Oh fuck, you've been tasked with making a video game that Sup Forums will like!

Oh fuck, you've been tasked with making a video game that Sup Forums will like!

What will you make, user?!

Senran Kagura but with large booties as well as boobies

Senran Kagura but with large thighs as well as boobies and booties

this but with less tits and more female (male)

Literally impossible

Senran Kagura but with as many flat chests as big boobs.


Senran Kagura but with actual gameplay

Fuck you I don't like it. Start again.

A new Bomberman 64
Might as well since we're already getting a new traditional Bomberman

but no one plays Senran for the gameplay?

I make paper mario 3

Senran Kagura but you can chose size off all body parts and if character is female (male)?

A game that sucks so much that the mainstream opinion will absolutely hate it and it will become super normie to hate it, so Sup Forums being mostly a turbo contrarian will start praising it like no tomorrow.

Zelda game with a girl (male) protagonist

a gay blowjob simulator

How about an Adventure game where you can only kill enemies using your health, and if the enemy dies you regain those health back. So in the early parts of the game you have to avoid battles, only weaken the enemies until you may find weaker enemies that you could finish, plus if you manage to kill an enemy you enhance your life bar by a small margin and repest the process until your life bar is long enough to kill the final boss. And the game is Open World.

I do a sequel for this game, maintaining the same level of quality, if not ramping up by offering even more animation frames.

so a Zelda game?

Crazy Character Action
Anime artstyle
60fps 1080p
The developer is a cute japanese lady
big titted waifus that ride on the protag and fight for his dick
protag can be straight male, straight male (female), lesbian female or lesbian female (male)
big butts and thighs as well
harem ending

There's still some stuff to be added tho

A souls ripoff but make all of the NPCs cute anime girls. Also if you speedrun and beat the game in under 5 hours you unlock exclusive see through panty armor.

>itt:unlikable games
Start again.

VR cock-sucking simulator

I know this is amusing to joke about but it wouldn't actually work. You don't see Sup Forums praising No Man's Sky and it's become so normie to hate on that one that non-gamers do it.

Add waifus and lewd.


Trying to make "a game that X will like" sounds like a surefire way to have a game Sup Forums will hate

ok Sup Forums I've got a challenge for you

come up with a game that tumblr would like

with a straight male protagonist

Final Fantasy Tactics A3

including a feature where you pay money for a chance to find a recruit of a specific job class, since starting stats of a character are important for however you build them.

Text-only mud where you get to comment on and make posts relevant to topics separated into different communities, and vote on which posts are quality in order to affect visibility.

Easy, make his journey be the one of enlightment where he becomes aware of political correctness, the patriarchy and feminism and embraces all this while becoming a nu-male.

In the final scene you cut off your balls to symbolically give reparations to womyn all over the world.

sandbox game, like medieval engineers but with content

that game already exists, and Sup Forums plays it constantly

so I guess you're right

Make it PS4 exclusive and suddenly it's 10/10 NEVER EVER best game of all time.

See: Bloodborne and The Last of Us.

Yeah I thought about it as soon as I hit post...

What about a game so bad it's good, so everyone is brought together in a huge mass of shitposting against it?
But it's not the same as LIKING something...

Regardless of the fact everyone has different opinions, what OP wants is impossible because Sup Forums is full of contrarians.

You just have to make him ho, charismatic and inclusive lol.

Bloodborne really is one of the best games ever made though.

An RPG Action game where the most broken build is max luck

I'd make battletoads.

No changes.

Just Battletoads.

Coming May.

I hate this university keyboard.

try bomberman story

animal crossing with dating


Sup Forums doesn't like video games. Which is why Sup Forums has made one and Sup Forums hasn't.

this is not chat moron

Okay, check it out.

woah, so this is cancer killing Sup Forums
i hope you get cought

You didn't say straight while male, so a black guy goes on adventure with quirky animals that represent the different sexualities and genders. There's barely any gameplay and the black guy has a cute boyfriend, he accepts his sexuality at the end and yadda yadda.

F-Zero Switch, make it obnoxiously difficult so that people on Sup Forums can put silly reaction images in every thread about it.

If you complete the story mode on Expert the you get a bonus 5 second cutscene of Captain Falcon plowing Samus.

>that rad cover
shame game itself is chibi shit

Yes but "just make him ho" is not exactly an understandable typo my memerino.

I'm waiting for my sister, I don't go to the uni, and nobody cares if I browse Sup Forums on here lol, what are you smoking.