This game was surprisingly good
This game was surprisingly good
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Best zombie game ever made and the real spiritual successor to Mirror's Edge. Really good graphics and well optimized. Surprised more people don't talk about it here
Yep, the Dead Island we should have had.
Yeah it was good, i liked the night mission the bridge
It was great, sucked that the final boss was a QTE though. I haven't played the dlc.
>the real spiritual successor to Mirror's Edge
That's an insult to all the actual gameplay and liberty it had as opposed to mirror's edge's lack of anything remotely fun and being basically a qte where you ahve to learn the prompts as opposed to just pressing them as they appear on screen.
How much better is it than Dad Island? Looked at some gameplay and it seemed basically the same except with parkour. Co-oped Dad Island with some people but we got pretty bored of it, how much more fun is this
Loads better. I hated Dead Island and expected to hate this. I put 60 hours into Dying Light and lived every minute of it except for the stupid final boss fight.
same here, i fucking hated dead island so much i refused to buy this and a friend gifted me it on steam.
Its the best zombie game out there, not arguable.
I was just saying it took everything right that mirrors edge did.
Did they fix the performance issues?
5 star post
I played it with a r9 290x and I had not problems with the performance for the most part
What did he mean by this ?
Surprisingly good doesn't make it good. It's still very bland, way too long and spends way too much time on the shitty characters and the shitty storyline nobody cares about.
>thought Dead Island was okay, especially the first two areas which were about 60% of the game anyway
>get Dying Light and expect an improvement + platforming elements
>combat is floaty and gay compared to DI
>movement is similar to Mirror's Edge
>recall that Mirror's Edge wasn't anything to write home about when it came to gameplay, and that most the game was only noteworthy because of the visuals and the FPV novelty
>be generally underwhelmed
>read positive responses
>wonder why Sup Forums is such shit
its actually one of the most optimized games out there now, although they did downgrade the view distance slider, it runs extremely well on most pcs
its ok to have shit taste, dont blame yourself
>thought Dead Island was okay
>combat is floaty and gay compared to DI
>be generally underwhelmed
I think found the person with the worst taste on this entire site.
but the shit taster is you, john
>Floaty and gay
What does that even mean.
underrated masterpiece
The game is too short if anything, they obviously rushed out the last bits because there is no side quest filler for the last few missions
dead island might have the worst and floatiest movement system of any game i played the past few years. Dying Light has far better movement and the combat is much more interesting too, not to mention guns actually do some proper damage to the zombies.
I love Dying Light and I think you're absolutely wrong.
Just because it's in first person doesn't mean the movement mechanics are anything like Mirror's Edge. Dying Light's parkour is much, much more similar to Assassin's Creed, where the point isn't gaining and maintaining momentum, but is way more focused on finding the correct way to scale buildings and large structures.
I understand why people think this, because they're both in first person, but it's so off the mark when you analyze the way the mechanics behave and what you use them to do.
Dead Island had more satisfying connects when it came to melee combat and the enemies felt like they had weight to them.
in Dying Light, you swing once and get a shitty slow-mo effect, decapitate enemies left and right, get quicktime-y animations everwhere, and they just fly away after a punch.
It's boring as fuck.
I actually liked Crane during the first part of the game. He was kind of an asshole but later he just turned into Male Video Game Protagonist Template #2
Also it was kinda embarrassing that they just used Vaas from Far Cry 3 as their main villain
It's a great game, especially co-op.
The problem is that once you beat the story the game is completely dead. They made a great open world that has no purpose once you beat the story. So much potential wasted.
The head-stomp QTE, and most of the other mechanics in that video, are optional unlockables.
The core melee combat in Dying Light is incredibly satisfying. Although I agree that the slow-mo can be obnoxious if you're really powerful or playing on the normal difficulty because it happens too often.
Going back to Dead Island after Dying Light, it feels clunky and janky in comparison.
floppy dicsk
DY>DI anyday
i would recommend not doing it. when you start it it seems like theres a huge amount of content but you just blow through it in a few hours. the boss enemies are just normal enemies but large and with lots of health, and the car isnt a good replacement for parkours
>I played the game with a high-end expensive as fuck card and had no problems at all lel the game is optimized perfectly :)
End your life immediately
so just that one spin move with the axe
why are people hyping this again?
Good job picking the Dying Light video where only 1 move was used you faggot.
>high end card
was it fun or was it boring crafting/collecting shit like farcry 3?
One of my favorite co-op games. Insanely fun and satisfying combat.
But holy shit that cringe story.
[raspy-iest voice i can possibly muster]: CRANE!!!!!! KYLE CRANE!!!!!!!
Just cringe all around. But thankfully I'm not one of those faggots who think story matters at all in a VIDEO GAME. So yeah, Dying Light ruled.
It's a lot like Far Cry but with parkour and you're in constant danger since the map is filled with zombies
You have the worst taste I've seen this week.
The only thing that DI did better was the developer "devastating baseball bat" weapons which were hilarious.
