Want to play FFXV and explore a big open world with great characters and a great story

>want to play FFXV and explore a big open world with great characters and a great story
>all I hear is that it's MGSV-tier nostory

fuck me up, is it that bad? Does it feel janky and broken plot wise?

It feels worse than MGSV honestly because at least MGSV had sneaking and shit. FFXV is like a single player MMO with less story than MMOs and worse combat. And it's slower paced.

Yes, the story is somewhat broken, rushed and incomplete. It's also the best story you'll play for a good while.

The load times are awful

>Inb4 someone says DONT USE FAST TRAVEL THEN

You've seen everything the game's open world has to offer gameplay wise by the end of the tutorial area (Hammerhead)

I just wanted to go on an adventure with my pals in an interesting world with an engaging story.

but then shows up making me think "hey, maybe it's worth a run anyway!"

I don't want to be super let down, I'll literally be quite happy with a neat story and a good end to strive toward.

You'll probably be let down. The game factually is not finished so buying it now, either way, is fucking stupid.

But the story either way is objectively garbage.

Story is crap
If you really want to play it, then wait so they can actually finish putting some of it in the game

Unlike this mess, MGSV is actually fun to play.

Or you could just not fall for the negativity meme that populates this cancerous place, play it, and decide for yourself. Combat is very fun, so I don't think you'll be bored.

Exploring is pretty fun. I'm still only on chapter 3 (just got to Lestallum and had my date with Iris), but I've been meandering around for days just completing sidequest shit. That alone puts it far and away above all 3 XIII games, of which I've only been able to complete XIII itself, mostly because that one railroads you so much. But with the others, I just get too bored at certain points of the game (looking at you, Archylte Steppe in 13-2) and drop it.

Play the Judgement demo. That's the entire game right htere, because the story in the full game is so fucing sparse it's not worth talking about it... Until you get to Altissia, then you're stuck on a boring as fuck hallway until the final, terrible, conclusion.

Combat is shit.

Game is buggy.

It looks bad.

It's NOT finished and the "promised" patches are nowhere near implemented into the game.

And the characters are bad, even the banter that was advertised is either sparse or bad.

Watch brotherhood and kingsglaive so that the game plot feels more coherent

Chapter 9-13 is pure kino if you watched Kingsglaive and Brotherhood

>watch the literal garbage anime and movie for the story to become...

The story is easy to understand, but it's sparse as hell, and you have to watch the supplemental shit to have it feel at all fleshed out. Even then it only barely does. Sidequests add nothing and have no story really at all, and consist purely of fetch-quest faggotry.

The game itself looks pretty on a pro with a good 4k/HDR screen, but other than looking nice, the game is just garbage. Every single aspect of gameplay feels incomplete, half-thought out, rushed, or just broken/stupid. Even the music is 90% forgettable as hell.

There's not a single core mechanic in this game I found enjoyable, and I kept on playing largely because I just wanted to believe at some point it would get better. It didn't.

Square Enix is literally fucking patching the story in this game.

Why anyone would pick up Final Fantasy XV right now is beyond me, if you weren't there at launch, you might as well wait a bit longer until the goddamn game is finished.

>Square Enix is literally fucking patching the story in this game.

This meme is retarded. They're patching the fucking story they're patching cutscenes of scenes mentionned that happened off-screen because people kept complaining.

Everything, from the beginning to the end is in the damn game.

>This meme is retarded. They're patching the fucking story they're patching cutscenes of scenes mentionned that happened off-screen because people kept complaining.
That's literally patching the story.

>The story is easy to understand
No it is not. It doesn't even make sense and you must watch the supplementary garbage to even get a glimpse of what the fuck is happening. And it's bad even when you do.

you might as well wait for a rerelease with all the DLCs,updates, and even an expansion muh nigs.
You'd be wasting your dime if you buy this for now.

>This meme is retarded
>admits they're doing it anyway

The game is for for the fist half, but not much story. It's not fun for second half, which is story driven.

The plot is okay I guess for a game, the character development is where they really drop the ball.

That's really not true. You can understand it, it's just barebones and stupid.

The supplementary movie/anime doesn't define, it just fills in.

This is the first Final Fantasy I've played where I couldn't bring myself to give a single shit about a single party member. Even in FF1 I had some attachment to my silent cooked up characters.

