Game of the year

>game of the year
>3 minutes queue on average after only 6 months

what did they mean by this?

Shitty match maker, just waitt for the server browser

Is that supposed to be a long time or something?

The playerbase is made of comp shitters now. No new people are joining and getting to level 25. I tried to level a different account for comp and it takes from 2-10 minutes to find a quickplay match.

3 minutes in arcade maybe, QP pops instantly for me and so does ranked.

i had 3 mins qs at launch too

I find games pretty fast on PS4

>3490 MR
>One win away from Grandmaster
>Go home for two weeks for the holidays
>Come back
>Rating has decayed to 3000 due to inactivity
>Join a game, Sombra on defense
Why the fuck is this a thing

thats what you get for not playing 24/7, now buy more crates stupid goy

Latin america is even worse, since they decided to charge us 25% more for their game and because our matchmaking is broken since the launch we wait up to 5m during weekends and half the time get a 150+ms server.

>what did they mean by this?
They make their money and game will die like HoTS.
>paid online

On which of the 3 platforms it's doing well on, OP?

Is 3 mins really a long time? Does OP play anything else with matchmaking? Will he ever install Overwatch for himself instead of making threads on Sup Forums parroting shitty images and 14 year olds?

No, don't even come to the next thread.

Stop replying .

he's probably on Xbone, everyone is playing on PS4/PC

is that coming to ps4?

being put into 3, THREE! different skirmishes before a match is fucking insane

I thought 4000 was GM

it is
you either play on console or have a really low SR

What? it's 50% off here, and QP launches instantly

>implying ranks means everything in OW

>forced 50/50
>only read updates are Cash Shop only
>TF clone with a bad art style
>only shouting some meme garbage and JoJo references

Overwatch was never good. It is a little bit worse than TF with no content.

If you play Overwatch more than 2 hours then you are wasting you life time, because it is always the some few maps with the same few heroes.

Only autists love to do the same stupid thing over and over and over and over and over again.

You'll be able to get back to master easily because of how the system works.
You're going to be paired up with people around Master and gain more SR for winning and lose barely anything for losing.
I'm actually purposefully letting one of my accounts drop right now because of just how easy it is to abuse to reach higher ranks.

>Only autists love to do the same stupid thing over and over and over and over and over again.
>Dust II

At least CS have better gameplay

nice bait bro

>Only autists love to do the same stupid thing over and over and over and over and over again.

So everyone on Sup Forums is autistic.

PC. My skill rating is 3300

>what did they mean by this?
They doesn't care about game quality, since it's allows them to reduce efforts while Activision marketing makes all sales. The same was with D3, HoTS, WoD, Legion, good launch, swift death.

well aren't you matched with people of your rank?
are you fucking retarded

I bought Overwatch because I wanted something fresh but also a replacement for TF2. It was fun the first week of playing, but it felt too much like a MOBA, which was very off putting because I have never liked the genre. Hitboxes are also too generous and the movement feels terribly static and clunky compared to that of TF2 and similar games. It is a good game, but the physics/movement is just terrible for a game that defines itself as a first person shooter inspired by games like Quake.

>hover around in low GM for 1.5 weeks
>reach 4200
>one win away from top 500
>lose 550 SR in a single night
>next day leave home for 2 weeks
>come back to SR 3300
Hmm. Really motivates me to play

>Maps are all shit at release
>New map they released a while back was also shit
>Balancing is atrocious, Defence heroes were turbogarbage and Blizzard was completely fine with that because shitters were losing to a camping bastion

Then I stopped playing.

I could overlook the balancing somewhat if at least 1 map was actually good.

>well aren't you matched with people of your rank?
So what? It's shows just how many times you picked meta character or how many times you have trolls or leavers in your team. These things aren't realted with your skill.

Iraq isn't so bad, at least map much less dependent from meta

>Defence heroes were turbogarbage
Someone hasn't played current meta when Torb/Sym/Mei stomps triple tank.

Dota has even longer queues. Haven't played in a while though.

I find mathces in under 2mins but I'm in the shitter leagues.

Still sucks against 2-2-2 with Rein, Ana and Soldier.

That's not entirely true. I get 2-4 min queues at 3.8k mmr most of the time.

It takes a while for it to find people around your elo, thats all he was saying

Still ranks, doesn't show anything related with ranks, since in OW meta>skill

>3 minutes

I wish.