I don't give a shit if they have to sell these at a significant loss

I don't give a shit if they have to sell these at a significant loss.
1 Joycon for the price of the new Mario game.
1 Joycon for enough money to eat for a week.
1 Joycon for enough money to buy a share of the tanking nintendo stock.
Can anyone even try and defend this?

Other urls found in this thread:


you do know that a single PS4 / Xbone gamepad can cost way over 50 bucks?

>1 Joycon for enough money to eat for a week.
fatso whats up?

Don't you only need the included ones?
Isn't that the whole point?

>All that cash from kids misplacing their joycons on holiday

Nintendo jew levels are growing.

Yes I do. And thats a single complete gamepad. The Joycon is half of a gamepad. It is not a full gamepad.

>1 Joycon for enough money to eat for a week.
What do you eat bread and water only?

It supports up to 8.
If you have 4 friends you have to spend 80 dollars to all play together including the in package controllers. If you have 8 friends thats a 200+ dollars for 6 controllers.

>doesn't know how to manage money properly
>doesn't live alone

Not that user, but very curious what you are eating to stay under $50 for the whole week

Are you serious? Where on earth do you fucking live that you CANNOT eat for 50q a week?

Fuck the switch but you guys can't complain about controllers. Any regular controller will cost you 60 bucks. With this shit, it's 2 controllers for 80 bucks. That's 4 players for just 80.
I fail to see the problem with this aspect of the switch.

I wish you could daisy-chain joycon grips together.

He probs cooks at home OR buys unhealthy fast food and takeout.

>I fail to see the problem
Thats because you have Nintendo's cock in the way

>Buy groceries for $50
>Not enough for a week

Where the fuck do you live?

>Actually worrying if you'll be able to feed yourself after buying something for you hobby
Top kek

You don't fucking say. What was this third magical option he had? Conjuring his food? Nigger do you know how many retarded ass posts I've read today and you're the first one I've replied to because it was just that fucking dumb.

I'm never buying a switch, fuck Nintendo.

Ask stupid questions, get stupid responses. It's that simple faggot.

you don't understand, op only eats the emissions of male escorts he pays every day to come to his apartment. The costs quickly add up.

Also OP is a faggot.

We'll each joycon can stimulate 3 ice cubes, and it's probably like 10 bucks per ice cube to make them. If you think about it, you're really getting 6 ice cubes for the price of 5, and that's before you pour the water into the controller!

Time to start pruning friends.


>1 Joycon for enough money to eat for a week.

That's enough for a whole month you nigger.

I can make a chili and rice for around 15 bucks that will feed me lunch and dinner for a week. Put in another 5 bucks for eggs and fruit for breakfast and I'm under 20 bucks for nutritious filling meals for a while week.

I do buy nice things from time to time, but eating healthy is cheap if you take the time to cook. Gives you a lot of extra dosh for vidya.

Hello Mehmet.


poor bait mate

>hey its me
>a fucking retard

Well my EB Games is selling the Switch w/o joycons

and the Switch WITH Joycons for preorder

You can't be serious. This console is looking worse and worse at the moment but they didn't actually do this right? They didn't actually make this thing charge 300$ + joycons right?


>1 Joycon for enough money to eat for a week.

pcfats plz go

>1 Joycon for enough money to eat for a day
Sonywhales pls go.

What? There's no way they gonna open the box and remove the Joycon that comes by default.
You should report that kind of shit to Nintendo.

>buy new console
>doesn't even come with a controller

that's fucking hilarious

I also like to spread lies

>$50 for one week's food
Stop eating fast food.

But it does

Stop eating junk.

Hi fine young man, it seems you learned my tricks very well

what's with the uselessly small stand thing anyway?

The Joycon controllers look horrible anyways. Pro controller or bust.

>One week of food

How fucking fat are you? Holy shit. $100 gets my through the month easy.

How about you read the thread

>Sup Forums only looks at food expenses in the context of one person
>they can't fathom the concept of feeding a family
Lmao, there's a surprise.

>1 Joycon for enough money to eat for a week.
>not surviving on ramen
fucking IDIOT

A gamepad is a gamepad, you can't say it's only a half

i eat salad with eggs for breakfast and salad with chicken breast, yogurt and oatlmel for dinner, drink only water

My friends can pay for those themselves im not their mum

Brother may I have some oats?

>not surviving on ramen
Angel hair pasta is cheaper.

You don't have friend.

>having a family to feed
>complaining on your hobby's prices that you can't spent so much money on your hobby because you have a family to feed

In any country, that's called fucking entitlement.

no you don't, most if not all 4 player games will be able to use a single joycon as a complete gamepad, it will not be the best configuration but if you don't want to spend too much it will be ok

Junk is cheaper than organic healthy food.

What food isn't organic?

American cheese

Alright fair enough.

