love to play Wii games and Dark Souls or any fucking other triple A game on the go.

THIS is Nintendo's Dreamcast. They are a bunch of fucking retards. A 15 year old would have put together a better presentation and given more reason to buy that shit console.

5 game rule.

Right now the Switch is sitting at 2 for me.

>paid online



That's the least of the worries for me.
If the Switch actually had a great library I'd gladly pay 10 a month, whatever, all about the games.

But can't justify it right now.

I'm buying it as a Splatoon and Mario Kart machine in summer which is probably all I'll have time for

I'll buy it when Splatoon and Mario are out for it. I'm more excited for SMT5 and No More Heroes, but the new first party games look great enough to tide me over.

I'll buy it at launch for Zelda, it's my favorite serie but I know what kind of games it will have. Hopefully it will have other strong exclusives, too. Not sure about paying for online. I've been playing Splatoon and I love it but I don't like paying for shit I don't need.

Considering Zelda is on Wii U already what's the other game?

I'll probably get it some time this year. Not sure why, though. Soon, I'll be spending a good portion of my life on a submarine.

Paid online's a bummer, but at least I'll be able to afford it. A good couple of games are coming out for it that I'd be interested in. Even with Nintendo's big slant on group gaming, that was never a selling point for me. Getting a grown man to admit he likes Nintendo games is more difficult than you'd think.

Idk maybe I'll buy it later once it has more games and the price drops a bit
Besides, I'm sure they'll pull off a New Switch thingy.

329€ is just too fucking much, I'm a fucking student.
Once more, it feels like Nintendo doesn't know what the fuck it's doing. It really feels like the WiiU 2.

Goddamn it.

Bomberman and SMT.

Who said anything about Zelda?

Do you even remember the launch titles for 3DS? It was shit like Ridge Racer 3D and The Sims 3

Always the 5 game rule.
Currently sitting at
Mario, Zelda, Splatoon, XB2, FRN if it has new content and all, NMH3, SMTV, Bomberman

Really good lineup for me, just gotta wait till they're out.

I'll buy it when/if I can get it for 200 dollhairs or less.

I was expecting it to be something like $200-250 due shit hardware and then probably would've got it. But with that bullshit pricing and no games, there is absolutely no reason to buy it in 2017. Maybe in 2018 when the price drops.

Only if a good Metroid game comes out

so never

There's no reason to buy this thing, it looks like a repeat of the Wii U, abysmal.

It has Zelda, and soon it'll have Splatoon and SMT.

I wait, the launch titles are abysmal and the price is ridiculous for the hardware. Only blind fanboys and uniformed normies will be this console at launch.

>EUR 329,99
I was telling my brother last week that it will be a snap buy at EUR 249,99 but 330 is just too much considering that I don't get a single game with it. Not even the 1,2,Switch gimmick.

I will get Zelda for the Wii U like everyone else who fell for it and wait until a Switch Hack appears since multiplayer is no longer free which was the only reason my Wii and Wii U stayed legit.

I was pretty hyped for what I thought was a stronger DS but the event destroyed my illusions.

>paid online

the ONLY way I would buy this is if Poekmon "switched" to it.

Otherwise I will wait for the next handheld kkthx.

Don't forget another 70€ for the pro controller

They're literally copying Sony with region-free and paid online.

I love it, still not sure about buying it this year, i'll wait to see what will nintendo announce at the e3, but i'm probably gonna buy it sometime in july, since i'm already pretty much intrigued by LoZ and Mario. Also, I'm hoping for the possibility of playing WiiU titles, as i long to try Xenoblade Chronicles/X and The Wonderful 101

I'll probably wait. The new Mario looks amazing, but it's not a system seller. And I'll get Zelda on the Wii U.

I can't really say before E3.

I was utterly dissapointed.

For me to buy this thing it needs at least two of these

2D metroid
Donkey Kong
Animal Crossing

And I'm not talking about shit like what's been coming out these last few years. I'd really love solid fun games.

Confirmed Pokemon or no buy, and even then I would wait for a chance to get one cheaper or wait for an upgraded version of Switch.



Yep, not buying this shit yet.

I might buy it once you can pirate it.

Nice falseflag

it's really what I had in mind too. Wasn't that the WiiU's price at some point?

Anyway, what earned Nintendo money was handheld gaming, but it's neither a good home console, nor a great handheld, so the price tag isn't adapted. The console is just stuck in limbo. It's supposed to be both but it fails at it.

If they release a better bundle of it for 50 less or with a pro controller included sometime in later 2017 I will buy it then

I already preordered it.

