Who the fuck approved this weeb artstyle
Who the fuck approved this weeb artstyle
the nips
Wise sages from the East.
The same dude who approved the shit MC
I did.
Got a problem with it, nerd?
It looks way better than XCX's character design though.
Sad. The artstyle was fine before, now it looks like one of those crappy anime that Sup Forums circlejerks for a month and then forgets.
I did, it's my aesthetic.
Yes but weeb artstyle = automatic super cringe that makes you avoid playing the game when friends and family are around at all costs
Sup Forums's taste is much better than the shithole's
Insecure much?
>automatic super cringe that makes you avoid playing the game when friends and family are around at all costs
Got something you wanna tell us, user?
People complained about Xenogear's character models.
People complained about Xenosaga's character models.
People complained about Xenoblade's character models.
People complained about Xenoblade X's character models.
People are complaining about Xenoblade 2's character models.
Maybe, just maybe, Monolithsoft sucks at making models. Or people just love to complain.
at least you admit that you have insecurities
Yeah, it's seriously terrible. Even worse than XCX and that's quite a fucking achievement.
1999 called. They want their memes back.
Miles better than potatoes.
I'm sorry that your self worth relies on the reputation of an anonymous imageboard.
Nothing wrong with it.
xeno now looks like a generic nu-anime game. The distinct art style of the past games made it likable, now it's nothing but trash.
I don't have a problem with the artstyle itself. It's not the best but it could work. But the characters being shown look awful which just give the whole thing a shitty vibe.
Looks way better than the potatoes of xcx
My dick.
>Japanese game looks like its from Japan
Why are you complaining about this? You should know by now that the director never makes the same game twice
Maybe they're doing different artstyles for every main entry. I dig it.
OP is right though. This artstly looks shit in comparison to the last two games.
Even though if chronicels just had bad faces because of bad hardware, it still looked more appealing than this.
Justify this
Looks like Tohya from Log Horizon
Justify what
Xenoblade just keeps getting worse and worse.
Kiddyblade chronicles
You can't. Looks like crap compared to Shulk.
>Complaining about weeb artstyle in weeb game
lmao wtf
>My First Monado
Not with all those KyoAnifags, no.
>this is the face of neo Sup Forums
>Thinking weeb means anime
Newfags showing their new everyday
The only thing that is making me super cringe here is your enormous insecurity.
I'm the first when it comes to defending weeb games but this is too much.
It's like all those fucking Korean MMO with SAO design.
>Japanese game from japan with a Japanese artstyle
>weeb artstyle
>automatic super cringe
More important: Who approved that fucking anime one liners?
Nose needs panel lining.
>The artstyle was fine before
Oh come on, user. You have to admit that Xenoblade Chronicles X's artstyle looked like those "How to Draw Manga" books from the early 2000s
This seriously killed all my hype. Why would I want to play as a kid in Xenoblade? What is the target audience for this? Kids aren't going to start playing Xenoblade.
His voice and design is terrible.
Straight generic anime trash.
>The artstyle was fine before
>Nintentoddlers will defend this
>return back to the traditional animu artstyle of Xenogears and Xenosaga
>get back fucking Mitsuda as main composer
>scare away the Xenoblade children
Your vaseline covered girls and potato girls are history lads, Xeno fans won.
>>return back to the traditional animu artstyle of Xenogears and Xenosaga
Xenogears doesn't look like that shit at all. Who are you trying to fool?
The new game's art design is better than Kunihiko Tanaka's character designs.
It desperately needs mecha design however.
Both art styles are rooted in anime much more than XB or XBX were.
Seriously, Xenoblade Chronicles looked fucking amazing, and then X was meh, and now this piece of shit.
I seriously balked just looking at this trailer and what could've been an easy decision for me is now in the "this looks like kiddy anime shit" bucket and off my list.
What an original shitpost.
>not liking anime
god damn shes hot
Idk but she's hot would fug
Xenogears looks like it takes inspiration from 90s mecha anime, like Evangelion and stuff.
This just looks like the stuff that Compile Heart would make.
You morons, Xenoblade X had the same character designer as Gears and Saga I. How can a new designer harken closer to those than the same one?
Nice argument, faggot.
I really liked the part where Xenoblade's characters looked like they were covered in a layer of grease/sperm/wax/vaseline
Xenoblade's characters only looked passable on dolphin with the HD texture pack so the model textures were less blurry.
Its better then the potato faces in X
Your stale garbage doesn't warrant an argument.
It looks like Tales of character design. is it the same guy?
>muh artstyle
I'll give you a hint on why one of them look better.
One is a 18 years old girl in a military uniform with a firm expression.
The other one is a little girl going uguu
Elly would look superior even if you put her in this new artstyle.
I don't see anybody going uguu.
I'm not even the one who posted that.
Nice try though, fag.
>there are people on Sup Forums right now
>surprised that takahashi's making a game with an animu art style
Literally the easiest way to spot people who've never touched a Takahashi game until Xenoblade.
Generic as generic can be
This is a fact.
If you can seriously play that kind of shit in front of your father without feeling embarrassed that you're portraying yourself as a fag, either A) you're father is a weird fucker or B) you have the 'tism.
Insecurity =/= Awareness of your social situation.
The girls are cute, i don't care about this.
>Zohar on her chest
Nice touch.
Hopefully they have the same people who locallized the original do this. THey did an excellent job. It didn't sound weebish at all.
Your cute girls are fucking that guy
And on the sword.
Sword waifus because there's the blonde in a green color variant of that outfit, too.
You don't sound old enough to use this website.
just fuck my artstyle up
>Justify this
it's still better than any design in xcx
I want my Xeno games to look like they were made by Monolith Soft, not ultra generic animu Vita bin harem jrpgs.
>not a sequel to XCX
>another Xeno series that will never have a proper conclusion
Miss the times when everyone hided their powerlevel, now everyone is proud of being retarded
Are you like 11 or something
Fuck, they at least tried with XC.
This one's a sequel to XC.
There's XC and XCX, like there's Mega Man and Mega Man X.
XCX desperately needed a sequel.
The entire game is just a prologue for the main story.
Blade was a fine self-contained story.
This is the game they were working on immediately after XCX was finished. It's not like a sequel to XCX isn't going to happen, come on, son.
>It's not like a sequel to XCX isn't going to happen
Yes it's not like we are talking about a man whose prior 3 series came to an ubrup.....
Oh wait.
That's entirely because of his companies treating him like shit. Nintendo actually gives him more money if he needs it. I've been with Xeno since Gears, so this doesn't worry me.
>go on Sup Forums
>complain about anime
>not a XCX sequel
Good, I don't have to buy the shitty switch.
Why are you faggots pretending xenoblade wasn't basically an encyclopedia of shitty anime and jprg cliches.