Who /PS4+PC/ prestigious golden master race here?

PC+PS4+3DS+Wii U here

Sorry, but pc and ps4 is redundant.

Much better a vita + pc, which at least offers portability.

Then again, the real master race is pc only.
Then pc + nintendo
Then pc + nintendo + sony

I dont see a pc sony combination to be efficient.

How about you stop making these stupid fucking images and maybe buy a helium tank while youve got a good thing going

PC+PS4+3DS ULTRA idort here get on my level cunt

sonyggers trying to get down with the master race.

There is no master race, it's all shit.

This but Vita instead of 3DS and add PS3

that doesn't look like a very fair image

pstv/3ds/PC master race

What games does PS4 even have that makes it worth it if you already own a PC?

Is there a list of good exclusives floating around or something?

Dirty peasants. Don't even dare to look at me.

>paid online

PS4+PC+3DS+vita +probably switch

They get brought up very quickly if you meme about the PS4 having no games.


i can already watch movies on my PC, why would i spend money on an extra device to do it?

Brand faggotry of any kind is fucking terrible.
But OBVIOUSLY the PS4 is getting the most 3rd party support this gen undoubtedly, so it is the best choice if you want to cover as much of the industry as possible.

Not quite as clear as it was with the PS2, but close.

Only children want portables.
Or nintendo games.

What does God need with a PS4?

PS4/PC/HomeBrew3DS/WiiU here.

Definitely getting the Switch sometime just before the holidays, Play BoTW up until Odysseys release and enjoy one of the comfiest holidays ever.

Feels good to not be a poorfag.

sounds about right


nothing against you sonybros the vita is good but ps4 blows


I admit it Sup Forums

I'm an idort. I own 3DS+PS4+Vita+PC

But this Nintendo Switch is just meh. This will kill Nintendo.

SNES+PS4+PC+3DS+Vita and maybe Switch here.

>I dont see a pc sony combination to be efficient.
There's no Yakuza games on PC.

Bloodborne and Last Guardian, but that's pretty much it.

PC+Ps3+PsVita fag here.
By the time I get the PS4 the Ps5 will be announced. The system just has nothing I want on it, multi-plats killed my reason to own one.

>Xbox being in the game at all

Thinking about the getting a ps3 and hacking it, do you think it's worth getting an ODE and all that shit to play exclusives?

PC + PS4 + PS3 + Psvita + Ps2 + DS + 2DS + Xbox 360

And all being a poorfag by the way.

PS4,PC here will soon buy Switch the new zelda and xenoblade look gud.

>Being friends with a nigger



Nigga thats literally all they get
Nintendo has no issue with exclusives, people are upset that it doesn't get 3rd party games like FIFA and CoD

PC+PS4+Vita here
had a 3DS but didn't care for most of it's games and SMT4A was my last hope but it sucked ass


Xbone/pc for the cross compatibility is the true master race

The only exclusive the Switchâ„¢ has is that shitty wiggle waggle thing

PS4+PC is truly the master race, got my xbox, ps2 and n64 set up atm too

>autistic screeching

Vita + Ouya Masterrace

Plebs get off my board

Racism is not tolerated on Sup Forums, please do not insult the sonyfriends.

>They shitpost us constantly
>Suddenly want to be friends

I've known cunts like this in real life

>What games does PS4 even have that makes it worth it

I'll be buying a PS4 to accompany my PC.
I'm really disappointed by the Switch I thought it'd be the ideal combo for the PC but the price tag, no MH, barely any games on the horizon and paid online just makes it a shitty deal I feel.

nice try

>The only exclusive the Switchâ„¢ has is that shitty wiggle waggle thing
On launch day yeah, and the only alternative for BotW is a Wii U, and considering no one wants a Wii U it might as well be exclusive

>my wife's son of war
>shit that isn't even out yet


>PC players
You guys are a real cancerous lot, actively rooting for the demise of everything you don't like, claiming console owners are fools blinded by loyalty while you salivate over graphics cards for your rigs, fellating emulation and begging for ports, I seriously want a PC only board because I would wager at least 50 percent of you are underage little shits, 30 percent of you are giant manchildren and the other 20 (hopefully) are regular, decent human beings who unfortunately don't make up part of the vocal fanbase of petulant babies you represent

PS4, PC, Vita, 3ds idort. Going to suck if SMT V is exclusive since I don't want to buy a new console for one game. At least there will probably be a price drop by the time it comes out.

Any games that are on other platforms (not exclusive to PS4) are greyed out, I included ports/remasters/remakes.

