This is the Nvidia Tablet
It's more powerful than the Switch, it has a 1080p screen instead of 720p & it was $200 in 2015
Why is Nintendo allowed to be so greedy?
This is the Nvidia Tablet
It's more powerful than the Switch, it has a 1080p screen instead of 720p & it was $200 in 2015
Why is Nintendo allowed to be so greedy?
Asking why Nintendo is greedy is like asking why the Sun rises in the east.
Japs are just Jews that interbred with aliens.
>It's more powerful than the Switch
It's not though
>don't need to pay own nvidia jew tax
That's why its cheap
source for that info?
>inb4 I'm a nintentard that's why baka desu
>sun always rises from the east meme
do you even know what seasons are?
Is OP a retarded faggot?
Custom Tegra SoC is much more powerful than K1 in Tablet
the nvidia shield tablet used a tegra k1, while the switch uses x1
it was 200 dollars in 2014
it doesnt cost them anything to change the chip, its just sand and they manufacture chips in the millions, its off the shelf tech they have
>2 hour battery time when fully charged
Yeah and it will only burn your house down once!
Did it have Gyro, Motion, AR, HD RUMMMMBLE, and the other technology in the Switch?
>2 and A HALF MINIMUM when fully charged playing 4k 60fps while portable.
Did you even watch the confrence?
In each joycon
The console has never mattered, it's always been the games.
If Nintendo make a lot of exclusive games the players will come.
>did it have Gyro
what doesn't have gyro. My shoes got dem gyros.
Doubt it has the other shit so $70 less manufacturing costs.
>4k 60 fps
Are you actually this delusional or are you trying to spread misinfirmation?
>if Nintendo makes exclusives
funny you should mention that. How many Switch exclusives that people actually want were shown? 1?
Splatoon 2 and Mario Odyssey
exclusive games
unique play modes and 1st party games to support it
I dunno, maybe they're not the same thing.
>It's more powerful than the Switch,
>200 for just a controller and a tablet
[Citation needed]
Because Nintendo fans are literally retarded and they will buy anything related to Zelda or Mario
2 of the 10 games shown last night people wanted and you only think people are going to buy it for the Marios and Zeldas?
Stop being an idiot.
In other words, brand loyalty.
Kill yourself.
Nvidia doesn't have to pay itself the massive gpu fees and it has no features or network/market for software. The Nvidia shield is our generations ngage.
You forgot to mention that shield plays at 60fps.
The switch wont burn down my house if i forget to unplug it overnight. k thanks.
HD Hrumble?
You can't play Zelda on that thing
>4k 60fps
o I am laffin
It's actually 8k, or 4k per eye
>That damage control
its always the others that are greedy, not us
>2.5 minimum on a brand new battery
fixed that for you user
2 hour battery life