You only now realize consolewar faggots are literal children/teenagers fighting over plastic boxes and corporations...

>you only now realize consolewar faggots are literal children/teenagers fighting over plastic boxes and corporations that couldn't care less about them

I'm pretty sure corporations care about keeping their base

One day you'll be old enough, that you've seen the cycle repeat for 5+ generations, and you just don't give a shit anymore.

One console will have a few more games that you want, and you buy it. If something else also has something nice, you might have the disposable income to buy that too. Or maybe the generation doesn't interest you too much until later in the lifespan, when you can get it for cheap.

Then you look at Sup Forums, or whatever other dumb discussion board, and watch the idiots slapfight over whatever new disposable consumer good is the best one. People calling each other pcucks, nintendrones, sonytards, microwhateverthefucks, over what plastic box they happen to like the best. Acting like this shit actually matters.

Then you just close the stupid thread without replaying, go play a game instead, and enjoy true gaming zen.

>it took him this long to realize that corporations are pure evil

Not like you're one to talk, dumb frog poster

help helpper =/= dumb frog

the only people who consolewar are literal 15 year olds who only get games for birthdays and christmas since they don't have jobs to buy all the cool things

It's obviously all satire.


I used to get heavily involved with console war shit and it's the biggest thing I regret

Wanting your money =/= actually caring about you

Holy shit, an actual smart person on Sup Forums, it's a rare thing these days

How smart can a person be, if they still browse this place?

This, this, this, and this

It's not gaming anymore, it's just plain old consumerism.


>plays Gears with my sister on Xbone
>plays SFV, KOF and Yakuza on PS4
>play a lot of Nintendo games in 3DS and picking up the Switch as a HANDHELD
>Fightcade and Indie stuff on PC

Best feel. Fuck console wars

Probably mental illness like the rest of us.

Wait I thought we were all ironically arguing. People actually care what other people enjoy video games on? Brand loyalty exists towards companies that would sell you a brick for $1000 if you let them?

This man he's right, console wars are just for faggots, you buy what you want after all, im going to buy switch just for zelda and maybe another 2-3 exclusive, same shit i already made with ps4 slim. Corporations don't give a fuck about you, they want your money, that's it. You are a money cow for them.

I'm sure there are plenty of smart people on Sup Forums. Problem is they are outnumbered by those who just come here to meme, troll, and rage. With people like this ruining the fun and prodding subjective view points others have, those who are capable of intelligent thought end up way too enflamed by the bait. And if there is anything that induces stupid decision making, it's when emotions are involved. This place is just a hate factory running on the legacy left behind years ago.

I got a PS4, a Vita and new 3DS, and I'm also planning on getting the Switch. Don't own an Xbox even though I like Gears of War because I don't see the point of owning a console for just one game. Fuck console wars. Buy / play what you want.

me too bro

>corporations that couldn't care less about them

too busy counting their money.

You are correct, sir. Nothing more to say.

only now?

I assure you half of the posts about consoles are some corporate shill, and they come from all 3 companies, although sony seems to have a really active shill community.

Corporations are not pure evil, they are purly inhuman.
Humans have a plethora of drives and motications completely unconnected to their existence, a company has only one drive and it is defined by its existence: make money, as much and as fast as it can.

A company is a machine, a thing, and things cant be assigned moral qualifiers, only people can.

But corporations are humans goy!

>you only now realize the console wars on Sup Forums aren't all just ironic shitposting
It's just proof that this is one of the most underage boards here

>he's only figuring that out now
What took you so long?

>a company has one drive: make money
And when the company realizes that the fastest way to make money is screwing over everyone else?

Yes, if you are only just now realising that then you should an hero with a kolibri through the eyes.