Nintendo disappoints with $299 price for new Switch console

>Nintendo, which began by making playing cards in the late 19th century, is counting on the Switch to revive its earnings which rely heavily on console sales.

>But the pricing left Nintendo shares ending at a two month low after falling as much as 6.3 percent. That compared with a 0.8 percent gain in the benchmark Nikkei 225 share price index .N225.

"Pricing at around 25,000 yen would have been received well but the pricing is on the high side," said Fumio Matsumoto, senior fund manager at Dalton Capital in Japan.

"The machine can be used both as a home console and handheld device so the higher price is understandable to some extent, but there aren't really enough software titles to justify that start price," he said.

>Nintendo said more than 50 game software makers are developing 80 titles for the Switch. Of those, eight will be available at the time of launch in Japan, including "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild."

>But some industry watchers are cautious about potential difficulties for developers.

"It is a console with a complicated controller setup and that means game makers have to create titles to fit with that, which is a problem," said Kenji Ono, an independent gaming journalist.

"Also it is unclear how it connects with online gaming and there was no announcement of how it links up with (smartphone games) Pokemon Go or Super Mario Run."

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Nintendo didn't make playing cards in the 19th century, you stupid shitstain.

300 isn't bad at all. That was what was speculated

>300 isn't bad at all
Are you out of your mind?
300 is way too expensive for a tablet with no games

>Nintendo makes a console
>It's too weak for already-established franchises
>It's too unwieldy for new IPs
>Nobody knows how to fucking use it

Were you around back then to confirm that? Stop spouting shit.

330 Euros in the Islamic Caliphate

Nintendo dammed itself with the $250 Wii, after that everyone got the impression that Nintendo systems need to be dirt cheap to be worthwhile.

>being poorfags

>Nobody knows how to fucking use it
Japs will use it to make downgraded handheld ports of home console games much like how the vita was used.

>being stupid with money

you mean aside from the fact that 270 lands you a ps4 with a game bundle and a well established catalogue of gamers and a large playerbase

at least vita has the anime audience where the token series of the year gets a game once in a whole

Switch will be the vita 2.0, it's already getting the disgaea ports. So buckle up for extreme weebshit.

Can't play Zelda on that garbage console. Also the bundle you posted comes with a movie.

Why is it so expensive? It comes out to 400€ with 1 game, which is the price of a fucking PS4 Pro.
(Also it costs ~250€ in Japan, wtf)

It's like Nintendo expects this thing to sell badly and tries to milk the people who do buy it as hard as they can.

They didn't damn themselves. It was the one time they did everything right from a business perspective. Nintendo should have waited 1 or 2 more years to release the Wii U, having it be as powerful as the switch is but with the Wii U's tablet. That way, the system would have been able to launch for a more appropriate price of 300 dollars.

You guys are fucking poor, its like a weeks paycheck worth of a minimum wage job

I am perfectly okay with this.

HD rumble Senran tits when?

>but there aren't really enough software titles to justify that start price

You can play BoTW on Wii U if you were one of the 10 million people who bought the Wii u

So, Reuters are retards, then?
Good to know.

>here is a valid point
>now let me convey it as incoherently as possible

not everyone lives with their parents lol

>$300 is okay for a portable Wii U guys.

>>It's too weak for already-established franchises
What do you mean? It looks like they run them just fine.
Don't tell me the new BotW footage also had frame-rate issues.

You are now aware that the vast majority of Sup Forums is either poor, underage, or both.

Nintendo is basically content with deep third place now, selling only to their biggest fan boys. You can see the downsizing in their R+D compared to the gamecube era, where the variety and number of games is much lower now than it was then. Nintendo is fine with selling 10 million consoles and only making mario games.

Dude, I'm homeless and I'm buying it day one. You have no excuse.

>being mad as a poorfag

>having a family
>buying the kid/me a tablet, means 1/4 of my money goes to trash even if I like the hobby

Good thing I already have a PS4.

Getting a switch a few months after launch. 300 Dollars is a fine price.

I think he meant 3rd parties.

Many of the games looked only slightly better than gamecube games in portable mode (which makes sense, since the Switch is effectively a lower power NVIDIA Shield without the base).

The Wii was actually the most expensive Nintendo home console when it was released. Every other Nintendo system launched at $199. Obviously inflation plays a role here, but the Gamecube was $199 and it was the Wii's immediate predecessor.

I also think it has more to do with consumers being skeptical of Nintendo at higher price points because of the reputation for no third party support and long stretches without games [that Nintendo has been apologizing for and promising to address for every console since N64].

