Not Backwards compatible

>Not Backwards compatible
>Paid online
>720p 30fps
>battery in controller
>Breath of the Wild will be on Wii U so it doesn't even have that going for it

The dream is dead boys. The dream is dead.

Other urls found in this thread:

The dream is soaring - literally.

I have to admit it was alive... but then I saw the prices, I saw how the switch works, the internal memory, the paid online, no included chat or friend's list
I'll buy it when the prize will drop

>Tiny bit of turbulence
>Tablet falls and breaks

wait, the battery is in the controller?

is this thing going to be burning hot on your hands if you play it while charging?

>paid online for casual kiddy games
What? Do they expect kids to manage subscription fees now?

>Breath of the Wild will be on a shit version with 20 FPS on Wii U


>burning hot
I believe the phrase is 'comfy'

1080p when connected to the tv

I don't get why people complain about $300, what the fuck did oyu expect, it's a home console with a fucking screen, I'm surprised it's still cheaper than the ps and bone


>costs $100 more than a PS4
>hardware that makes a PS4 look like an overclocked 1080

300 with NO GAME

>Add 60 for a game
>add 70 for a pro controller

If you want 2 player couch gaming
>add 80 for a set of joycons

>paid online

This is the most ridiculously overpriced shit.

Launch lineup is terrible except for Zelda, which you can get on Wii U.


BotW is actually only 900p when docked.

Graphics look like absolute fucking shit as well.

Especially Splatoon 2, look at all the edges everywhere.

>tfw it suddenly feels good to own the wiiU

>Paid online
>Not even fully featured

>ask my normie friends what they think of Switch
>"Switch, what's that?"
And that's when I knew this thing was going to bomb.

Nobody cares anymore.

Will the Zelda Wii U version be superior?

hey at least we got Skyrim, right?

Warm and toasty.

>switch comes out
>wiiu prices plummet harder
>buy a wiiu
>play botw on 'release'
>save fucktons of money

and nothing of value was lost

And who said that Switch is more powerful than Wii U?

>battery in controller
So uh where else would it be?

>I'm surprised it's still cheaper than the ps and bone

But it's literally the opposite, you retarded motherfuckers.


You did not get it. The battery is where you put your hands, not in the screen.

Well I can pick up a PS3 for $150 on eBay, and that's the level of hardware the switch has, so maybe round up to the nearest hundred for its novelty and add some extra for the bells and whistles; so between $200 to $250.

$300 is disgusting.


I don't think you know how batteries work

No wireless controller or mouse I ever owned was hot. Why should Switch's be?

>300 with NO GAME
This is the real kicker to me. Plus, maybe the ridiculous controller price. But still, the console NEEDS to come with a pack in game especially for said stupid controllers. That 1-2 Switch game should have came with the console. When you look at the price of everything, that 300 price soars really fucking fast when you want to actual use the damn thing and with other people.

what's wrong with 30fps? The human eye can't see over 20fps anyway. You guys are literally crying over fucking numbers.

Obviously, it wont be because the Switch's controller has ice cubes in it.

Your eye can't see.
Play a game at 20fps and after at 60fps.


p 30fps

But then Nintendo drops the WiiU into the mud and you're left with a console with 3 games and no online support you payed 2/3 the cost of a switch to buy.

This is not a sound investment. Especially given that nobody will buy that WiiU off of you.

>BotW is actually only 900p when docked.

This is Nintendo's last hardware. But a new Dream will come out of this. Nintendo as a 3rd party software superpower. Nintendo games on PC and PS4 will be good. Although I'll miss Nintendo's hardware innovation it seemed like even they were running out of real ideas.

I can see Nintendo coming up with PC peripherals though for controllers that'll be pretty neat.

Sorry nignog, but the Wii U is out of production. You aren't going to find it cheap anywhere, outside of a few stores maybe a month after switch. Especially since the gamepad is expensive as fuck, good luck finding one relatively cheap lad. Also, games outside of the select series are becoming more and more rare by the day.

The console itself has the battery for the screen but I think each joycon is going to have batteries in them, maybe disposables? They didn't show.


Yeah, my TV is only 720p anyway, so I'm okay with just getting the Wii U version of BotW.

>he pays $50 a year so he can play Mario Kart online twice a month against kids

>Not Backwards compatible
This is what bother me the most.

Wii U actually has barely enough games to make it worth owning, but that's more than either of the other 2 consoles can boast.

Yes, it's the same fucking list as everyone else posts but.. Sm4sh, Splatoon, SM3DW, DKC Tropical Freeze, Bayonetta 2, Wonderful 101, Hyrule Warriors, Breath of the Wild, Mario Kart 8 (since that's usually a pack in anyway), Xenoblade Chronicles X, and maybe Pikmin 3 and Super Mario Maker.

It's enough to make the console worth owning if you already have a PS4 or a PC for multiplats.

Me at the back

So question, if you only have 1 monitor and no touchscreen monitor how do you play games that use the second screen?

