Name ONE (1) other console that lets you do this.
Name ONE (1) other console that lets you do this
HAHAHAHA her face is flat because it keeps falling off
shes comfy in her jam-jams
But I don't want to do that. I get into bed for 2 reasons. Neither of them are video games.
>he eats in bed
enjoy your ants
I'd be perpetually worried about it falling on my face
I have one for my tablet, it holds it tight.
there are edges that hold it in place, it can't just fall out.
Every console and PC. With a bigger monitor.
>he doesn't have a setup like this already
no joycons, can't be done.
a gamepad forces you to hold your arms together, joycons simply offer comfy that other input devices can't surpass.
>cant be done because the controllers aren't 2 pieces!
Dumb as shit since people have been doing it for the longest time.
What, you've never simply held a controller above your dick and tried to play before?
not comfy.
it needs two pieces.
I often times like to lay like jesus on the cross with my arms out across my bed, I can't play video games like that if it's just one controller.
is that a plate full of hot pockets
>all those dirty tissues
>he doesn't know about pizza rolls
I'm so sorry.
Jesus christ what if an earthquake happens, the wood is deteriorated and all that wood falls on your face?
she's a Sup Forums mod
You're missing the point my dude
tell that to the mobile phone and tablet guys
>nintendo creating a new generation of fat NEETs who cant even lift their arms
the wii u was simply too heavy
if an earthquake hits with the force to deteriorate that wood quickly enough that he couldn't just get up, he probably got thrown through the television first.
Why would you want to? I'd be out cold in like 10 minutes.
it's not about weight, no one wants to hold their arms directly up for long periods of time.
VESA mounts have been a thing for decades...
>battery dies in 2 hours
What's the point?
why did I laugh
Wait, people play video games not standing up?
>playing vidya like this
>maximum comfy
>one of the desks creak
>dead colored hands
This goes beyond comfy and makes one want to go outside.
I actually kinda want that
it's probably a small room and the desks are against the wall.
It's japan of course. They have small houses.
This was dumb but I laughed anyway. fpbp
At least it's not a 32" CRT.
>laying in bed to play video
Enjoy your bed sores
>hook up PC to my television
>use trackpad app on my smartphone
>play turnbased strategy games and rpgs while moving only 2 fingers
Man I wish I could sleep that fast instead of getting bored for like 2 hours
Fapping doesn't help neither
His carpal tunnel is going to hurt a lot after doing this for 2 hours.
This image bothers me so. First, the grip looks loose, and the thing will fall on her face. Second, the device in question clearly has its joy-thingies connected to it. So where did the second pair come from?
a phone.
>Cd player
Why both?why not just the laptop? Better, Why not just a PC desk top?
Girls need tissues to masturbate?... or actually "she" is a....
pls yes
grils cries a lot and shit, also they clean their faces like 2 times per hour, of course she use a lot of them.
when you finger yourself often times you get a little excited and accidentally the wrong hole.
i don't want poopoo on my finger so I wipe it off with tissues or burger wrappers
Look at this NOTdiophile
Couldn't you have done that with the Wii U Gamepad and a separate controller?
Didn't think that the girls on Sup Forums were filthier than the manchildren.
I love being able to separate my hands and relax while playing. One of the best aspects of the Wii remote and nunchuck.
tell me more.
>fingering yourself
Fuck off you whore
I only use one finger, if one finger is enough to make me too loose for you then your dick is too tiny.
that's the end.
I rarely masturbate to be honest, I've been trying to do those handsfree orgasms from audio things.
>Name ONE (1) other console that lets you do this.
The Sega Anglerfish.
>implying you should do this
people sitting down all day is bad enough already
>people sitting down all day is bad enough already
And in fact worse than lying down.
>Didn't think that the girls on Sup Forums were filthier than the manchildren.
user, let me educate you...
>I've been trying to do those handsfree orgasms from audio things.
They are a meme.
It's just a picture.
>They are a meme.
Speak for yourself. You're really missing out.
>Speak for yourself.
I didn't.
I just posted a picture.
>I didn't.
>I just posted a picture.
A picture unrelated to the part I quoted.
No, user, You are the memes.
>we want the paralyzed audience
I think he was referring to masterbation user, try to keep up
This nigga is one earthquake away from death.
That's just how the Japs live. On the tectonic edge.
>pen fall off
>time to kill myself
Sup Forums is actually justified when they claim that anime women are vastly superior to women in real life. This is an abomination.
>when you finger yourself often times you get a little excited and accidentally the wrong hole.
>i don't want poopoo on my finger so I wipe it off with tissues or burger wrappers
Why are you womyn so disgusting?
A fucking wipe is not enough to get shit off your finger.
Idiot, they're obviously chicken tendies.
i died
>a wipe is enough to get shit off your ass
>it's not enough to get it off your finger
explain this
You don't shove your asshole into anywhere else after you wipe it - this cunt probably fingers her cunt with her shitty finger, and then probably wipes it again and handles food with it while typing on keyboards and touchscreens.
>have to get up toe heat up your pizza rolls
Shit battlestation.
so what, are you saying guys literally have a shower everytime they masturbate?
Do you not wash your hands after taking a shit user or are you a pajeet who washes hands in piss?
Straight guys don't finger their asses accidentally while jacking off, and even if they did they probably don't shove those same fingers up another body cavity again.
Those who do finger their asses, probably take one before and clean themselves up properly.
>all that fake light
>all that muscles detoriating because youre a fucking loser sat in a chair
>cat digging in to her cunt because cats do that fucking thing with their claws on any surface
yeah "comfy"
Are you stupid?
My finger doesn't magically wander up any holes while I jerk off.
Arseholes arent particular sterile even compared to cunts/pricks. You are risking infection if you don't wash your ring finger(s) with soap and hot running water.
You make it sound better than comfy.
I'm a virgin so there's no chance I have any infections
>head gets itchy
>lift arm to scratch it
>you feel the impact of your arm on the table leg
You could use the wiimotes for any pc game. Same shit.
I played Mario Galaxy 2 like that on Wii U
If I really want to - I'll just use your shitty switch controllers with my PC, since its bound to be forced to work on PC.
Now what...
he likely never set the date in his camera
most "girls" here on Sup Forums /r9k/ and many others are not girls at all.
>a wipe is enough to get shit off your ass
It really isn't.
the ps4 with vita as a second screen.
i would seriously just fall asleep in that position and then the tablet would fall on my face thanks nintendo