AGDQ 2017
Current: Ducktales RACE
Next: Star Wars Shadows of the Empire
Then: Metal Slug 3
Later: rabi ribi
AGDQ 2017
Current: Ducktales RACE
Next: Star Wars Shadows of the Empire
Then: Metal Slug 3
Later: rabi ribi
Other urls found in this thread:
My mind wanders...
>close race
theres no rabi ribi you liar
farting is the most degenerate fetish
He's 5'9"
Everyone else is 6'
is there a girl here somewhere? *sniff sniff*
How old is based Midget?
That was damn close
i want nep to pee on my dick
what's that smell?
>LITERALLY a fucking second
your gay
this is a mesoamerican dragon
Only good game of the entire event coming up.
no wonder they are so cute, they aren't american
sage, hide and report the meme thread
which one?
Reminds me of Ninja Gaiden race from 2015.
>being gay
Real Thread
Is the stream dead or something?
>5 minutes newer than this thread
No. Kill yourself.
kill your self and your thread you stupid rabi poster
BTFO him my fellow redditor!
>waaaah i dont like the meme so i wont use the thread
it's not a big deal you fucking mong
>stupid rabi
wow anti-semitic much?
then use this thread then you stupid double niggers
Wish I never bought that crap. The art and boss battles were great but the actual metroidvania gameplay sucks, boring environments. Graphics is bad, looks like they originally made the sprites small and then just resized them. Compare the pixel size of background, foreground and sprites, looks absolutely terrible, no consistency.
Also completely forgettable soundtrack and story. Oh, and level scaling bosses.
sad, pathetic