What do you guys think, how close am I?
What do you guys think, how close am I?
Also, poorfags who are complaining about DLC and having no money, are not welcome
I dont think skaven would ever fight in an open battlefield.
They'd be better if they were mini events where you have to defend your keep from hords of skaven crawling out of everywhere with your garrison only.
If Tomb Kings do get implemented, they'd better not have the stupid walk cycle that the Vampire Counts skeletons have.
chaos should be under added dlc instead of day 1 core race, m8
M8 you could play them from Day1 and they have a campaign you could play from Day1, also didn't you read
Vampire Skeletons are walking like dead because they are controlled by a necromancer.
Aren't Tomb Kings like aware of what they are doing? Just dead cursed guys? Somebody enlighten me with the lore
i have all the dlc, im not poor.
im just saying that it cant be considered a day 1 core since you have to pay for it.
They are cursed egyptians
And the constructs is necromancy
Kislev will never be a faction though. Nor will pirates be a thing unless they release a FLC focused on New World humans.
And Chaos Dorfs / Ogres won't be DLC since if they're going to expand the map to the Mountains of Mourn then they need factions to fill it up. Would be stupid to have all that space and no player factions there.
Tomb Cucks are more human like than the VCs undead but not entirely so. Most of the undead grunts still retain some memories of their former lives (mostly combat related stuff and loyalty to their king).
>Categories are called: Day1 and after Day1
>Chaos get released on Day1
>Can't be considered Day1
Why build a whole new game if you can just add DLC and price it like a new game.
Reminder that Total Warhammer with all DLC outside of sales now costs 120 Euros.
it isnt by any means core since its behind a paywall. maybe add it as day 1 dlc, eh whatever im not gonna bother arguing semantics.
Don't you think Total Warhammer 2 will add Naval combat (because dark elves and shit), and some factions could use mercenaries like pirates for example?
>TW2 and TW3
Wait, they aren't doing expansions anymore? Will I never get a fully complete Warhammer Fantasy map featuring every race ever now?
You can add them together to one big game , but every "main" game is a standalone title
The expansion will most likely add naval combat, but it'll be auto resolved and not manual unless they've recently changed thair stance on it.
They're still doing the standalone-but-not-really thing.
I'm not even complaining, really. I'm just stating that it seems unlikely for them to start work on a sequel if they're making even more money by just piling on DLC.
That's not incredibly convincing because Grave Guard don't walk the same way despite also being controlled by a necromancer.
they've already announced that they plan to make 2 standalone expansions
senpai it is already confirmed there is nothing to state
It's a reference to Jason and the Argonauts you plebs.
>standalone expansions
Oh sorry, my mistake, I completely mistook OP's post. I thought he was complaining that they would just abandon one game to give us another.
As a Dawn of War fan, standalone expansions are fine.
>Kislev will never be a faction though. Nor will pirates be a thing unless they release a FLC focused on New World humans.
This. Anyone who thinks otherwise is smoking some serious crack. I'd love to see Dogs of War implemented as some sort of catch-all "faction" for smaller factions that won't make it into the game.
>wanting to go back to boring reskinned humans fighting eachother when you can have fucking boars eating dwarves alive
If we're lucky we might get a Southern Realms DLC that adds in Dogs of War and remakes the entire RoR system since it's not only broken as fuck but also boring.
Please elaborate, I am not that into GW policies
GW policy is pretty much JUST
I'm not sure what you mean.
I just got attila total war + dlc
I'm getting my shit pushed in
what do
why Kislev will never be a thing
Grave guard are wights
They arent controlled
Read about the Vlack Plague user, Skaven almost overrun and destroyed the Empire in that.
Also during the End Times they basically ate half the world. A player can definitely play as them.
it's too small and not really important outside of fans latching onto it. also, fantasy poland/russia with bear cavalry.
Meant Black Plague
I like both.
You've WAY over-packed the second game. Skaven alone can sell a game and not everyone gives a fuck about Chaos to make the third game all about it.
Why would skaven be with lustria and naggaroth, the underempire stretches there, but most of it is under the old world/araby.
Skavenblight is under tilea.
>I dont think skaven would ever fight in an open battlefield.
you mean like in the tabletop?
Skaven will field ginormous armies on the surface when they think they can keep it.
Happens every few centuries in some place or another.
> End Times
This is not end times, thank fuck.
There is nothing wrong with either, and certainly not liking one over the other.
And Ice witches and the other kind of witches.
Like Starcraft.
chaos were day one dlc weren't they?
>god tier
>great tier
>ok tier
the empire
>have fun sitting in the north and go out and ride every now and than tier
not played any of the dlc.
>next historical TW is a period they've never done
in 2025 or something
>chaos dwarves
yeah right. you already have the chaos dwarves manning the chaos catapults
pls no