Tales of Thread

Are you guys ready for Tales of Xenobladia?

But cheria is the worst girl

I bet this will be the equivalent of Tales of Symphonia 2 for Xenoblade

I am ready for monado waifu

Will the plot be as generic as in Xenoblade Chronicles 1?

I want to fuck that sword.

Story-wise, sure. Gameplay-wise, she's one of the best to play in Graces f.

why is the player character such a twink?

This has to be bait.

>this fucking Nep aesthetic
Looks terrible. And you play as a shota with assless chaps, jesus christ. I want to the shoot the character designer behind this. Nevermind the generic ass setting (so far at least, giant tree fantasy land doesn't hold a candle to 'giant dead god' or 'sentient alien planet'.).

I'm hoping I warm up to the game as more trailers come out. I did like the industrial town setting and the steampunk airplanes, but I'm not really feeling it so far.

Holy shit
Monado waifu??

Don't worry, maybe treehouse or 8-4 will change the MC to a ripped old man and westernize the women :)

All points that red haired girl is literally the monado and the first xenogears game did that so wouldn't be out of place.

I'd rather play as a character without assless chaps, thank you very much. I want to go on an adventure, not go to Brokeback Mountain.

The first Xenoblade had tons and tons of armor for your characters to wear, including ones that looked as dumb as this. I am 100% sure your character won't be wearing this the entire game.

>that terrible character design
>that ugly logo presentation

Still buying a switch for this.

at least the artstyle doesn't look like xenosaga anymore

Be sure to beat the tutorial of the game you're talking about, next time

Please let there be a fashion model mode like in X.

Because so was Shulk?

What was so unique about xenoassfuck's plot? They venture around, fight some bad guys, then slay a god, just like in every jrpg. Xenoblade fans truly are the most delusional retards the internet has to offer.

Animation looked stiff when it repeats, on the tiger(?) and for the running animation. Hope they fix it

I'm happy with literally any artstyle that doesn't look like that potato face garbage they've gone with in the past.

Oh my god, that disgusting generic anime artstyle.

They've ruined Xenoblade.

You can devolve any story if you just trivialize the most basic of highlights, faggot

pull the trigger

You're not clever for summarizing a plot(badly) by shaving it down to the bare minimum to try and make a point.

Last Story is the patrician art style.

Though I miss the XBC art style too

top yourself faggot

do it pussy

What was so unique about [Any story with funny memes in the title]'s plot? They venture around, fight some bad guys, then slay a [big bad guy], just like in every [story]. [Story] fans truly are the most delusional retards the internet has to offer.

> tfw Calista will NEVER EVER grace a game ever again
> girls in gaming are either pedoshit or '''''''''westernized'''''''''

>keep the same artsyle

>change it

make up your fucking minds, retards

>There will never be a girl as perfect as Magilou
Why isn't everyone worshipping best girl?

Because she is a slut

So no one can explain how xenoblade's plot is unique?


>Yasunori Mitsuda and ACE writing the music

Who else wasn't ready?

What the fuck happened with Xenoblade?

Why it looks more anime than before?
