Can we agree "SJWs" have had positive impact on gaming

...and that "anti-SJWs" are the real problem at this point? Removing things from Japanese that can be taken the wrong way by a different culture is simply a part of localization, especially if it can be interpreted as giving a queer lady a date-rape drug. The intent does not matter as much as the impact it will have on marginalized groups.

There is a massive difference between being forced to censor things for regressive reasons in order to pander to conservatives vs. changing a game of your own accord to avoid various toxic tropes that are uncomfortable to people who are not Straight Cis White Men.

All of the Tokyo Mirage Sessions desexualizations were fine and only a gross weeb would take issue. Same with Fire Emblem.

People like Patricia Hernandez did nothing "corrupt" by recommending games that her friends or girlfriend (Christine Love, who is possibly the best VN creator, OELVN or not) made - it's simply the nature of the indie industry. Financial capital has to be replaced with social capital.

There was nothing "unethical" about things like GameJournoPros - just anti-SJWs having no idea what "ethics" are and how the press works.

t. anti-SJWs

Treehouse employees are simply decent people, giving their support of people who belong to marginalized groups. This is a big step up from their appeal to "traditional family values" that had so many of their older games censored to such a childish extent.

But of course, goobergate's resident fat weebshit man pretending to be a Japanese housewife who just happens to know all the hip english chanspeak and internet-cool slang sees supporting trans* people as "corruption". Because anti-SJWs are not about bigotry, you see. It's the big mean progressives creating every worthwhile piece of art that are the bad guys!

Inb4 mods. Nice bait op

>to avoid various toxic tropes that are uncomfortable to people who are not Straight Cis White Men.

So fuck up good games because people that won't play them are not triggered...

I think you should leave this board.

Mods take issue with GG faggots, not realtalk threads. Go read Moot's Rolling Stone, interview kid - ghibligerbli anti-SJWs are a significant part of made Moot leave and oldfags are pissed. These threads are needed to keep the gatorAIDS out.

This is now a STALKER thread. Misery 2.2 when??

You don't need to bait to request an image OP.

Soon fellow stalker.

but that's only the NA version of the game. It's not SJW's it's just America is a bunch of faggots.

Favorite weapon mods for misery?
Misery or coc?

Treehouse employees are actively allying with progressive causes. This is a good thing.

why should I care though. I'm not from NA. Fix your own faggot problems.


Real talk then, if it was fit for an original release, then it's fit for international releases. Go fuck up other cultures instead of video games. Don't tell me you'd approve of a child-friendly release of Killing Floor.

The only 'positive' effect it had was that I finally convinced myself to learn Japanese instead of putting up with bullshit censoring and horrible localisation. In a way I'm happy about that.

>that yukino

I think that if a developer doesn't feel restriction from the public to have certain things in their games and can be allowed to exist with doing what they want, I don't think it matters

A developer should be able to creater whatever they want, even if that is a loli filled game with lots of fanservice, or if its a game about a lesbian walking around her house

We as customers have the right to buy whatever we like, just dont buy things you dont like

I really dont see the problem with the whole SJWs are taking our games, I just care that false shit is spreading and that every gamer that plays Dead or Alive is somehow a woman hating neckbeards, or that people that like Gone Home is a fat dyke feminazi bitch

I think that we should accept that taste is subjective and not getting over emotional that some people like certain games we hate

This is why people say Europe needs diversity.

The real problem is that these cucks dont even play videogames, now most western games try to be socially correct so a bunch of faggots that are not even their market wont get triggered

>needing to have progress at not at the goal already

You people are so far behind it's embarrassing

Treehouse pls

Any modifications compatible with Misery to make the game prettier?

I'm talking about grafix

They do play video games though, it's a strawman to say they don't.

That said they are a minority compared to people who aren't offended by some love potion or a 16yo anime girl having cleavage.

The Japanese rating board is actually much more strict than the ESRB. Any flimsy excuse about censoring localized games is patently false, and 100% people trying to push their own agenda and bullshit down the throats of the entire community.

This is incredibly authoritarian behavior, and by all means should be ceased.

no lol

It's not about being "child-friendly", it's about not making marginalized groups feel unsafe.


Fine then, they don't play the same games we do. We're forced to keep our distance as it is, we'll keep doing so in our entertainment. The whole 'corrupting society' thing doesn't really apply if you're not actually involved in society. Or are they seriously afraid that people who already know how to behave in public are going to suddenly become giant bags of dicks because of something they saw in fucking fiction?

Those poor fleshpounds, they deserve better representation in media

SJWs had as positive an impact as [spoilers]this 5.[/spoilers]

SJWs are pro-censorship. They seek to stifle the arts in the name of progressivism.

