So what are you realistic expectations for the new Torment?

So what are you realistic expectations for the new Torment?

What kind of virtue signaling do you expect in the game?

Torment: Tides of Numenera—The Explorer’s Guide

Could anyone share it, please?

Don't mind me, just posting because it isn't switch shit.
Will probably buy the game at lauch tho.
k thanks now you can go back to page 10.

I'll buy this, we've had some amazing CRPGs lately so I'm pretty optimistic about it. It'll be a day 1 buy for sure, I just hope they can deliver on their promises.

I'm into games like this, but I've completely ignored it because it has a funny name

Already a red flag.

you've enlightened me

woah really makes you think

>amazing CRPGs lately

Like? Don't say yuh Pillars, MrBTongue absolutely destroyed those.

Yes? It's finally our time to shine.

I haven't followed this at all but I bet there will be a rump allegory in there. Some politician will campaign on kicking out all of the race that builds everything in the spire and talks with symbols instead of words. You can hinder him for good goy points, or help him for bad goy points, but even if you help him he'll be assassinated before taking office.

Screencap this. You know I'm right.

Trump allegory*


I have no expectations but I'd like it to be good. I'll pirate it. If it's half as good as the original Torment, I'll buy it.

Also, when does it come out? Some sources say 26 January, others 28 February.

I form opinions for myself, I don't let some faggot form it for me. Yes obviously I meant Pillars and Tyranny, but also Wasteland 2.

the latter

What a bliss it must be, to be you and be happy with so little.


>So what are you realistic expectations for the new Torment?

Probably going to be really mediocre and an absolutely god damn sacrilegious use of the prestigious Torment name.

Not him but i really like those games too.

Have you seen the party members for this game? It's a full blown SJW muh gender equalitt shitfest. A disgrace of a "successor" for one of the greatest RPGs of all time.

I played the beta and thought it was really promising. If they manage the level of quality presented in that throughout then they honestly got something special on their hands. Perhaps not something as heavy hitting as the Fortress of Regrets, but certainly entertaining and odd.

Certainly engrossed me far more than Tyranny or Divinity: OS did.

If it's mostly text like the original Torment then I think we'll be fine. I know many people shat on Wasteland 2 but I thought the writing in that game was great even if the overall story wasn't anything special.

So yeah I'm kinda hype. And if it's garbage I'll probably quit vidya forever and only play P&Ps

What a plight it must be to constantly demand a level of excellence that is impossible to be met each time, and to be unable to appreciate flawed but otherwise interesting things for what they are, and the potential they show for the future.

I'm afraid with what they've been doing in translating the PnP system in video game form for Numenera. But then the reactivity seems pretty good, and it gives the game potential.

>There's a black man with living tattoos on his skin
>And there's a white woman with pink hair, existing in several dimensions at once
>In a setting that emphasis the weird and exotic
>SJW shit
I really want this shitposting to leave.

what a plight, that a faggot literally only takes his opinions from the internet esp YOUTUBE

Le quirky minorities and women are a staple of progressive expression though.

>"As with the original Torment we are telling a specific story, and that requires a specific character. The player will have a choice of genders in the game, and it will have some impact in the reactivity of the world,” McComb explained. “This is a billion years in the future, so I don’t think there will be much reactivity of people saying that you’re a woman, and you’re not capable of… there’s a billion years of gender equality.”

HAHAHAHAHAHAH, so this is what Torment has come to.

I'm sorry you just want stock fantasy tropes. Play some Pathfinder or D&D if you want Conan the Barbarian.

>What can change the gender of a man?

This is the lead writer of the game... woah

>Leximaven. Schrodinger's Brat. Vorpal Blonde. Bisexual Brainlicker. Princess of a Thousand Enemies. Game Designer. Writer. Co-owner of Monte Cook Games.

Oh boy.

Colin McComb is the lead writer of the new Torment. Idiot.

I want to ask for you all one question...

>Dear SFF Writers, I would like to see more sexually promiscuous, non-objectified women who have no guilt or shame about their love of sex.

Smallish somewhat spoiler moment (you've been warned) to give an example of reactivity that I found was even too good for its own good.

There's a point in the game when you need to obtain something from a character.

You can obtain fake official documents that give you authority to get that thing...

But then, if you're coming back to him

same thing

>There are dragons flying and multiple dimensions.
>You have trouble finding a think that exists from ancient egypt.

Numenera as a world exists after the collapse of 8 prior civilisations. Someone finding out how to dye their hair is hardly a far-fetched idea, there's probably a Numenera for it.

Enjoy your SJW ridden shit. Real patricians will be playing Colony Ship RPG and Expeditions Vikings.

For all we know, it naturally grows like that.

>Colony Ship RPG

Wuts that?

new RPG from the Age of Decadence devs.

Completely forgot I back this and had access to the alpha+beta.
Hopefully it turns out great.


kys desu