500-600$ in Latin America

>500-600$ in Latin America
>Paid online is not coming to Latin America (except Mexico)

It's not fair bros

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>>Paid online is not coming to Latin America
Doesn't that mean you'll be able to play online for free?

Maybe it has something to do with that monopoly of a telecommunications industry you have there.

I warned you fuckers about trolling

It means that they won't be even be able to play online

>Nintendo STILL hates Latam

meanwhole Sony and Microsoft making shitloads of money here because no competition

oh wow, fuck nintendo then. I'm from ausland. I wonder if we'll be able to play online

>make $200 a month
>only have around $20 by the end of the month
>ps4 is $400
>each game is around $70
how do we even make it

where did you see this?

And then Nintendo wonders why they hack the consoles so quickly

>(except Mexico)

no surprise, Mexico and Chile are the only countries in latino america that have enough money to afford $300 usd consoles

nice meme. i bet you're so well informed and literate you voted for trump

Wow, I intended on buying it, fuck Nintendo I guess.

Please, tell me you are joking and that price is only for HUEland.

I'm pretty sure I can just set my region to USA and buy Nintendobucks online, did that on the 3DS and bought digital games often. Also if the stores do the same conversion as always ( 1 USD = 1000 CLP) then it's going to cost around 450USD over here.

hes right thought.

$2000 for a pro, I'm skipping this shit.

Everything is overpriced because your government and trade policies are fucking insane when it comes to imports.

Move away from Bananaland you monkey.

kek. Brazil alone has more money than mexico and chile combined. Even if 98% of brazil is poor, the 2% that can matter more than the entirety of mexico and shitle

Didn't the new 3DS launch a month early in Australia?

what? explain

Being from Spic Land really sucks, but well, at least I'm white (Argentine).

>have enough money to afford $300 usd consoles



>implying there's a demand for the Wii U 2 anyway

>have enough money to afford $300 usd consoles
Hell no the dolar is twice the value here its like we re paying 600 usd for it and you re not helping us much since your jewish gas satations and oil suckers are coming to mexico

Never fail to trigger autists ;)

As a spic who love of one of the shitties places of Argentina, fuck you!!

I can still afford some entertainment from time to time, though.

plenty of people here have PS3/PS4 and Xbox consoles, the fuck you talking about nigger

Just set up the console as being in the US, just like you do for the eshop and other online games.

Also don't be an idiot and instead of buying it locally, ask a friend in the US to buy one for you, or just order one from Amazon, even with taxes is going to be cheaper (In Chile's case at least).

Just download digital games from those sketchy amazon guys that sell them for like half the prize

We do though, PS4 sold pretty well here.

People in brazil can afford $300 usd consoles too, mexican.

What? no online services in Brazil? the fuckkkkkkk

Canada is better, buying with US prices is impossible

I have a main account on my region on the off chance I ever get support like I had for the 3DS and I set an alternate american account for purchases.

If Nintendo isn't completely retarded, I assume this method will work again.

brazil here, buy a pc. you get everything you need.

You will be able to access the E-shop but won't be able to play online

And it's gonna be definitely be 600$ or more in Chile

Well, I was already planning on moving to Burgerland anyway

Which is the best state to live in btw?

Good no one else in the world wants Brazil online Nintendo is doing the gods work.

>The paid online service will be available in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico only at launch

Dont they cost like 2000 reals or w/e because of taxes?

PC doesn't have Pokémon

You have to wait 2 years for the lineup to a new console to be worth it, OP

Michigan, specifically in Detroit

Brazilians are only a problem in free 2 play games. Anyone that has enough money to spend it in games behaves like an actual human being.

You can't stop BRs. They'll just set their region as US.

what are GBA emulators?

Of course it's going to be $600 here, that's why I said you should order from amazon or ask a friend in the US to get you one.

And there are always workarounds for the online, if they don't actually allow it that is (Mexico is only for the initial launch, they aren't going to waste the huge brazilian online playerbase).

And? Iphones cost 3 times more and normies buy them without a second thought.

You underestimate how brazilians don't give a fuck they're being overcharged for stuff.

Nintendo also doesn't officially sell consoles and games in Brazil anymore

Yes, but don't expect any Brazilian to come to terms with it.