The truth is that in America, a lot of hipstery media "elites" are far more concerned with appealing to their peers than to the audience at large.

Do you think Funimation thought Prison School fans would love the rewritten line they added about evil gamers? They KNEW it would piss off the audience and that was what they wanted, so that they could signal-boost about how gross nerds just "can't take a joke" on Twitter, take localization too seriously as an excuse to "hate women", etc.

Do you think Giant Bomb REALLY thought their fanbase would see "Oculus man is a Trump-voting frogposter" to be a bigger "mess" than No Man's Sky? Of fucking course not; they were ignoring their audience and talking from the perspective of the game journo bubble.

Do you think people like Tim Schafer and Josh Sawyer thought their fans would love it if they said "I'm going to keep Anita's advice while writing my games from now on"? No way.

As for the Treehouse censorship, their argument is that "the games still sold" - well, of fucking course they did, but I doubt they would have lost sales if they hadn't censored stuff. The game's widest demographic is pretty clearly anime-viewing teens and that audience is not offended by anime butts. If anything, it would've given the game a few extra sales from the more obsessive types that knew about the censorship and played the fan patch instead.

It's a good excuse to post info like this, though.

Check my 5, if you may



>speaks against

Some of those are not speaking "against" it though - it sounds more like they're perfectly willing to throw their artistic freedom away for Americanbux based on their flawed image of what Americans are "offended" by.

The problem is that they think SJWs = America. Even fro example turbo-lib The Young Turks Youtube man Kyle Kulinski thinks "gamer feminism" is retarded bullshit.

It's not censorship.

It's just certain people shouldn't be allowed to talk or express themselves artistically.

good thread op I totally agree

>SJWs are pro-censorship.
And everyone defending them knows this, and uses shitty fucking arguments for it.
>B-but it's just ((((((localized)))))) for our culture
>W-who even cares about censorship fucking nerd haha
There's no good argument for censorship, because it's just plain fucking retarded. These people aren't on some higher moral level to decide what we can and cannot have in games


>contemporary politics
>thinks he belongs on this site [/mode]

>there's no argument 'for censorship.'

wew lad:

To be fair, the new pose they gave Tracer was equally sexualized and also more expressive.

I think they wanted to have their cake and eat it - to give her a more well thought out yet still sexy pose without overtly speaking out against the sex-negative sentiment of the poster.

A lot of that other shit is legit though and the fact that there are people who defend it is annoying as fuck. I'm really sad the FFXV staff cucked out.

What are some games where I can play as a lesbian

the Atelier games

they've got some pretty deep gameplay mechanics too

Seriously hearing the XV staff apologized for Cindy makes me really sad, not because I even care about XV but because it was a fucking equal-opportunity pandering game (or if anything leaned hugely towards fangirl appeal). THE GUYS WERE SEXY, THE GIRLS WERE SEXY.


I don't even play Final Fantasy, but I just wanted her to wear the goggles

>I really dont see the problem with the whole SJWs are taking our games

>tfw that russian PDA mod will never be released

And the majority of people would not give a shit if a game was just a strict translation. We don't need some uptight moralfags deciding that a game shows too much skin and must be censored for us

>mad nerds getting upset over marxists taking over their entertainment
>still believes that liberal democracy can fix it

Say what you want about the far right, but they actually have a plan to put sjws back their place. An authoritarian takeover requires an authoritarian response

The only man alive who will combat the sjws.
He will build the Spiritbomb but it will take time.

>he thinks trump is going to do anything for him
>he thinks that the far-right won't just censor games themselves like they did before when the shoe was on the other foot
This is what delusion looks like

The games that NoA censored were niche at best and had no chance of mainstream appeal. After last night, I think the Switch damaged Nintendo's image far more than some anime tiddies ever could.

That guy you replied to is right, censorship is never justified.

umm... trumpfags?

My financial & social views are practically full blown berniecuck socialist but I'm also massively anti PC culture

I want everyone to have health care and all that, I want gay adoption to be allowed, a lot of things pol/fags hate. But I'm also hugely against most things third-wave feminism represents (aside from stuff like I guess abortion rights I guess but even there you should draw a line) and their attempts to take over fucking everything and make it woke is fucking scummy and scary as shit.

I'm not taking a side because

1. taking sides is gay

2. even if I wanted to no one would take me

No lol.

Welcome to the ruse my friend.
I bet you thought Clintang would win too.

Casuals are the monsters.

Those pictures are legitimately horrifying. How can anyone say that this isn't a mental illness?


>h-he was j-just rusing he's j-just playing le 40-d-dimensional chess!
The only ones who got rused were Trumpfags, he's already shown himself to be a puppet of the establishment GOP. And guess what Republicans have always tried to censor?

