All I want to do is go fast....
Now: Metal Slug 3
Next: Contra
Later: Super C
All I want to do is go fast....
Now: Metal Slug 3
Next: Contra
Later: Super C
real thread xDDDD
real thread
Good for him, he'll be getting laid tonight
Stay tuned for more cringe and memes, reddit friends!
Memetal Slug 3
That was great.
I liked that song.
All I wanna do is *sniff* fast
when's rabi ribi?
why does the guy in the orange hoodie looks like pic related?
xth for daughterfu
Good morning!
what do you call nuts on the wall?
is t-this the r-real thread?
the next to post anything about reddit will get aids
what the hell was up with his enunciation while singing
Reminder that anyone using the word cringe is a redditor
Why did this make me laugh
I ain't gonna lie. Compared to the rest of the stuff you see, his voice is actually decent. His guitar playing was also fitting for the song.
>Only one run goes over 2 hours today
Wow, bad day
I will not get more than 1 (you) this thread.
holy shit dude!!!! I REALLY HATE RABI RIBI!!! and you just HAD to make a thread. dang it, you sure got me! i got trolled BIG TIME
fucking phoneposters
how can a monster have the voice of an angel?
I'm sort of hyped for Metal slug 3
all I wanna do is sniff ass
It's funny that you can immediately tell who's from Reddit based on their reaction to a basic bitch strumming on his fag guitar
>three fucking agdq threads
at least this one isn't memes, seems alive, and has an OP with substance
fuck off spider
Welcome back daughterfufag
>starts playing guitar
Nah, this is where gdq ends for me.
Watching a bunch of memeing fucks play shit games in an unfun manner for this much time, its bound to rub off on me, but this ain't even vidya anymore.
link to all 3?
Dumb Sagume poster
I know this isn't /vg/ but can't you autists wait until 750?
Metal Slug is shit
After the stream crashes the viewers never recovered.
Thousands of view bots being used
>out comes the guitar
I fucking hate Sup Forums so much.
what ps3 game is this?
The limit here is 500
Oh my fucking God.
we're gonna miss you
Say that to my face irl
Thanks for reposting my post
You know Sup Forums moves too fast for that, we'd be dead by 610
fuck off from Sup Forums than you double nigger
lol so salty and butthurt, sad!
>bad cancer RNG
is toad /ourguy/ ?
Wow oh wow
hispanic men are so pretty
obligatory webm, just getting it out of the way
>Mexican runner
>Looks asian
Didn't TMR kill himself yesterday?
>the mexican runaway
What did he mean by this?
>third from left
literally me
Dumb fatty poster
>good developer of games
end me pls
I bet Trump did this.
nu v is underage proto normies so no
metal slug and contra soon, nice
me on the table
lose weight
i lose my breath just looking at you
The dude can actually sing and play decently and unironically makes a song about speed running.
>Sup Forums meetup
mine now nigger
Because even after that choke it still wasn't as bad as that other retard in the last mystery race.
Mexicanrunner is bro
Why are there so many teenage girls here that falls in love with a guy that can barely play and sing with a guitar?
Why did Mexico have such a cool gundam anyway
Anyone catch the Furi or La-Mulana runs? were they any good?
What's his border crossing PB?
Nothing but fags here user
Ok, I'll take eri
Song isn't bad, just kinda old
I hope it still gives him some pussy desu
You have 183 seconds to post what you've eaten today
It's supposed to be next just like like the last twenty threads have said, only reason I'm watching this shit
>speedrunning was a mistake
>falling for it
user come on