Living in a 5 stars hotel suite for life counts towards being homeless?

>lol u guys are poor!!! xP

The day of the rake is coming soon, bourgie.

If you don't live with your parents then you should be making much more than minimum wage. Otherwise you're retarded for moving out.


>tons of people were saying it was obviously going to be $300 based on the hardware
>people still surprised

>tfw $470
It's a piss-take lads.

Why does Nintendo continue to have to be a gimmick in the community?

I mean, it's like they're not even trying to compete.

If Microsoft and Sony are Ford and Chevy, Nintendo is like a Suzuki lawn mower line.

I am convinced the people saying "its only 300" are the ones who have no jobs or receive autism bucks.

If you actually work you wouldn't spend your money on crap that is not worth the price. You actually know the worth of a $.

I'd rather get a PS4 for the same price


You're so fucking wrong everyone EVERYONE even me said it was going to be $250, and that if it was $300 it would fail, I was going to get one but now I'm getting an xbone , more power, better specs, better online infastructure, and has been out longer so more games.
Zelda is the only thing this console has right now and I can play that on a used WiiU .

>having a home means ur homeless dude lol

Ps3 was 600 dollars

Neo Geo was 1500 dollars

>I am convinced the people saying "its only 300" are the ones who have no jobs or receive autism bucks.

You could make the same argument the other way around, for a lot of people $300 is your spare change after a few paychecks once you've sorted out the rest of your budget.

I was banking on the $250 range, $300 is a bit steep especially since it's not bundled with a game. I'll give you that much.

If you want to play Nintendo games you will buy a switch.

Thats it. Its not some fucking complicated decision.

t. jobless Americuck

>VR is actually taken seriously
>Implying people aren't complacent with gimmicks
It's only wrong when Nintendo does it.

You can get an NVidia tablet for half that and it's literally the same hardware.

Name three good Xbone exclusives.

If you are renting a house, or renting a room in a hotel, it doesn't matter it is not "yours". You don't "have it". You are renting it.

If $300 is really that much for you, then you need to learn how to manage your money.

not american but good try though

It was speculated to fail at that price.
Nintendo made sure everyone had Game Boy by selling it at $90, which is like $170 today.
>>I also think it has more to do with consumers being skeptical of Nintendo at higher price points because of the reputation for no third party support and long stretches without games [that Nintendo has been apologizing for and promising to address for every console since N64].
This, alongside the unreasonable price really have undone their consoles a lot.

Am am neither jobless nor American.

Nintendo is the only one forcing it.

Nintendo is the only one dedicated to it.

Sony and Microsoft offer gaming, as it is, as it's been, and forseeable as it continues to be.

Nintendo is trying to revolutionize every generation with a new toy. Figurines, controllers, touchscreen, motion sensor, every game needs it's own plug in adapter to play.

no, that explains your poverty

really gets the neurons firing

They better fucking backpedal and make it $250, or at least throw in a pack-in

I know Nintendo makes all of its cash from overpriced hardware sold solely on hype and gimmicks, but what people really want to spend their money on is games.

This is how Microsoft and Sony roll - they sell their console at a very small margin of loss but they make up for it with large volumes of software sales. Nintendo should figure that out.

Just like you don't "own" your steam games, right pccuck? Fuck off.

>$300 is a bit steep especially since it's not bundled with a game
It's only coming with 32GB of storage, as well. It's a tablet form factor, so not much to be done about that, but that's super light for something that is supposed to be doubling as a home console. And once again the optimum controller is going to be an added cost.

It's looking like a really bad value proposition right now. New Mario better be great.

>there aren't really enough software titles to justify that start price
There never fucking are, there never fucking have been, and there never fucking will be.

Do not buy consoles at launch.

I will sell you this apple for $30. What can't afford $30? Poor piece of shit.

I'm suddenly reminded of how everyone thinks Vita failed because of the pricing.

The Wii U was sold at a loss and Nintendo still profited.

>I am convinced the people saying "its only 300" are the ones who have no jobs or receive autism bucks.
This. Just because you have the money doesn't actually mean you necessarily want to spend it on specific system.
"You have to spend this much" is the underage fanboy mentality of people who talk their moms into buying devices for them.

Holy shit, what a perfectly timed picture.
That shit is going to be the new this, just watch.

I honestly didnt expect Nintendo to kill excitement right out the gate.

>the new this

Literally what is that?
What did he mean by "this"?