I know some people who voted for him not because they love him but because they hate Hillary more and I'm fine with those, but Trump himself is just as much as a piece of shit as the worst SJWs and I hope he realized by now that pulling this HARMFUL MEDIA shit shit will make people hate him.

If he won't then we'll have both the right and the left obsessively trying to tear down 'problematic' games at the same time.

>removing things is part of locilazation
I would think you were trolling if I wasn't so sure you're actually some piece of shit working in the industry buying into your own nonsense about 'protecting people from things they don't understand' fuck off this is coddling of the weak on a cultural and intellectual level and it's detrimental to the future of the species. Telling people they can't see things because they won't understand them is just a fancy way of saying censorship you fucking gigantic faggot


and yet the golden age of gaming happened when society use to have a strong moral fabric. Losing my jap pedobait games is well worth it.

>I'm not taking a side because

and yet sjws have no problems taking one, and they've been beating your ass for years. What a masochist you are

No, and no. Censorship is never progressive. Fuck your frail sensibilities.

If you're going to censor a work just because your fragile feelings can't take it, guess what? You just destroyed what artistic integrity that game had, if it ever had any.

Using marginalized groups as a shield is pathetic. They have their own struggles (as I did, since I'm part of a minority), but gaming was, and always, free of anything of the sort. You just had to shit on it because it doesn't align with your misaligned views.

Gaming 'journos' recommending games in the indie scene is alright, but not if the ""journo"" itself is friends with said dev. That is plain conflict of interest. Imagine two different devs that are clamoring for a spot for an interview about their game, and Dev A is friends with journo who is doing the interview, who do you think will most likely take the spot? I bet my firstborn that it won't be Dev B. This incestuous relationship that Hernandez and co. are doing is destroying what little integrity these "journos" have.

To cap it all off, "anti-SJWs" and goobergate are strawmans and boogeymans you use to look legitimate. Labeling people as such because they disagree with you just makes you less legitimate that you claim to be. I bet my firstborn's firstborn that you'll do the same to me, and that's fine, but that will just make you even more pathetic than you really are.

If they really did play games then the shit their ilk pumps out would be commercial successes instead of abysmal flops, they really don't play games, especially not the ones they seem so vocal about wanting.

>ever good
Literally as bad as the feminazis you hate
>society has ever had a strong moral fabric

I believe that bad localization teams should be harassed out of the industry regardless of gender and race.

Like nintendo threehouse or the unpaid janitot that works for NISA


well, developers can be pretty restricted to making the same old characters, which plenty of people like. So if the SJWs could affect the AAA industry, who knows what will happen!

I honestly wouldn't mind if they'd cut down some of the violence in favor of more sexual content. Seems like the west is heading to the opposite direction though.

Censorship is never okay. If you don't like it, don't play it. Who the fuck are you to say your opinion matters more and they should the cowtow to you over people who will actually play it?

I didn't vote for either because they're both gigantic pieces of shit

True, but I like these threads.

>Literally as bad as the feminazis you hate
>still giving a shit about being "holier than thou"

Their tactics have been effective, and it's time to turn it back on themselves

But do continue writing on your blog how sjw are so hypocritical. I'm sure they'll care, eventually

ITT: retards falling for cheap bait


Game sales are about demographics. I wonder who the majority of game owners are? Could it be straight men?

Developers shouldn't censor things out just because the one gay or trans person decides to pick up the game.

SJW's don't play games, they just bitch that they exist.

>we're going to stop the degeneration of vidya
>by doing the exact same thing they're doing!
You could literally not be any more delusional. I just want to play my fucking videogames undisturbed by retarded politics from either side

It's gotten to the point where the only place I get game news is here because the cancer is to real.
I used to love engadget.

Is it still bait if you know it's bait and just don't care?

Transsexualism is a mental disorder IMO, the conversation should be about whether you can treat it through transitioning or other means. I feel bad for trans people with actual dysphoria and I dunno what should be done to help them.

But fags like Andrea Ritsu who suddenly and ~COINCIDENTALLY~ decide they're trans after getting into yuri anime and SJW culture and role-play as kawaii teenage anime characters in real life... yeah I'm always going to ask those if they ACTUALLY have medically diagnosed dysphoria because I tend to assume they're just deeply self hating broken men that think autogynephilia = transness. It sucks that I have to like yuri because there are so many people like this I have to deal with when looking it up.

It's really fun to call self-hating faggots on /u/ "autogynephiles" and watch them mass-report your post.

>tfw mods don't do public bans anymore
It's literally the only thing this board needs. Hell I would do it for free

>I just want to play my fucking videogames undisturbed by retarded politics from either side

It ain't happening. The age of fence-sitting is over. Now pick a side and fight

Yes. That just makes it delicious bait.