The Switch should have more colors. I wish they do the clear system for the N64 nostalgia. What color of Switch do you want?
Color/Design Thread
Maybe this?
plz don't 404
at this point I'll take any color that isn't black, white, or grey
Post more op
Which color would you prefer the most?
nazi red
only If you do too.
Bright blue is cool.
If Nintendo wanted to go full Jew, they could sell switch dock plates with matching Joycons. I hope they actually do this
Can this be hooked up to a regular tv like the Wii U or does it only use its monitor thing?
I legit hope that max games and the other wraparound cover makers put out a steady stream of covers for the switch
Pic related. I have one like this for my 3ds and really like it
yeah, that's what I'm hoping for. I would piss myself if they did pic related
always wanted an evergreen console with white white analog sticks. These are fantastic btw, user
not for
muh dick. this and the purple one were goat
thanks doc
This is perhaps the only time I would pick NES colors over Famicom
Replace the N64s with Switches. Which one would you buy?
I would buy these if they were real
fucked that one up
>that translucent plastic
Muh dik. I miss those days
One color that doesn't cost 50 dollaritos per piece.
>first 64 was the Jungle Green color
>thought that was the only color for the system for the longest time
If they can do that in some sort of faded tree leaf color, with some banana-inspired controllers and a DK64 2, I could dig it.