Nintendo abandoned Brazil andd apparently Switch isn't coming to Brazil


>Using an LA Account

I'm from Colombia and according to my PSN account I live on Wisconsin

I think they're still butthurt that Sega won over here.

Well that's retarded.

In any case setting up the console to the US region should get you online, you could always set a VPN in another region too.

>ochomil pesos Mexicanos por un Switch


We never got an eshop outside of brasil and they don't have it anymore either, why is this a surprise? sony has service here but I wonder how many shekels they win/lose

This is the only logical thing to do

Mega Drive and later PS2 were probably the 2 biggest consoles ever in Brazil. I don't think Nintendo ever did really well over here.

There is no market for it in mexico, 8mil pesos for a switch and 1400 pesos for a game is just too much, not even Normie's will buy it

some people still buy/use master systems, belive it or not

>Implying people care for that
Like the other fella said, people pay 4000 reais for iPhones, 2000 for Playstations, 200+ for each game and don't give a fuck.
Everyone has these.

No one in LatAm cares about Nintendo except for tryhards and autistis, simple as that.

>Like 1.600.000 for a Switch, even more with the new tax

I pass

Sadly, this is true

Why is Nintendo doing the same bullshit that Microsoft did?
That alone will drop sales like a gazillion times more.


People in Mexico are more worried about finding food, paying the bills, and not getting killed by gangsters to buy an expensive bullseye.

So do I with psn, but doesnt work for nintendo, even with a visa you must set the adress in canada and with their shit dollar I rather buy here

I barely got a Wii U for $7000 (Splatoon bundle) and I still feel ripped off.

Even though I hacked it and can play every game free now.
I'll wait until the Switch gets homebrew before getting it. Fuck paying >$1200 per game, AND fucking paid online (which will be like $200 pesos per month)

Serves you right hue monkeys

>be spic
>born in the good ol USA
Feels good

What? Is still cheaper than USA

Actually it's 20 times the value. Also there's the tax added to the price so you're paying over 50% more than the base dollar price in the weak currency.

>300 Burgercoins
>Translated to LITERALLY a bit more than the double here, so price should be around 7,000 pesos instead
>Jew game sellers in the country jack up the price like shitlords, so it will en up costing the equivalent of 600 dollars
>Also have to pay for online now

Th-thanks, microshit

> 200 a month
What? How, are you asking for coins on the streets

8 mil? Con la proyeccion del dolar e impuesto Latamel diria que 9 mil o 10 mil suena mas realista. No comprare Switch en un buen rato

You wish that's gonna be the price, buddy, it will be around 9 to 10 thousand and you know it, specially from Jewplanet.

Nigga I pay for that bank thing for pokemon at its more expensive with leafbucks than with gringo ones, it cost even more than when I buyed with a brasil account

That could be his salary in a latam country translated to dollars.

he's exaggerating, but yeah, wages are really low compared to other countries (350 is the minimum in some countries)

but, to be fair, the food is really cheap here

>paid online

You guys are crazy. Look at the prices for the PS Pro and N3DS, it's literally 1000 pesos for each dollar. It's not going to be $600


>the food is really cheap here
And delicioso :D

>they aren't going to waste the huge brazilian online playerbase
You underestimate nintendo's retard levels

He must be foreign. I was briefly homeless after leaving the Military.

I became so desperate I turned to begging. I stood at a busy intersection during rushhour and was easily making $60 an hour.

>americans will never know the feel of getting tons of delicious and fresh fruit for pennies

That's six times what I make.

Beggers in europe make way more then that

I haven't even finished university and I get 500 usd from teaching chemistry to dumb kids, in pretty sure a decent full time job can get you at least 800, if that's the case then it must suck to be him, good luck with your vidya

Nintendo Switch DoA en Latinoamérica, al igual que lo hizo la Xbox One y por la misma estupida razón. Sony gano la guerra desde hace mucho tiempo

damn that's harsh. i remember i was homeless in new york for 2 months. worst time of my life, the freezing cold almost killed me and i was crying while begging for money

una velaaaaa

This is just plain suicide. How does Nintendo expects to sell his consoles here then?

just say you're american and done

>no 9000 ping hues in my online games
Good. Now if we can only get rid of Straya and the negative 1500 ping Nips.

>How does Nintendo expects to sell his consoles here then?

They don't

They just DON'T

>tfw puertorrican
>Switch will be $299, online services up on day one
Independence is overrated.