Yeah I agree I think $300 sounds fair. However I think it would have been a smart move for Nintendo to take a loss on this console and shoot for $250 or even $200 just to make sure they move a ton of units.

>What is a pro-controller
>What is the Joycon grip
They aren't forcing it, you and so many other people just love to complain about the very idea that it's an option.

They did you fucking retard.

I agree with you, but not necessarily because of the $300 tag.

It's because Nintendo has consistently proven lately that buying their system at launch when it's the most expensive is a fool's game.

No games, minimum features, steep cost for accessories and artificial scarcity.

At this point if you are not getting Zelda you have absolutely no reason to even touch the damn thing. I repeat, IF YOU ARE NOT GETTING ZELDA YOU HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO REASON TO EVEN TOUCH THE DAMN THING!

>Nintendo is the only one forcing it
Not this gen

>But the pricing left Nintendo shares ending at a two month low after falling as much as 6.3 percent.
This happens with Sony, Microsoft, Apple and every other tech company- when they go in depth with a new product their shares drop. Nintendo isn't some special outlier.

>things cost money

I can eat the same kind of apple for cheaper, I can't play Nintendo games anywhere else.

halo, halo and halo

I dont like the $300 tag nor the paid online. What does kill it is the controller. I dont have retard babby hands.



>the bundle you posted comes with a movie
Love this meme!

>uncharted 4

i rather have aids

2 hours and 35 minutes of cutscenes is the magic mark where it goes from a game to a movie

You can get a PS4 on Amazon with the highest rated game of this generation for 250$, and then immediately go download and play a bunch of good F2P titles like Let It Die or Warframe.

The Switch is 300$ with literally 4 launch titles, one of which is the pack in fame they decided to sell separately for 50$.

Remember the 3DS? Remember how it had fucking nothing for 8 months after launch and then they slashed the price by 80 FUCKING DOLLARS and only offered a couple of ROMs to early adopters?

This is that all over again. Hell the only game worth anything at launch is a multi-plat.

I said this in another thread, but ill say it here.

At 199, it would have sold like wildfire.

At 249, it would have still moved decent numbers as its still 'low enough' to warrant a little bit of experimentation. Nintendo hasnt been the safe bet in consoles since the NES (outside of portables) and this is the absolute max they could have gone to get them decent longevity sales.

At 300, Its doomed. Now you are the same price as a brand new ps4 or xbone, weaker than both by a wide margin, and have nothing going for you. Any one who isnt a nintendoler and has to make a console choice will always go with the other 2 since nintendo's track record is trash as of late and the ps4 already has a huge library with tons of games per month coming out. Its really not a choice.

To be able to pull off 300, they had to have a KNOCKOUT fucking launch lineup (we're talking dreamcast levels of launch titles), and what do they fucking have. A Wii U game, a successor to wii sports, JUST FUCKING DANCE, and skylanders.

Nintendo just pulled a sega of japan.

>I'm getting an xbone

user, no need to get carried away and do things you'll regret later.

>mfw I would accept this is Halo 5 was good

The price should have been higher

At such a cheap price how good can the battery/graphics balance possibly be? If VR proved anything it's that stupid people will throw money away on useless gimmicks no matter how expensive they are.

I live Japan.

Everyone I met today said the price was great and they want to play Zelda.

This is not expensive to anyone I personally know, just anecdote I know.

But to me it seems Reuters sees stock drop and needs to write article so they desperately look for reasons and then present article as if they know exactly why things happen when they are not sure and it is mere speculation.

Anyway, for me, I might buy, Zelda looks interedting but I hate big environments that are empty just for sake of being big and I have to traverse them repeatedly.

I hope for interesting Platinum titles and Xenoblades although Xenoblades looks a little chibi not my style.

I also hope for new Square Enix as their portable games are usually best.

Graphics I dont care, just more games than there has been lately.

Have you like... actually seen a DS4 before?

It's 265$ in Japan.

A console I'm not interested in bundled with a game I don't give a single fuck about. WHAT A DEAL!

>nips being excited for a home console
I don't believe you.

Switch will be 250 within a year, so it doesn't matter.

And what about the people who don't want to play nintendo games? I'd rather play titanfall 2, prey, escape from tarkov or the new metro game over anything nintendo can offer but none of these are on the switch.

Xenoblade doesn't really look chibi to me, I think the MC is just a kid

I appreciate that they strayed away from the horrible X faces though

>Square Enix
Bravely Third please

Thanks for reporting in, Japan-friend

Well to be fair, it's not really a home console. They can take this on the train, so it's all good.