SJWs are triggered by Nintendo

>muh white people OPPRESSION REEEEE
>muh women need rescuing

Hahaha you ridiculous faggots

>SJWs are triggered

Who cares? They always are.

well yeah I guess

True. Just keep it in mind when you see all these faggy anti Nintendo threads today. That presentation yesterday was awesome.


>caring about SJW opinion

Provide evidence of this. Half the time you guys go on about the sjws wailing away it ends up being like one idiot with a twitter, not some massive collective of people.

the game is set 100 years after this, she's dead, she needed that protection, and you didn't provide it.

Who cares? Honestly, this SJW stuff is getting old. I think I'm just going to filter it from now on.

2017 started good



He saw this one tumblr with 1 note so obviously everyone in the world but him is an emotional wreck.

It's funny i thought ugly zelda and fat great fairy were to appease that particular group.

>ugly Zelda
U wat

It was all a ruse!
We're going back to the 80s boys!

Kill yourself faggot.

She looks like she's got the anime equivalent of Finn face. super gross.

I guess this is another gamer gate thread so I'll start.

Why are you so butt hurt? You haven't even played the game yet. She clearly a stink independent woman because you see her in links tunic earlier in the trailer you stupid faget

Hylians aren't white.

>zelda is super cute
>zora is super cute
>gerudo(?) girl is super cute
>link is super cute

Say what you want about Nintendo, but they're REALLY good at making 9-10/10 waifus.

I actually picked up all those things and the fact that sjws were going to get triggered by it gave me a lot of joy

I also like that the trailer showed of lot´s off different cultures and races without pandering to sjws by filling hyrule full with non whites

I always set my TV settings such that they are black.

The eyebrows are too thick. The only thing keeping her from being a 10.

Zelda has always had character designs like one was appeasing anyone.

Are we going to get Zelda fanservice?

I think the thick fairy is actually none attractive female characters done right

Good point. The orchestra at the end also gave me chills. This game is going to be crazy :3

more like
>more melodrama in my zelda games
consider me trigger too

Your post is evidence, brainlet.

she's so pretty

I like the old zeldas more but she is alright

looks more like a grown up ocarina of time zelda then the actual adult zelda of that game

She was that way before I seem to remember

Gerudo appease blacks, arabs, jews, and feminists all at once.

What are they complaining about?

Well apparently you can play a naked Link, so...

How fucking mad are the female Link fags

Is no one going to talk about how she's a carbon copy of Danaerys from Game of Thrones?

No, ZELDA fanservice.

Thanks for letting me know.

How are feminists responding to the new gameplay?

Delete this.

Who? What?

Pic related ---->

yeah that was my favorite part as well when they show of all the characters that are probably going to end up to be the sages of the game was so cool

it reminded me of the good old ps2 gamecube era of gaming when games used to be filled with docents of unique looking and cool characters

Why do you guys refuse to use the word fat?
Do you have some sort of distinction you're trying to enforce or does the word bother you?

How many more layers of bloom & blur can we put on? We're almost at Skyrim ENB levels.

naked Link = fanservice of Zelda and maybe others

She looks like she's going to be the best incarnation of Zelda in the series. She's cute, likable, and appears to be set up for an active role in the story even if it's not as a strong womyn who don't need no man

>so triggered by literally nothing that you make up controversy

I wish, that sounds cool.


at this point they are as relevant as PETA.

A normie TV show.

She's a teenage princess who is the mother of dragons, frees the slaves and fights the patriarchy.

This, call me when they aren't triggered that'll be news worthy.

Dude, wat?

Drones said for many years that voice acting is bad and that they're glad that Nintendo was always too cheap to put voice acting into their games.

Will they shift gears now and suddenly love voice acting?

Nigga the only thing similar between them is head shape and the brows

Thick is supposed to refer to thick thighs, but landwhales and their sympathisers adopted it to just mean fat in general, to delude themselves into thinking others find them attractive.

It's definitely a throwback--in a good way.

SJW are like
>the p-past? My dad Oppressed me by leaving mom, I'm triggered REEEEEE

looks fat

Nice evidence you got there, faggatrons.

Link really is pretty incredible. Having Zelda be involved with both the Story, and Link, and not rely on Link. Would just take me out of it really.

Link is fly as fuck. Women would fall heads over heels for him if he fought to save them and the world itself with all his might. Anything else would just be strange.

Post captures of SJW I need to rage

yeah I think so too
I only call people that are truely disgusting looking fat
women who aren´t really attractive but still ok to look at I consider thick (like a middle aged mom that has taken on some extra pounds over the years) not to be confused with thicc which is a sexual fetish of Sup Forums that focuses on big asses, big breats and wide hips

Jew, I. . .

In the books she's like 13, but in the show she get's plowed by that horselord. Was that CP?

Why the fuck didn't they dye her eyebrows? She's supposed to be a natural blonde, but she has brown eyebrows? I don't care that she has black eyelashes (most true blondes I've known had blonde eyelashes too), but for fucks sake dye her fucking brows.

In the books she is 13, and gets plowed by that horselord.

Yes, GURM is a disgusting pedophile.

Probably. GRRM is a pretty big pedophile.

Rule 34.


Could you just like, not? Ugh

13 is biologically adult

SS Zelda had frustratingly little.

No such thing as biologically adult.

but zelda already acted more feminine and cute in that short trailer then that got character all seasons


Why can't they close their mouths all the way?

that's brilliant, it's almost as if they're doing it on purpose

Blood gushed out of her mudflaps, that means she's biologically adult according to GRRM

Yeah it reminds me of the Based thicc female characters from Studio Ghibli movies like Castro in the Sky. Like mommy can hunt too!-type shit

C U T E.

all i saw was briana wu bitching about zelda, thats it.

There are a lot of milestones you can gauge it by though, it just never reliably falls on the same age range in all people.

What's it like to play the games with your TV off?

>according to a degenerate feminist pedophile
Really made me think.


Official amiibo text reads: While her fate remains shrouded in mystery, the princess is at the core of Link's adventure in Hyrule."

The entire story is a flashback. Zelda is probably asleep the whole game.

I´m pretty sure it´s 15
yes there is
he means the age when women gain the abilty to bare children
still doesn´t mean that fucking girls as young as that isn´t fucked up and possible emotionally scaring

I think she has a towel or a dress on.

Nintendo just can't into zettai ryouiki

I want to protect her smile

Also why can't American VA cry has good as Nips?


kinda weird that this is hard to understand for some

Steven Universe, Homestuck and Undertale doesn't trigger them.

Who the fuck cares?

Fucking any girl nowadays is possibly emotionally scarring.

>emotionally scaring

But she wanted him to fuck her user. She even got pregante.

As long as she had her period she was considering having come into her womanhood in that time period and capable of having children. Read up on your history, faggot.

I was triggered when the English translator mumbled through the No More Heroes announcement.


still doesn´t mean that we should normalize the sexual portray of underage girls in the media