Mainly because of the new Zelda and Mario Kart, even if I have a Wii U and Mario Kart 8.

But mostly, I preordered it just out of curiosity.

I like the games coming for it and I am physically bound to play every zelda at launch and since I don't have a Wii U I'll hop on the bandwagon but I am scared about 2 things in particular.

First they didn't announce a single pokemon game, yes it might be because it's early but to me it looks like they aren't fully committing to this thing despite promises and they could do a Vita 180 at any moment, second the paid online part is 50/50, on one hand it means nintendo decided to make it a service worth your while, on the other they could be extreme jews about it like sony and microsoft giving minor updates to your gaming while simply getting free cash each month.

Honestly they have already surprised me with their new partnership and "serious" attitude but I want to keep my feet on the ground.

>nor a great handheld.

It's the most powerful handheld on the market if you realy wanna use it as one.

hoping for e3

I don't understand how Nintendo can always fuck up so much

>give capcom some money
>"hey go make monster hunter 5 for the switch"


problems solved

Get ready for another blunder by Nintendo.

Everywhere I'm looking online people are either apathetic, angry or confused to what the switch is doing regarding games and price.
I'm not even bias, if anything I'd want nintendo to do well as they're the only worthwhile console manufacturers now.

Bad launch games (one should be a pack in game, the other is coming to WiiU). People still confused as to what the system does and almost no audience for this.
People argue it's for kids but kids play on ipads and phones now before making the jump to xbox one.

Are people so excited about playing 1-2 Switch that they have to buy the console at launch just for that game?

I was really skeptical at first but that Mario convinced me. It's exactly what I wanted in a Mario Game, plus that Zelda trailer blew me away. Other than that pretty much all shit minus Fire Emblem Warriors and No More Heroes.

Was that F Zero?

Fucking hell dude I feel you so much
Bring back Metroid and F-Zero for fuck's sake

>3-hour battery life
HAHAHAHA no, fuck that shit, I want an actual handheld console for trips, not a fucking piece of shit I'll have to charge 3 times a day
I'd rather stick with my Gameboy Advance SP thank you very much

Mario is not out til holidays 2017 though

and that was FAST racing neo 2 by shinen, not f-zero

>B-but muh battery life!

We are proud to announce Metroid: Another M

this, cautiously hyped

it's over user

it's over

Is it worth preordering?

OG3DS battery life wasn't much better friendo. Find a better argument.

The Japanese voice acting in the new Zelda was great and the new Mario game seemed okay.
Might consider buying when it gets cracked.

Zelda comes out at launch, user

>I'm not even bias, if anything I'd want nintendo to do well as they're the only worthwhile console manufacturers now.

you mean game developers
their consoles are hot garbage, their games are usually good

too bad they've put out so much trash and are looking to continue that trend

they need to stop the party games and focus on real games like metroid and fzero

>muh Zelda doesn't count because it's also on Wii U

I bet you willingly pay for PSVita ports of PS3/Stean games as well.

why are you even bringing up the 3ds retard, he never mentioned it


I'm disappointed by a number of things - the launch lineup, the first year lineup, the poor numbers in returning first-party titles, and the concept of the last bastion of unpaid online (on consoles) falling so soon after the death of Iwata.

Online on Nintendo consoles doesn't bother me much, so it may not even end up effecting me, but it's still disappointing to see that happen. I'll admit that Mario (not Kart), Zelda, Bomberman and ARMS look good and have me enthused, but I expected at least a Warioware - a great system showcase game in past generations - and I was hoping for a Metroid and a Pikmin, the former in particular.

If a Smash Bros comes out, I'll wait for the next discount and snap the console up. But as it stands, I'm not won over yet, and I feel that Nintendo has some explaining to do.

We all know there will be a redesigned/improved version in a year, right?

As far as I'm concerned it's got a good amount of games and stuff in the works.

More needs to be done for the launch and maybe one more direct before the actual launch.

I think half of it they couldn't show because of the time they had.

All they have to do is do a similar showing again with Smash and some other IPs and I'm more sold than I am already.

Nintendo hasn't been appealing for a very long time. The games they showed were lackluster and can be found either on other consoles or with games with far better graphics and gameplay. So, no, I will never own one. Just like I haven't owned a Nintendo product since SNES. The "games" simply aren't worth the price of admission.

>buying a console for a port

dont be retarded user

Nintendo SwitchUp! Now with an added ethernet port!

Because it ceases to be a great handheld according to him if it has a shitty battery life, you bumbling retarded ape.