>it's a home console
Hahaha, not in this generation it's not.

It's competitive as a handheld console, not a stationary home one.

Nintendo is definitely dropping out of hardware after this. They won't be able to survive the launch without slashing the price in half at the very least. That presentation is going to be talked about a decade from now as the beginning of the end for nintendo. fucking Arms, this is supposed to be the console that saves them and they spend years on making fucking Arms. Nintendo needs to die.

These right here are why I'm not going to buy a Switch, maybe not even after it gets some games. I mean Breath of the Wild will be on Wii U and I have one, so.. I'll just do that, and It'll be near the end of Switch's Lifecycle before another Zelda comes out that might possibly make me want to get a switch.

I actually hope it bombs and Nintendo goes the Sega route.

Consoles are shit. I can't wait to see this, and MS and Sony on PCs.
We all know that consoles are dying. Look at PS4 Pro and XBOX One S.

>We all know that consoles are dying
Definitely, but not because of the PCs.

Ms and sony consoles will evolve onto full fledged pc's running windows or some shit and nintendo will keep producing meme machines that sell decently among normies

or even better, emulating it at 4k30.

Wtf is wrong with $300 price? That's cheaper than PS4 and Bone were when they released. Hell it is still cheaper than the Pro and

You forgot to mention

The technology is killing consoles.
1 - VR will not run properly on PS4 PRO or something over the years.
2 - Steam is much better than Xbox Live or PSN.
3 - Denuvo is going to make thirds party to PC.
4 - Smartphones are going to kill portable too over the years.
Consoles are the past.

>expecting backwards compatibility when half th games will be Wii U ports and remasters

downloads only, with a 32gig HD space?


Yes, fuck this pisses me off
I would have even liked cartridges but apparently even though the rumors said it had a cartridge slot, the fucking switch doesn't have a slot, only an SD card slot


see I don't buy Wii U emulation, not yet anyway. how do you emulate the gamepad, and motion controls? You'll also need a 2nd monitor with a touchpanel.

Nintendo knows their fanbase is mostly 25-35 year old man children. Kids these days prefer Sony or Microsoft.

Yeah fuck you, i've been a nintendo supporter for many years but i'm not a fucking manchild. I bet you don't even go outside you fucking dipshit.

How long til people swipe screens off the table in public?

>720p 30fps

No it isn't. Stop lying sonypony.

>>Not Backwards compatible
>>Paid online
p 30fps
>>battery in controller
>>The last of us is on the ps3 so it doesn't even have that going for it

>No it isn't. Stop lying sonypony.
They literally say 720p on the Switch website you tard

Then why is every retailer offering pre-orders for the games?


Are you retarded? Cartridges were revealed last year on the first video. They literally just showed the Zelda cartridge too.

>It's cheaper than the Xbone and PS4

No it actually isn't. You can get a Xbone S for the same price. And a PS4 for the same damn price.


>a 1:1 copy of the vita cartridge
Is the Switch seriously supposed to be a Vita copy? Has Nintendo fell this far?

You press tab in cemu to switch screens.

map the motion controls.

of course not, they expect their parents to

720P in tablet mode. And lmao at 30 FPS; with the exception of 3D Zelda games, most first party Ninty games have a 60FPS cap.

>Not Backwards compatible
>Paid online
>720p 30fps
>battery in controller
>every single game is on pc so there is literaly nothing going for it

Someone got triggered.

>Wii U
Literally a literal who console.

Can't you just connect the gamepad to your PC somehow? I'd rather play the games that way anyway.

Yes. The XBONE is shit just like the Switch.

330€ in eu, fuck nintendo

>costs $100 more than a PS4
?? ps4 is $400

>I'm surprised it's still cheaper than the ps and bone

Where are you that the Switch is cheaper than the PS4/XB1?

470 kangaroo bux here
fuck nintendo as well, buddy

>Is backward compatible
>Paid online
>4k 60FPS
>removable batteries
>1:1 fluid connection with W10 PC

>Where are you that the Switch is cheaper than the PS4/XB1?
im from india

in fairness, the Xbone has alright backward compatibility now and most of it's games are 900p or 1080p, not 720p. The only crucial BC games missing are Tales Of Vesperia and Ninja Gaiden 2 at this point.

Nice source.

all my normie friends said it looks awesome and they love that it's a tablet.

I feel sorry for your kangaroo bros

Your dollar is fucked compared to the us one.

>Not backwards compatible

Not only are new games becoming backwards compatible all the time, they usually run better on the Xbox One than they did on 360.

You failed at the very first step


Try $250

>720p 30fps

Which games are this resolution AND framerate together?

>switch, what's that?
It's almost as if they haven't started advertising this shit to the normie market user. No TV presence yet, just youtube videos on their own channel.

xbone is is $499 what are you talking about?

It doesn't spy on you and you can share its games with others :^)

No it's $250

And it runs on silky smooth 12 fps