Apparently most of it isn't.

>muh American cheese meme

Did you read his post right? 4 people = 4 joycons. System ships with 2 joycons. 2 additional joycons are needed for 4 people, bringing you to $80. 8 people - 2 packaged joycons = 6 joycons to buy. That is $240.

american cheese is just cheddar mixed with whey, which comes from milk

Its real, its just dyed to hell.

Are you stupid? There are two joycons per 40 with that middle part. Fuck I fell some stupid bait didn't I.

>ps plus
>get tons of recent games for free with the subscription
>Nintendo online
>Get 1 fucking shitty ancient snes/nes game for a month

I haven't brought single month of ps+ for my ps4, and I won't be paying for single month for the switch online.

then don't lose them you fuck

You seem to be having some trouble, but rather than throwing insults, I will legitimately help you out.


As you will notice, the joycons are sold either 1 a piece (you buy either a left joycon or a right), or in pairs (a left and a right joycon). Additionally, if you want to connect them together, you have to buy the joycon charging grip separately. The price of a single joycon is $50. The price of a pair is $80. The price of the charging grip is $30. You can not buy 2 joycons for $40.

why would you pay for your friends? are you retarded?

>Get 1 fucking shitty ancient snes/nes game for a month
That is a better deal than the shovelware they seem hell bent on giving us since the PS4 was released. Shit, I miss the good ol' days when PS+ was an optional service that gave away games you would actually want to play.

no, the extra joycon grip is $29. if you want to charge those extra joycons you need to spend $129 for a second fully featured controller

Controllers have been overpriced for decades

>1 shitty game u can can emulate on your phone or pc for free


eating genuinely healthy
>lean meats

is cheap as fuck, and way cheaper than hotpockets and mocdonalds

He's those guys that eat fast food for like $7-10 just for one meal.

1 fully developed old game vs 1 new college project that is less complex than a TI-83 Plus game from around 17 years ago. Hmm, such a hard decision.

>eat for a week
This is why people claim they can't survive on an ebt, $50 is enough to buy a 10 pound pork loin, 50 pounds of rice, 25 pounds of carrot and still have $10 leftover, buy bulk from restaurant supply stores like cash and carry.

you get more than one game on ps and xbox, you got jewed just admit it user

Have you never heard of fucking rice or potatoes? Like holy shit man.

wow damn rice and beans so fucking expensive
a can of tomatos for 39p WHAT get that outta here I'll have a 99p jar of premade sauce instead

>is cheap as fuck
Where the fuck do you shop? I usually pay $5+ per meal in supplies to make the shit you just mentioned. That's just as expensive and more time consuming than buying a salad at mcdonalds. I wish I could still shop at the commissary because that actually was cheaper...

>I usually pay $5+ per meal in supplies to make the shit
Nigger rice you can buy kilos at a time for dirt cheap, add some fucking meat to it

Why would you buy an additional Joycon? Only Mario Kart could use more than 2 among all the announced titles.

>1 ancient shitty game everyone played before and is able to be emulated for free on your phone or pc for free for a month, aftet that month its gone whether you finish it or not and replaced by another old shitty game everyone has played vs tons of games some shitty or not shitty that just stack aslong as your subscription keeps going
Hmm, such a hard choice

I live in America and go to a large grocerie store

Seriously? One joycon "controller" is the size of a Jap dick and is an ergonomic nightmare, no 2nd analog stick, and no d-pad. It's incomparable to a PS4/XB1 controller, for $50 it's a joke.

Well done.

I meant more so the salad + meat. Especially lean meat. The $5+ is in reference to making a salad as complex as what you would find at mcdonalds. Not just lettuce with a piece of chicken and salad dressing thrown on top.

Yes but the other controllers don't come wIth three icecubes.

There is fuck all nutrition in a whole salad just eat plates of Kale

>50 bucks a week for food

No wonder americans are fat fucks.

He memed you

yeah it's exactly like a wiimote

you'll need 2 and a joycon controller to play anything that isn't a gimic mini game

Just buy a Switch and sell joycons and dock on ebay to make back 90% of the cost. Keep base unit on low firmware for future piracy possibilities. Repeat until the well runs dry.

Maybe try actually looking around at the sales at your local grocery stores. If you're paying more than $1-2 a pound for chicken you're paying too much.
Sales change weekly at shit like kroger or safeway, you need to know where to go.

Also mcdonalds salads are ridiculously over fucking priced. You get a handful of lettuce, some chopped veggies, chicken, and dressing. Like goddamn how is that filling to you at all?

lol no.

Not living on peasant carbs that is for sure.

Did they get the technology behind the new rumbling system from the Japanese dildo industry?
It looks really advanced.

>tie the joycon to your dick and you can feel the insides of a pussy as you move your hips, as if you were fucking a real girl