These four just grate and grate and grate until I want to see them all die in the most horrible, egregious ways possible.

>taking Sup Forums advice
Come on dude, you know better than that. I got the game avoiding all the threads here on Sup Forums and absolutely loved it. Then I came here and saw so many people calling it shit and I just couldnt relate.
Also, if you want an adventure with your bros, you wont be disappointed. This game has great party banter and if there's something good in the story is the brolove.
But yeah, keep the low expectations, its better.

>Even the music is 90% forgettable as hell

Kill yourself for giving bad advice. You have fucking awful taste.

The truth hurts, doesn't it.

I was actually being generous. I only enjoyed and really remember a single track, and actually, to be perfectly honest, only the first 45 seconds or so of it.

If you asked me what the combat music sounds like, which I heard a couple thousand times, I couldn't even begin to form it in my head.

The only other track I even remember was that god awful cover of Stand by Me, and fuck that shit.

Yes it's janky and broken plot wise, but unlike Metal Gear, it has a hell of a payoff and finally quenched my burning regret for buying a PS4.

>This game has great party banter

"Feel so sluggish" (in a whiny tone)
x1,000 per playthrough


The car ruins the exploration a bit, because it's so annoying to use. Chocobos make it a bit more manageable, but the world is still pretty empty with fetch quests.

As if Sup Forums wasnt a fucking contrarian fest. I enjoyed it just like I enjoyed many other FF games in the past. If you dont enjoy it its your own problem.
It does get stale in the postgame after hearing it throughout the whole story but I very much doubt anyone cares after that point.


It doesn't hurt because it's not the truth. Basically confirmed for having shit taste and being an oblivious faggot.

>want to play FFXV
>b-but people on Sup Forums say it's bad

If you want to play it, then play it you fucking pussy.

Final fantasy is an enjoyable game. I'd give it a solid 8/10 just know it's really not that long. I beat the main story and a bunch of side quests in 40 hours

It's not my fault that the soundtrack is pretty much the weakest in the series.

I can remember almost in their entirety, the soundtracks of dozens and dozens of games. This game's soundtrack was just bland, sparse, and completely uninspired.

Yoko Shimomura is overrated, but I was still expecting FAR better from her.

Soundtrack's great, don't be such an autist.

>don't be such an autist.
big talk from an XV drone who can't even argue properly.

The story is obviously unfinished or was just poorly planned out.
>only the 4 main characters really get any good amount of screen time, for obvious reason
>every other possible big player in the story, Luna, Ravus, the enemy king dude, Regis, Cor, Iris, Aranea, etc., all have way too little screen time to be properly developed, Some of these characters seem like they would be really important, but most of them get a half an hour of screen time at most and either just die or fuck off from the story after a certain point, and all of the interesting things they do are happening off screen.
>certain story/characters points are either poorly explained or hidden behind side content like fucking Kingsglaive

I think it's one of the worst stories I've experienced in a game, and the gameplay doesn't back it up either.

It's better than MGSV.

Not in sales, gameplay, reviews, reception, music, graphics, or length is this true.

It's worse.

Its enjoyable but the story feels incomplete. Scratch that it is incomplete. So much happens off screen and I beat the game and still dont know what the fuck was the main villain after.

It is in sales, gameplay, reception, music, graphics, length, story, character, animation, visuals, design etc.

XV on PS4 sold double what MGSV on PS4 sold in Japan m8

>in Japan
How irrelevant!

Cleigene battle theme is pretty cool

The music is one of the very few good things about FFXV.
I don't even remember any of the non-licensed tracks in TPP

What is MGSV sales then?

I can remember every track, your post is bland and uninspired.

Is FFXV good for just fucking around doing,whatever in the "open world"?


No because there's nothing fun to do.

No, it has a story with a strong ending, there is just some pacing issues from chapter 9-13 where it goes through things at a rapid pace, from chapter 1-8 things are dolled out slowly then it just turns up to 11.

MGSV doesn't even have a real ending. XV has a solid satisfactory ending.

Wrong. It's nothing like an MMO and XV has the best combat in the series. Sidequests in XV are literally not any different than sidequests in FF1-10.

That guy is just meme spouting. XV is a better game allround.