There is craft and collecting but not as much as far cry 3 and the parkour system makes travelling fun and exciting.
It was fine in the beginning but the zombies eventually became invincible bullet sponges and the game also went apeshit and started spawning fucking virals right on top of me every millisecond.
>TFW when your fear of heights fucking started to kick in on places like the bridge and the radio tower
I thought so too, got it on sale last year and spend nearly 80 hours in it. It was impossible to find co-op partners to do some of the achievements though, a few of them require the same group of four people do multiple challenges in a row, and I could only find like 1-2 people maximum at a time, and most of them quit often.
Is this the only modern game beside KoF to have received a massive graphical overhaul for free?
I can't think of any other
i love how Crean is react on the end of game just kek (mean "last fight")
What I don't like about Dying Light is how good the weapons get. Starting on hard mode was actually pretty hard with how resistant the basic zombies were to damage.
Reminds me how absolutely useless 2-handed weapons were in Dying Light. Too slow, and can't outdamage 1-handed weapons like machetes.
>i love how Crean is react on the end of game just kek (mean "last fight")
it was a good game, besides Rais.
motherfucker wouldn't shut up, despite getting blown the fuck out all the time
Shame that the game just puts you in a firefight when it wants to make a mission hard
The most negative part of the game for me was thinking that I was getting to the end of the game and then an entire new map opened up
I mean in most cases I'd be happy to find out that there is more content in a game but it really looked like the game was already wrapping up and I was ready to end it then it throws another 20 hours worth of content at me
But even your better weapons immediately degrade to shit
Night time was pretty spooky until you just got used to it.
When I first started doing night runs my heart was pounding. Then it became second nature
oh how horrible it must have been
>play single player pirated
>buy the game and try co-op
>immersion is a major part of the game
>playing co-op ruins immersion
Dying Light seems like one of those games that became less fun the more powerful you got.
It felt tenser when you didn't really have very many skills to deal with zombies and your weapons felt really shitty and improvised. Everything actually seemed like a threat and sometimes running away and making use of the parkour system to get away was your best or only option. That made going out at night especially fun. But once you had a strong enough weapon or enough skills it became sort of trivial to deal with enemies and that tension that made the game compelling had sort of left.
Still a pretty good game overall though. I had a lot of fun playing with friends too. Early on we'd find a solitary zombie and just keep kicking him while he was down.
It was good, I'll pick up Following when it's on sale.
It was terrible
I thought the best part was when you got some skills but weren't a killing machine yet. Dropkick never gets old.
The soundtrack is god tier too
Yeah if I remember right the 1st tier of the skill trees weren't too powerful but were useful enough to be something you'd want, then 2nd tier was a good deal stronger but wasn't game breaking or anything yet and the special zombies could still be a threat. But then the 3rd tier added things like the grappling hook and outright removing stamina management which seemed really overpowered.
The game stays around 144fps most of the time with medium-high settings on a 970 at 1080p.
My view distance is around 33% though, but the game looks completely fine with it.
That school part was scary thanks a lot to this track.
I felt like this when I played System Shock 2 I think. It wasn't as long of course. But I was kinda starting to be done at the upper decks and then suddenly there was still the Rickenbacker and The Many
Insanely underrated.
Still cant believe it has only 70 metascore while being the best zombie game ever made by a fucking mile.
Are there any mods to make the game worth playing once you finish the story?
I was so pissed at the end of the story because I wanted to keep playing but there was no reason to. The racing thing was fucking garbage.
It ran poorly on launch which turned some people off. It also could have come out at a better time. Market was already pretty saturated with zombies and Far Cry 4 came out a bit before it.
Most zombie games have a lower score than that. The game is definitely solid but not amazing. It's not deserving of a 10/10 just because the bar is set so low.
These arbitrary numerical scores are a terrible meme that have gone too far btw.
>I played the game for ten minutes and didn't upgrade my parkour or combat skills at all
Sucks for you dude lol. Missing out on some of the most fun combat I've played. drop kicking zombies into wall spikes never gets old nor does simply sprint shouldering through a horde while being chased by nightmares. You probably never even got the parkour breaking spiderman grappling hook. I would buy a dlc OF ANY AREA THAT UTILIZES THE PARKOUR tomorrow if they announced it. Beat the game probably 5 times and still hop on just to run around slaying from time to time. The free dlc is so great and they should be applauded immensely for it. Bow is top tier
Play on nightmare. No unlimited stamina even with max skills. Drop kick takes half your stamina bar as does neck snap. Zombies drop you fast especially the runners. One of the few games I have done new game plus plus plus and so on. They just keep getting tougher and you get legendary skills but with death lose mega points. Fun stuff.
Aren't the zombies insane damage sponges on Nightmare?
Youll want good weapons for sure. Starting out with your carried over weapons they'll probably take some hits but once you start getting legendary points the good good loot starts dropping. The legendary points are used for upping the stuff you like to use: one handed damage, two handed, bows, etc. I personally have been dumping all mine I to bow skill and can take out the big giant dudes with like 5-10 headshots