who's the apple of videogames?
ie underpowered, expensive and gimmicky?
Who's the apple of videogames?
Xbone and Ps4.
They pile on extra gimmicky shit and charge an arm and a leg for a machine with the equivalent of a GTS 250 graphics card
Especially since they've been removing basic features
My MacBook Pro is more powerful than your current PC.
nintendo obviously lol, nearly 100 for a shitty controller, 470 for a shitty console that compares to the xbox 360 which is 12 years old
$ for $ it's underpowered. I could build a super computer for that money
Oh, I bet. Modern Intel graphics sure do pack a punch :)
Fuck off Australia
Pretty much any console.
I'm pretty sure my three year old dell inspiron is more powerful than your Macbook pro.
>posix compliant os is gimmicky
>$299.99 for leapfrog learning tablet and a plastic box to put it in
It's Nintendo
you just forgot one thing op
>worst video game publisher on the planet
do they pack an OC 6700k with a 1070 inside those?
sony. Fuck sony.
Tbqh I like airpods. I dislike the notion of paying a couple hundred bucks for something that can only be used with Apple devices apparently.
>Shitty hardware marketed on gimmicks that would only sell to retards
>Overly expensive for what it is, literally does something stupid as overclock a CPU and up the price by about 200 dollars
>Retarded faggot fanbase who collectively has their heads up their asses and is generally hated by everyone else
Even if it was it's useless because you can't play any game.
But you just described Nintendo except for the 2nd one
Mods are less useful than that 3D slider on my 3DS, that always stays in the off position. They only exist for games that you shouldn't be playing to begin with, like Skyrim.
It isn't worth building a PC specifically for gaming unless you are putting in $1k at a minimum.
I still can't even run my shitty old Xbox games on it. Also require that $1000 to get my GC games to run as smoothly as the day I bought them.
That may be your perception, but in reality Sony fans flood generally everything with their unwarranted sense of self importance and being general assholes to anybody who doesn't suck their favorite companies dick.
That's my perception, Sony fans just console war against everybody.
>worst video game publisher on the planet
Enjoy pic related
post prime95 score so we can laugh
Yeah, you're just too fuckin' stupid to build or use a PC, duderino peppercino.
You're literally posting in Nintendogaf. The same place that has been shitting on Sony for a decade with the no games meme. And after Sony turned it around and ended up having a respectable PS3 library, Sup Forums still hasn't learned their lesson and still shits on Sony with the Bloodborne machine meme. Are you really complaining that Sony fans might be a little anally ravaged after a decade of you mocking them in this very board?
Anyone but Nintendo obviously
>He paid $1500 for $750 worth of hardware
Flinging shit at xbox users for no reason. (aside from underpowered).
Nintendo is guilty on all counts of bull shittery
>false scarcity
>shit online connectivity
>gimmicks for every console post snes
>notoriously underpowered
Out of the big three: Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony.
Definitely Nintendo.
You have to be deluded to say otherwise.
>Remove headphone jack
>Sell overpriced proprietary wirelesd earbuds for the price of good headphones
>Have loyal customer base of hipsters and appledrones who will buy anything
Its honestly fucking genius, apple fanboys are cucked worse than any console owner could ever be
They're not expensive.
Boi stop with the lies
Sonyggers have been poisoning Sup Forums ever since the Xbox gaffe. There's always been more shitposting threads about Nintendo than there are about discussing them. You nyggers will never be satisfied with ANYTHING unless it comes to your console.
shut up Dobson
>remove headphone jack to make the phone slimmer
>phone is still thick enough to have a normal headphone jack
and the starbucks hipsters will still see this as the "invention" of the century
Posts like this just further prove his point.
WTF do you think I'm posting on right now? I'm not part of the 95% of Sup Forums using a toaster, or the 4% of Sup Forums using an overpriced GPU.
Filthy phone poster detected
most consoleshits are now using phones to post in here.
underage kiddies sitting in their couch waiting for their moms to let them play their daily 1 supervised hour of videogames, or movies if you have a sony console.
So it's better than a i7 + 1070?
isn't macbook pro using 970m?
i'm just starting, stalker soc, i get to the army warehouse, encounter duty's men, talk to them, get quest to take out the snipers, go to the freedom's stronghold, asked to see ther leader, get to leader, talk to him
>h-hye, i found a couple of duty's guy just hanging around your backyard
no other option aside
so how do i get both quest from both factions
yeah, nah
>15 years, no nintendo games on PC
>be me only with PC, i wish I had consoles or nintendo released their game for PC
>inb4 console war and PCuck
What about Peru, Mexico, Serbia?
din din din
that's RIGHT
thread closed
btw, can only delete OP but not lock the thread
new on Sup Forums, how do you do that?
Go back 2 reddit you fucking faggot.
what the fuck is that keyboard
0mm travel
PS4 and Xbone can be legit bought in my country.
Nintendo... Nope.
Fuck this ''rich-first-world-country-centricism".
Imagine being this delusional.
>A company that makes video games
it's nice to help you, but OP asked about companies who make video game consoles.