Any games that are exclusive but not actually out yet have a star on them

and the games with green circles are exclusive and actually playable at the moment.

I could have made a few mistakes, but overall I think I got most of it right

Prove me wrong

On launch and for another 5 months after


Is there anything on the Xbone that actually makes it worth getting?
Besides Scalebound

Triggered nygger.

>unreleased games
>HD remakes
>movie 'games'
>jap shit with no US release yet
kek, I'll pick up a Ps4 end of generation when it has some games.

Show me where the bad PC player touched you bro.

truly the best combination, 2ds would go right after that

PS4 for weeb games, PC for dudebro games, Nintendo for casual games to enjoy with guests.

The true masterrace trinity here.
Xbone has no games.

>not even out yet
>ace combat 7
>kojima's next movie

>PC for dudebro games
Literally what

Why is the man having liquid nitrogen put in to his butt crack?


>multiplats make the ps4 worth it

im not gonna post a list of games from the presentation you can find yourself

>Sony fans
You guys are a real cancerous lot, actively rooting for the demise of everything you don't like, claming owners of any other platforms are fools blinded by loyalty while you salivate over trailers for games that will never come out, fellating "HD" remasters and begging for last gen ports, I seriously want a Sony only board because I would wager at least 50 percent of you are underage little shits, 30 percent of you are giant manchildren, the other 20 (hopefully) are regular, decent human beings who unfortunately don't make up part of the vocal fanbase of petulant babies you represent.

Yakuza, Gravity Rush 2, Nier: Automata, Nioh, Resident Evil VII, Ys Origin, Valkyria Chronicles, Horizon, Last Guardian, Dreams, Bloodborne, Littlebigplanet, Dragonquest builders if that's your cup of tea, idk plenty of exclusives. but I would like a list as well

I want to fuck that

Yet you're the person coming out with the generalisations and insults.
Really fires up the neurons.

/PC/ here
I fucking love these retarded images

not him but 99% of multiplats are dudebro shit

What Nintendo exclusives have their really been over the last six years that are system sellers. We've gone almost 6 years without a zelda game (over 10 if you hated skyward sword), the last mario games are just clones of the ds and 3ds games, a smash game that is effectively brawl without the tripping (and isn't exclusive to the wii u), and splatoon (babies first FPS). Everything else is basically motion control garbage.

curious what's the reason for owning an xbox now, seems like all of the games are on PC anyway and microsoft has just given up completely, ps4 has had a slow as fuck start but it seems to be picking up now. i remember at the start of the gen my friend took the micky out of my for switching from 360 to ps4, now look who's laughing

He just had to pay for online.

Another satisfied Switch owner!

True master race here.


multiplats,mobas, and shooters

>We've gone almost 6 years without a zelda game
Thats pretty normal considering most Nintendo franchises only get 1 game per gen/platform, and Nintendo gens only last 5-6 years.

It's nice to have the option of a toaster for exclusives, shame I only really use it to play Bloodborne.

>tfw 2 out of 4 games you bought your ps4 for have already announced pc ports and the other 2 are vita/ps4 multiplat anyway

Truly the pinnacle of OC

No reason at all, the only game worth a look is Scalebound and GOW4, but Scalebound got cancelled and GOW4 is not a system seller for me. Plus most games on Xbone get ported to PC

I swear this isn't the first time Sonygers have tried this.

>sonyggers trying to get down with the master race.

No way, sonygger. Stick to your own kind.


>60hz monitor
>GTX 1070

You're not master race

You're a PEASANT

>weebshit on PS4
>Sup Forums: "stupid weeb games, I don't want to play these"

>weebshit on PC


Deal with it faggot.


He probably has better pc than you, faggots.

PC + PS4 here. AKA PC + Shitty PC

The only masterrace part is the PC, I'm ashamed of the PS4 but I wanted bloodborne and Sony's holding it hostage.


Sup Forums told me that sonyggers can't have more than one platform!

Oh forgot. I also preordered the switch so add that in there

Is that a boy or girl?


oh fug, my 4k monitor is only 60hz. Am I a console babby?

only underage poorfags don't have a decent pc as well as a console

>not downsampling to get literally the perfect iq at 60fps


Oh look, Xbox is getting married...

exact same as me

PC + PS4 +PS3 + PS2 + NDS + PSP + SNES + NES + Dreamcast + Wii .... still craving for more

>master race

Man I sure love the only worthwhile game being Bloodborne after 2 years