Sup Forums this is a power outlet

Sup Forums this is a power outlet .
say something nice about it

You slut

It's one of the worst slots.
Schuko is the one and only proper outlet.
UK comes second but it's fucking ugly, but is second place because of built in fuse.

She's cute! Cute!!!

I'm shocked you would say that

It's american

Why are they so scared?

Not as good as type K desu

Can I fuck it?

Give her the fork

Pig snout ones (C, E & F) are such a bitch to get it in the dark, but I still like them the most.

Why is it so surprised?


Oh, you mean the holes.

Nintendo Switch can need 3 pair holes all at once


is that woolie?



This is a proper power outlet.



Absolutely disgusting.

delete this

its funny how our brains instantly pattern this into a human face

arent brains fascinating?

many holes

you are cute power-san!

Power outlets are sexist because plugs go into them ALL day without permission whatsoever. Like what the outlets don't get a say in this? they just HAVE to have plugs jammed and FORCED into them all day?

So why was this even created? does EVERYTHING men do need to be some sort of phallic symbol like guns? does that make you all feel better?

I can stick a fork in it and finally kill myself.

they are smart to fear me

It would be extremely painful.

What is v drinking?

Is not having switches on your outlets ever a problem?
Ive never not had them, but I also cant think of a time that ive really needed them beyond convenience.
I dont even think theyre that big of an issue for safety (unless of course youre that one user who posted that bizarre mangle of wires that was blocking his only outlet and would probably kill him if he touched it).

You can't give a better compliment than that

no, but you can fork it you degenerate

UK plugs are pretty amazing from a safety point of view. Required earth pin, build in, easily replaced fuse, flat design that means when you pull it out, there's no danger of brushing the pins.

They're even insanely easy to wire thanks to all the space inside.

You haven't experence true pain until you've stepped on one with your full body weight.

I fucking laugh at the webm of the guy sticking his aluminum covered dick into an electric socket over in /gif/ ylyl threads.

>stepping on lego is the most painful thing ever!

Fuck those cunts. Last time I stepped on a plug I could hear the "pfff" sound it made going through the thick skin on my heel. Ended up in hospital.

You can and frequently do have switch controlled power outlets. The switch is just usually located at the entrance to the room, while the outlet is somewhere useful.

You're electrifying.

Im the kind of cheapskate who turns my appliances off at the wall after use. Shit like my TV, Digibox and stuff cannot fully turn off via the power button, only go into standby so I use the switch at the wall for that.

I want to cum in Shiki while she slits my throat

>15 amp
>not GFCI

2/10 wouldn't fork

it's a funny shocked face :)
he's closing one eye a bit too xD
its funny

Thanks for powering my xbox and pc

That's the cutest one by far

And your mum's vibrators