This looks promising IMO

This looks promising IMO

It looked neat but really seems like it should be bundled with the switch, it's very basic.

it's literally shovelware-tier

People said the same thing when Splatoon got announced

we've seen like a minute total of gameplay. You're able to pick different fists with different properties.

I want to HARAPAN Ribbon Girl

You punch and you dodge. There's not a whole lot to it.

I thought it looked great, but I hope the game supports traditional controls.

>best girl
>is also in a fucking mech

why even make a roster of characters when there is only one option?

Nintendo gave me a copy of ARM early.
Ask me anything.

The main dev looked young

Yellow Devil >>> Ribbon Girl

I kinda want to play the game but not with the dumb controls

From that angle she looks like she has Tron Bonne hair.

Any game can be devolved to that base argument faggot

>you run and jump, not a whole lot to it

>any FPS
>you shoot and run, not a whole lot to it

>Action game
>you press X, not a whole lot to it

the game or the porn?

Idgaf about ribbutt girl, who's this cutie?

The both

Mario games have tonnes of level specific gimmicks and huge variations in level design both gameplay wise and visually. A good FPS will have the same kind of variation in level and map design. A good action game will have loads of variation in level, enemy and move design.

This game is just 2 people punching in an arena. But ooh, this one arena has some pillars in it!

I do love the designs though they're really fun, pretty capcom esque.



Yeah, i've always wanted to play a game where you play as the lamest megaman boss ever created

It's probably being delayed because of online, I bet the game is already done besides that

Looks like hyper wii-boxing.

Seems fun.

But that's not Sheep Man.


Sheep Man is a national treasure, never forget that.

Who /colgateman/ here?

Looks like Wii Sports boxing on crack.

Seems fun but I don't see myself paying full price for it. My friends only play AAA Western games so I'd only really get to play it online.

The people in the audience have normal arms.

There is something about this kind of games... They did it with Splatoon, and now with Arms.

I love all the brands in Nintendo Runes, the cartoon esthetic, it looks fun, I want to play it.

But I just hope it's a bit more than Splatoon. Yeah I liked Splatoon like everyone else but I wanted a real Adventure mode, a real campain.

They introduce us to a great world, strong character designs and it's just a matchmaking game. I'd kill for a solo mode where you start as a rookie and you become the world arms champions, and you encounter all kind of fun characters.

I don't want Overwatch all over again.

I fucking love the style of this game. It's kinda fitting how these guys have this Astro Boy-esque art style, it really works here.

ultra street fighter 2 looks dope

>The people in the audience have normal arms.

The contestants do, too. They grow their go-go gadget extendo-arms when they do battle. Or at least that's what happened in the live action trailer.

>This game is just 2 people punching in an arena

So like a fighting game? Come on user, we barely saw anything of it besides the basic gameplay. The fact that they haven't even talked about the customizable arms shows that we haven't seen much of it yet.

>The people in the audience have normal arms.

amputated ARMS replaced with slinky boxing gloves


Daily reminder that Star Fox pilots canonically amputated they legs and replace them with robotic legs to withstand higher G-Forces

I want to take a bite out of his hair, it looks delicious

They are showcasing the controls right now.
Don't think it could be made in traditional gamepad.
Maybe traditional gamepad + gyro

>This looks promising IMO
It sure does.


The gameplay is left and right punches and dodging.

It's primarily a waggle game. It might be very fun but it's not going to be complex. Comparing it to a fighting game because "they're both about fighting" is silly. Fighting games have a retarded amount of different inputs. Even a simplified game like Smash is much more complex than this.

Simple might be good in this case but quit trying to act like there could possibly be much more to this than there is.


Looks smash-like in terms of complexity really.
A bunch of options + block + dogde + jump + etc

traditional controls just confirmed on the stream

game saved everyone

Fuck, I don't know why I was waiting here for lewds instead of lurking Twitter/Pixiv.

Thank you, user.

Now we talking.


>normal button controls confirmed

thats cool, but these boxing controls looks cool af too. im a jojofag


5 characters only?

Ribbon Girl is best waifu


I like the character designs and how colorful it looks, but Nintendo falling for the paid online crap killed all my interest for the Switch.

H-he's fast.

names confirmed on treehouse

>ribbon girl
>spring man
>master mummy

Reminds me of custom robo and ready2rumble. They better add alternative controls though. I don't want forced motion controls again.

already confirmed regular controls earlier on stream


Arigatou, Skeleton-san

it just looks like stretchy hand punch out. could be cool but the concept is as simple as that.

>waggle game
This will have motion controls?
Or did you merely use the wrong buzzword?

I want amiibo of this

you fuckers work fast

Arms at EVO when?

Loved the theme song btw


Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't "Ribbon Girl" a trope in anime referring to when designers give a girl a ribbon in her hair to differentiate her from background characters? Kind of like the Eastern equivalent of "Planet of Hats". Is that where that name comes from?

this fucking treehouse girl with her bondage harness on is a babe.

Is it motion control only?

It's dead on arrival. The game was showcased as a local multiplayer thing without online at launch but you're going to need 4 joycons to play it. This isn't gonna work.

An original competitive game with a capcom aesthetic, fucking awesome.

I like Splatoon's aesthetic a lot too but the competitive aspect was lost on me because the theme of kids playing with water guns is just weak to me.
The instant feedback of punching someone's face in does it for me and that doesn't.


>Unleash a "Flurry"


This is and 123 switch are two e shop tier titles that they're going to be charging full retail price for. Nintendrones are so easy to scam.

Did you not pay attention to the presentation?

No. You can go buttons.
However when you trow punches with motion control it feels like a ribbon is unraveling out of the joycon thanks to the HD rumble thing. Since this game clearly isn't going to be mlg hardcore you should try that... probably.

Now I get it. They're running out of relevant IP's/characters for Smash, so they are creating low-budget titles specifically for more Newcomers.

It's genius really

I want more upskirts. And spats are fucking amazing.

People said the same about of Splatoon

If the skirt wasn't even there you wouldn't care.


I am still a complete sucker for spats. So I would indeed care. Upskirts have their own charm though.

Ribbon Girl really reminds me of Karin from Street Fighter.

Everything about her lower body is lewd as hell. Look at these fucking thighs.

That's the genius of it.

she's a mix between Karin and R. Mika

It's the mask isn't it?

It looks like it will be fun for a bit but not much longevity, doesn't seem very precise

Kinda things you show to someone so they get a feel for the system, like wiisports

When starved virgins started collecting Nier Automata panty shots I didn't say anything because that was put in the game on purpose to entice starved virgins. But this is pretty pathetic.

stream is laggy af

Agreed. There's a certain charm to spats beneath a short skirt.

I wonder if you can get double KOs

I want ribbon girl to "HOHOHOHOHO'

The character design is absolute trash, looks like something Blizzard would do.

ribbons and that ruffly trim r mika has is kind of similar too

Damn Ribbon Girl's appearance plus damage moans are giving me a pretty crazy boner.

IMHO looks like a great party game.
But I don't think I would spend hours and hours on online matches and what not. But single player and local multiplayer might be a blast

>those eyes

>buying something you want with your money is getting scammed even if you're fully aware of what you're purchasing and are okay with that
Anything to push your shitty narrative eh?

do they not have limbs?

Anyone else get a Cyborg 009 vibe from this?

>because that was put in the game on purpose to entice starved virgins
And you think this isn't?