Objectively wrong. Judgement demo is literally just the first 30 minutes of chapter 1 where you have only 4 weapons, locked out from ton of ascension features etc. Combat is good, the final game is not buggy, the final game is literally the best looking open world ARPG on consoles. It IS finished and they are only adding in extra things to the game for side stuff. And the characters are fantastic and they have a ton of banter, no other FF game comes close to capturing this level of friendship among characters, and it's not just through banter it's through everything they do, camping, link attacks, animations, dialog, story etc.

I honestly do not know where you fucks even come from, you either just blazed through the game spamming healing potions without doing anything properly or you just watched some youtube videos then pretend you've played it. Either way no one should ever listen to you.

Brotherhood was a better anime than anything else on during that season.

The story is extremely straightforward. If you don't get it then you are either braindead or walked out of the room and had the sound off every time any story dialog or event scene happened. You do not need to watch KG or BH to understand anything in the story.

And to you too, anything important in KG is already learned by the player in the game within the first hour of the game, and BH has nothing to do with the main story.

>the shill has arrived

Posts like these just confirm to me that people barely even payed attention to anything in the game and have no idea what environmental story telling is either.

Yes, Cor, Regis, Ravus, Luna etc do not have enough screentime but there isn't anything poorly explained about what they do or why they do it.

Especially for Ravus, anyone who REALLY actually payed attention could see he had a hidden agenda for working with Niflheim, and we learn that he was always working to try and protect Luna, he didn't see Noctis as worthy of her sacrifice. And given that he and Luna were both the two remaining Fleurets who have autonamy from the Empire, that is why Ravus joined the empire, as it was the only life left to him so that he could be their "lapdog" just to rise in the ranks, playing the long game until he was in a high enough position where he essentially had control of the whole empire.

A con like that requires commitment, one he has to stick to even in front of Luna, hence why when he's first introduced we get the impression that he is just an obedient Niflheim officer, but even when you see Iedolas going "oooooh my crystal so glorios", you see Ravus's face, you see him wince, you see his general attitude even when Iedolas says to kill the Oracle he is standing there not uncaring, but sticking to his con.

I never once had a problem with understanding Ravus's story or motivation, the only thing I wish was that there was more of him in the game, I hoped we could fight him before he turned into a Daemon.

Things happening "offscreen" is because those things happened away from the party, the player learns of those things the same way the party does, such as hearing that Ravus was being sentenced to death and because he was responsible for the assault on Leviathan that caused tremendous losses for the Empire.

Not really. There isn't much to do outside of doing fetch quests/hunts and fighting random encounters.

That's just your poor musical memory.

The soundtrack isn't that great(mostly because it's too sparse), but the battle music is most definitely memorable.

Yes because it's fun. Gives me OoT vibes. Like you're just running around at night then suddenly a giant Daemon 30 levels above you shows up and wrecks you. It's great.

>Gives me OoT vibes
what the fuck am I reading

Okay, XV-kun.

OP, you can safely ignore these posts, they're made by an actual autist called XV-kun who ceaselessly spams every thread about the game. Everyone else has just learned to ignore his rants.

Question, have you played any other games than FFXV and OoT? Like, any whatsoever?

>asking Sup Forums for advice

Buy the game and form your own opinion, faggot. The gameplay is fun as fuck, but the story definitely has issues. Maybe you'll hate it, maybe you'll love it. Who knows.

Not an argument.

Not an argument.

Not an argument.

>muh hivemind

Fuck off

Maybe keep reading. I just gave an example. Traversing around just gives me those vibes.


>muh ecks vee coon
Are you really that threatened?

But is the world large/interesting? In DQVIII there's nothing much to do either but it's compensated by the world being huge and having interesting places hidden in it.

>The gameplay is fun as fuck
Why do people keep saying this? The gameplay feels like shit, lacking a lot of weight and most combat encounters can be done by just holding circle.

Okay, XV-kun

No. The plot is fine. Watch Kingsglaive and Brotherhood if you want it further fleshed out for you. The plot in the game is a completely cohesive and finished product though. Great dense open world with tons of shit to do. Some of the best characters in a FF game. You really feel the sense of comradery between the main cast. I did tear up at points. Top game. Worth your money. Seriously.


>why do people have different opinions?!

Do you realize how dumb you sound

jesus christ the samefagging is real

Your Square Enix credits have been deposited in your Moogle Bank.

