Game developers aren’t so sure about PS4 Pro and Project Scorpio

>Based on GDC’s findings, only 18 percent of developers view consoles like PS4 Pro and Scorpio as a positive thing for the industry.

Do you agree with them Sup Forums?

Only a retarted would see 1.5 versions of normal consoles as a good thing.
It will be the worst cancer if it ever catches on

Agreed. The Pro is a huge cluster fuck and the Scorpio will be no better.

I got against the core reason people buy consoles. They want to buy a box and be set for the next 8 years.

These half steps are bullshit.

4K is a meme and the regular PS4 can do HDR which is also a fucking meme.

The Scorpio will bring it to the power level of an original PS4. Big fucking woop. It still has no games.

It's bad, but shit, it's the only way to play some games at a solid framerate when in 1080p mode. When I eventually get a PS4 it's going to be a Pro.

Graphics have reached such diminishing returns it makes these 1.5 consoles pointless.

Time power and resources should be now poured into AI and frame rate. But it won't. Pay $400 more dollars for a frew extra lens flares and polygons.

Nobody cares what the devs want anymore. Sup Forums lifts studio heads up to e-celeb status then shit on anything they put out.

Developers are still gamers pretty often. They know what's up, they're not that stupid as to buy into Sony's marketing.
It doesn't help that PS4 Pro is really poorly executed.

I see it too

Look at witcher 3 on the pro. Same shit as the ps4 no framerate improvements and no graphic improvements when it has 2x the power

Older games don't even use the power they're just left emulated on the scale of the ps4 framedrops and all

Basically devs don't give a shit and won't put in extra work. They will simple upscale the pro version and maybe give it better aa or some shit.

Even shit like gr2 and tlg have framedrops under 30

Basically, they won't give a shit until the ps5 or when sony kills the ps4 for good.

>Time power and resources should be now poured into AI and frame rate. But it won't.
Who knows, sooner or later it's going to become too expensive to just try and improve graphics (it already is in many ways) and these could be new alternatives to marketing your games. Things like YouTube supporting 60FPS increases the demand and general public's awareness of high frame rate advantages. Once devs and publishers realize it can be cheap way to improve a game in consumer's eyes and start to market it properly it will probably start to take off.

>Graphics have reached such diminishing returns it makes these 1.5 consoles pointless.
No way, not by a long shot. You could make an argument that Wii U/Switch Levels of hardware work fine, but saying that the envelope can't still be pushed is silly. Imagine Uncharted 4 grafics, 4K, at 60fps, and with hundreds of complex terrain destruction shit happening on-screen. Oh baby.

Hi res texture and hi polygon model are more time consuming. Not to mention all that mocap needed. Now it is go big or go home. Not many dev can go big enough.

That would already be easy if the PS4 wasn't packing a mobile CPU. Besides, they promised the game to run 60FPS in the first place.

Tru, but even simple looking games can benefit from hi-res dynamic shadows, ao, motion blur, and real time physics stuff.

Maybe PS5 will be backwards compatible lol

>mfw this image is true

>Maybe PS5 will be backwards compatible lol
At such a low rate of games it'd be a suicide to not be. Three years later the PS4 library is so lacking that 7th gen consoles still see active use.

Scorpio isn't a 1.5

it's a PC that isn't really sure of itself yet, some bullshit how you will upgrade through firmware updates rather than a new console

So it's Microsoft's Alienware?

>thread about actual discussion
>shitposting thread #4679547855
>getting multiple posts every few seconds
wew, but I do agree with the devs. Scorpio and Pro were a mistake.

You know that most of the people who participate in those surveys amount to 0.01% of the industry right?


Still way fucking more support than the switch will ever have

Seems like it.

No shit, it means them putting in extra work for a smaller userbase

>pay 299
>play weebshit for 5 years

That is console gaming for me.

This Pro shit is only useful for graphics whores and big budget games. But the triple A business model is failing isn't it? I'm mortified.

Yeah, nobody has a fucking Pro or will have a Scorpio compared to the numbers of the PS4 & Xbone. It's just needless extra work for developers to appease this comically small install base while pissing off the larger install base in the process.

>developers are already pushed to the limit trying to rush shit out as fast as possible, with console performance all over the place and never living up to promises
>hey guys lets give them TWO more consoles to optimize for ;^)

They'll never give a shit until these make up the majority of the user-base but that will never happen because people buy consoles for the specific reason of NOT upgrading every few years

These are the same developers that think VR is the next big thing and are shoehorning SJW into all their video games aimed at mainly white men.

That's because modern games are so ridiculously expensive and take so long to make.
The "entry level" for A and AA games is too damn high

Delete This

They still have to deal with the problem somehow.

I wasn't excusing it by any means.
BC is nice but it's a palliative.

They need to deal with it on the source of the issue

Did anyone actually upgrade to the Pro?

Does anyone have sales figures?

Alternative to BC would be to look for ways to reduce the costs. The most functional solution I can think of is more pre-made stuff which is not necessarily good.

IIRC they are expecting 2m sales by the end of 2017 (or was it for the PSVR, I'm not sure)

Yeah, they will need to either scale down on the games size or standardized engines/assets/ais/etc will run the show.
Rolling your own becomes more expensive pretty much every day

I want to know what the actual sales are, because I know that VR is grossly underperforming 'expectations' and I suspect PS4.5 is, too.

It bombed in the first month of NPD in the US. Less than 300,000 of totall PS4 SKU sales in November and 200,000 in December. Underperformed versus previous iterative consoles the 3DS XL and DSi.

Also, Sony's not disclosing PSVR figures to anyone. Read into that as you will.

>Also, Sony's not disclosing PSVR figures to anyone. Read into that as you will.
That's a *huge* red flag

Since there is a time gap and Microsoft giving developers tools to help optimize for the Scorpio, will it end up living up to what it promised better than ps4p? Even if sales are bad will it have the optimization it claims to withstand?

It doesn't help that so many gamers demand high end graphics.

Videogames are becoming Hollywood blockbusters. There will only be a few franchises left each year.

That's because graphics are really easy to "get".
Showing AI, input precision or even physics can be pretty hard (or rather, trying to awe people with it).
You need to be a tech dork to get really hyped by cool physics and AI.
Graphics are a easy sell.

I think blockbusters is a good comparison. They are just a bunch every year, despite the movie industry having more big players than the vidya one

Of course developers complain, it means more work for them to set different graphics settings up
Even though all PC games always did that.

With Switch and Scorpio's release now EVERY game has to hit at least two different hardware/power configurations. Basically doubling QA costs.

Do you think pubs will double the QA budgets, too?

I even forgot that devs also have to optimize games for Switch as well. So if someone's game is multiplat they have to optimize it for PS4, PS4 Pro, Xbone, Xbone Scorpio, Switch docked, Switch undocked and PC. Jesus.

>let's take what makes consoles great and make them like computers!

Yes, pretty much the one advantage consoles have over PC is parity, and they flushed that down the toilet.