>A game being released on the WiiU justifies the Switch, user.

true. I know it's a meme but I wish they'd go software only.

I still havn't bought a WiiU because of the huge price commitment just to play the 3-4 games I like the look of. Nintendo games in the UK rarely drop lower than £30 even when they're 4-5 years old
amazon.co.uk/New-Super-Mario-Bros-Wii-x/dp/B00844Q4EA/ref=sr_1_20?ie=UTF8&qid=1484313325&sr=8-20&keywords=wii u

I have no idea why everyone is losing their shit. The launch games are very similar to what the Wii had, and there wasn't a problem there.

The only real cons I have is the paid online and Diddy Kong still not appearing in MK8. Other then that this thing looks amazing and I'm gonna buy one at launch.

>As far as I'm concerned it's got a good amount of games and stuff in the works.
>I think half of it they couldn't show because of the time they had.

so you're delusional, got it

Its one step forward two back with nintendo.

if Nintendo started putting out games on PC, they'd be much better off

no more losses in console production, much larger market, they'd make way more money

they could still be a publishing company too

I'm excited as fuck, but 450 dollarydoos is too much for what I've seen so far. Probably will buy down the track when the price has dropped and the library has expanded.

Check the website and the highlight thing at the end (melee even been shown).

Keep in mind they also said 80 games are in the works.

It's not delusional, it's realistic.

Is it worth preordering?
Tempted to do so if the new Zelda will run better on it than on the Wii U

the Wii was a one trick pony

It's not going to work again

the whole reason it sold was because old women like wii sports

The Wii was 10 fucking years ago and its success rested on a fucking gimmick

I will buy it if it has good games in like a year. I am not shoving this piece of crap down my throat without seeing if people choke on it or not. Buying this system at launch is a horrible idea.

>in New York for work
>oh hey, maybe the Nintendo Store will have a thing for the event. Like demo kiosks or pre-orders or something

>all we get are a pen, a pin and a screen cloth
>we're literally watching the YouTube channel on a giant screen
>people are counting down like it's new years
I have never felt like such a corporate whore. I think if I had stayed in my hotel, I'd have loved the event. But because I was surrounded by spergs, I just felt dirty.

Motherfucks stop cheering for a goddamn strap I can't hear what they're saying Jesus Christ

Far future because I'm not that attached to Zelda/Mario, being a sonypony most of my life. Also I'm broke right now and see that as unlikely to change within the year. The only thing that'd "make" me buy would maybe be Xenoblade 2, but even that I'm kinda on the fence on.

>top answers are at launch and never
stay classy, Sup Forums

Well you are in America after all.

I don't know where I fall into in those categories.

I like several of the games I saw, the base price is okay (not great), I like the joycon gimmicks, and I'm not interested in a PS4.

However, the controllers are expensive, I don't know which controller to buy for player 2 because I don't know what games will require more joycons for local multiplayer, paid online is bullshit, and the battery life doesn't sound hot. Also, I'm confused by HD Rumble because I can't imagine what applications it can have.









Not SMT V?

Also I agree, I put soon after launch, it's a bit too soon to really make that sale.
Needs another direct first or something.

Oh, also everyone was lovestreaming the TV screen on their phones like people can't just stream the fucking conference. And if one more person tried to get me to subscribe to their shitass channel, so help me God...

It's an improved version of the same game, why would you settle for the lesser version if you're planning on buying the console to begin with?


You're going play the inferior version of what could be the greatest game of the decade?

Welcome to Nintendo where not even Apple can get the same blind brand loyalty for complete and total bullshit. Nintendo fanboys will accept any shit shoveled in their mouth as long as it says Mario or Zelda on it.

im not a sonygger

I've already preordered. I have enough money to really get any console I want, and I buy most on release if I feel any interest at all. I feel I can sink a lot of time into the new zelda. I'm one of these losers that racks up like 5k+ hours on single player games lol. I always atleast enjoy whatever nintendo puts out, and while there's been a lot of crap lately I'm a fucking sucker, I'll always give them another chance.

Excited for e3 this year from them too.


Only things that really interest me are SMT and XB2 and that's not enough to make me buy a console so maybe in the far future. The No More Heroes games were always okay to me, not amazing. I guess that's how I feel about all Suda51 games.
I can play Zelda on my Wii U, my biggest regret was buying this piece of shit but it's going to be useful one more time.

>if you're planning on buying the console to begin with?

for what games though?

nintendo fanboys have been circlejerking their hatred for sony so hard with the ps3 has no games meme, but now that nintendo has no games you nerds do the same shit the sonyfans did