What games let me play as a communist?

What games let me play as a communist?

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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Call of Duty 1, United Offensive and 2

every game that forces all players to share EXP after each battle regardless of each one's contribution
also you can't change game

Call of Duty games set in World War 2 usually. Red Faction games generally have a revolutionary tone to them. Red Orchestra has very hammy Soviets (then again everything is hammy in that series). Stuff like Victoria 2 and Rise of Nations also let you go full communism now.

There are very few games with openly homossexual protagonists.

>also you can't change game
so 99% of the games?

There is such a thing as individual wages that are made dependent upon how much and how well you work under a socialist system, user. It's just that now the managerial and executive jobs no longer earn a ludicrous amount compared to what work they actually do.

World in Conflict: Soviet Assualt

Red Alert
Civilization/Alpha Centauri
Red Faction


>confusing state capitalism with communism

>not real communism

Ok buddy whatever you say.

Yeah. State capitalism is good, communism isn't.

State capitalism isn't just capitalism you moron, it's a very specific type of heavily restricted capitalism where everything belongs to the state.


I don't know who's more autistic, barneyfag or commie spammer.


that pill should be blue

Red Alert

any f2p game


>fascist logic


>we need to shill communism on Sup Forums, John
>uhhh... what do they like over there?
>I think redpill came from there
>let's combine redpill and communism, both are the same color


Not everything. Nazi Germany was an example of state capitalism. Many factories were in private hands, but were heavily controlled by the state.

>ancaps are fascists
Do you even hear yourself?


You have to be retarded to freeze to death in a city

What's funny is that trots are completely right when they say that communism has never existed. They just don't understand the implications of that because they're retarded.

you are empty (?)
stalin's subway
stalin vs martians


ancap and fascism both lead to white-run countries so they're bad

>when your retarded system collapses but it's okay because it wasn't real fascism so you try again and

You're right. Worldwide workers revolution has never happened.

That doesn't even make sense.
Correct, because it's the feverish pipe dream of a self-hating Jew who failed to understand human nature.

>You should share your property with the poor!
>t. Upper class white teenager living in a gated neighborhood posting from his $2000 macbook who has never donated to anything in his life

>defend cross board shitposting by claiming it isn't always Sup Forums doing it
>anything I don't like must and always is coming from reddit


>150 years of documented economic failure, absolute moral decay and killing of your own citizens
>there are still retards on this planet eating up the communist/socialist/neo-marxist propaganda

day of the rope when? these people cannot be helped

If you are a commie you must be from reddit.
That's from where all the retards come from.


>something something not real communism
Day of the Rope won't be enough.

>ctrl+f "victoria 2"

Sup Forums confirmed casual

I didn't make an argument, though. I just called Marx a retarded kike.
If you want an argument, though, it's that egalitarianism is a lie. That's why communism has failed and always will fail.

>not real fascism!
>not real fascism!
>not real fascism!
>Iron Guards
>not real fascism!
>not real fascism!
>not real fascism!
>Estado Novo
>not real fascism!

communism and reddit are synonymous though

Red Orchestra games, Mother Russia Bleeds, a bunch of shitty indy games.


No one says that. All of those groups and people are fascist.

What else do you know about reddit?

Report and hide.

Leftposting has been on Sup Forums longer than that shithole has been alive. If anyone should hop on over its you Sup Forums faggots to be with your /the_donald brethren.

>said no one ever

>not getting a job
>being a lazy bum

Not that guy but trying to deflecting criticism of your shitty ideology by calling others fascists is pretty fucking stupid. Not everyone who thinks communism is retarded is a Nazi LARPer from Sup Forums

>this is what /letypol/ actually belives
Follow your own advice and go to your own containment site.

Coming from the literal mongoloids who deflects any criticism of any ideology the isn't Communism to be communists.

He's got a point, sorry you just showed up recently. A decade ago this site was left as shit.

>shitting on neocohens makes you left-wing

There are plenty of games where you can play as the bad guys

Sup Forums is reactionist you should know

Commies hate fascists because fascism gets the results that communism dreams about.

Hitler was a pure fascist, but he failed his invasion because he was fucking terrible at military planning (e.g. attempting to invade everyone as quickly as possible starting with FUCKING RUSSIA).


The fuck is a neocohen

Actually this place wasn't left wing, we were all 16-18 10 years ago and did raids on websites with our characters dressed as niggers and trolled 14 year old girls. But you wouldn't know that would you?

The left today has a problem, its been linked with retarded identity politics that does it no good. Nowadays they care more about "minorities" than the poor, wich is a reasonably thing to care for (if you are not an egoist)

And the exploitative outsiders pick up positions of power over the native labourers through the vanguard, but then that's the point of communism and free market capitalism both. :^)

>/leftypol/ will ignore this

Actually this place was very left wing with many threads on Sup Forums dedicated to who gave a shit if gays were gay, legal weed and making fun of bush. But you wouldnt know that would you?

Not really

This website was left leaning when it was just convenient. The religious right was mostly bashing us for our hobbies and most posters were atheist or tolerant theists unlike neo cons but still right wing.
Communism was still laughed at

Each and every communist and (((socialist))) should be immediately executed, without mercy and exception.

T.user from a post-communist state


Jeremy Cohan


Ideological politics (and socialism, incidentally) only works in homogenous countries. Once you start importing third-worlders they bring their problems and their politics with them. The reason basic bitch right-wingers in the US are opposed to social welfare is because the instinctually understand that it amounts to subsidizing small African and Hispanic countries within our borders.

>Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

t. You

only the good ones

What about price elasticity?

actually thats complete bullshit you are pulling out of your ass. Legal weed and making fun of bush has nothing to do with being left wing. Sup Forums was an apolitical place I will give you that but it certainly has never been "left wing" you fucking retard.

Capitalism only works if there is no monopoly or defacto monopoly.

Hearts of Iron
Red Orchestra
Victoria II

actually no

That you need to go back

>lol no
Commies everyone!

so this is the power of lefty/pol/...

Can you send me a research paper on reddit

DUHLETE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!


What about it?

Which is why all capitalist countries have collapsed, oh wait

Are you ESL or just really bad at comebacks?

>muh work is objectively more important

let me spell something out for you

you are not as important as you think you are

80% of collage grads don't use their degree

You are completely replaceable at almost any moment

this applies to every field

Was a predictable reply like yours an amazing come back?


A doctors work is objectively more important than someone who works at mcdonalds. A doctor is not completely replaceable at almost any moment.

Notice how most modern commies are from western countries that haven't experienced communism.


Oh so you predicted that you would come across as someone who can't speak english well/ a retard?