>The plot in the game is a completely cohesive and finished product though

I agreed with everything else but this line's proves it was bait all along.


>Zelda is offscreen 95% of the game like Luna.
>There is childhood scenes between Zelda and Link like there is with Noct and Luna, also brief section where they reuinite to fight a common enemy.
>You run around large spaces of empty areas and go through dungeons
>More dangerous monsters show up at night
>You play as a younger version and then an aged up version of Link/Noct


Not true at all. The movie and anime add to the experience but it is not at all required to understand to plot.

I dunno if you're baiting but c'mon, dude. I really enjoyed FFXV, but the story was a shit show with tons of cut content. You can't seriously be that blind to it.

>>all I hear is that it's MGSV-tier nostory

That's an exaggeration. The story shits itself hard by the end but at least it has an ending. MGSV was missing an entire third of its story.

>Why do people keep saying this?
Because it is good. The combat has a ton of weight and variety.

>i overleveled to level 80 using exploits by chapter 1 that means the game is just hold O


Okay XV-kun.

Is it time to laugh at xv-kun already

Don't reply to him. Don't make the mistake of thinking it's bait. It's not bait, he's not self aware enough to post bait. It's just unchecked autism.

Maybe I haven't been lurking long enough, but who the fuck is the XV-kun boogeyman?

stay in the thread and you'll find out first hand

>>i overleveled to level 80 using exploit

I don't remember any fight in the game being really challenging. I think the level 50 samurai in that one mine dungeon was the only thing that actually killed my party members, but you can cheese him by holding square. I think the only thing in the story to give me any trouble was Ifrit, and that was more because he had a form where he took very little damage, and that was just tedious.

Having things cut out doesn't change the fact that you can still perfectly understand XVs story and it is a good story. And every FF has cut content.

How isn't it? You do not need to watch KG to know about events that took place in it since you learn about them in the game.

The only important things from KG are
>Lucis and Niflheim are having a peace treaty to end a war
>One of the terms is Luna marrying Noctis
>Niflheim betrays Lucis and steals the crystal and kill Regis
>Niflheim uses Daemons and robots in their military
>Insomnia uses magic and swords
>Luna makes it out of Insomnia with the ring

Literally all of that is learned in the game within the first hour or so.

>with tons of shit to do
Such as? Aside from fetch and hunting?

The game is great, just don't rush the story. Once they allow you to do sidequests and hunts go ahead and do those. If you pace

It's not a great story and the game has other flaws as well.

yourself and hang out with your bros the story is much better and has more impact.

Also switch to control mode C and turn on wait mode ASAP.

>not fighting the end game level 120 boss

One hit death and possibly the most frustrating boss I've encountered in a game.

>Anyone defending XV is XV-kun

You sound like someone in damage control, but like in reverse because someone is ruining your chance to shit on the game.

Not samefagging. My only post was the last one.
I'll admit I am a Square shill. I totally suck Square's cock for free. They make great games though.

I hated MGS5 but I'm really enjoying FFXV. The story is alright but there are certainly gaps in it. The combat is really simplistic, but it's satisfying.

>but you can cheese him by holding square
Yeah man I totally believe you beat him by just phasing the entire time and doing nothing else.

Yeah, you can still "understand" the story, but that doesn't exempt it from being a fucking disaster. The two don't have to correlate. There's blatant cut content and shameless DLC tie ins.

Its okay.

Pretty good looking for a console game, the vistas are pretty though hardly as awe inspiring as a lot of the less impressive but far more creative RPGs of the past.

Combat's alright. Just alright. Not as fucking awful as something like Nier nor as revolutionary as some of the older Squeenix/competitors were. Its at least visually quick.

Story's pretty awful. Its a JRPG so hardly a shocker but boy is this one just a fucking snoozefest. Not only that but there are literal who's and literal you's that get a solid five minutes of screen time, tops, and never appear again.

Sidequests are extremely grindy. Every odd one out is kind of fun or at least amusing but for the most part its fetch quests and kill the things.

Wait a year. There'll likely be a definitive edition with all the content thrown in for cheap.

The only attack that you can't avoid from him by holding square is his AoE. You can just beat him by parrying him to death. It's just really fucking tedious, though.

>the vistas are pretty though
Pretty fucking ugly. It's one of the ugliest high budget games in years.