Why is it no longet OK to talk smack in online games?

Why is it no longet OK to talk smack in online games?

Why did everyone get so sensitive about it and why do companies pander to these sissies?

Liberal women and whipped sisses who also happen to be liberal cannot handle the bants

>that pic

How is getting kicked by a girl substance abuse?

Talking smack and cyber bullying are two diffrent things.

jesus christ i wonder what its like to live in a hug box

>"get your shit together, team"
>"omg toxic reported"

>cyber bullies are come from dysfunctional families

Always relevant

gg ez no re

How is cyber bullying a fucking problem?
Some shitposter on twitter tried to "bully" me a few months ago about my political opinion.
I blocked him.

Again, cyber bullying and talking smack are two diffrent things. The example you posted is one guy talking smack and some over sensitive faggot being a pussy.

That's not her leg

What if I just wanted an Andy Kaufman-esque reaction from others?

This. Companies just do whatever to keep more people playing, it's standard business. If people loved bants then companies would encourage that.

>mfw some shithead tries to bully me online

because 85% of the people who plays online games are children

git gud or kys you fuckin fag

This is women coming into male dominated culture and wanting it all changed just for them, even though they are a very small minority.

I don't go into a womans gym and start farting, rubbing my balls and grunting as I lift 10lb dumbells.

Fuck up russiacuck

Cock isn't a substance either even if you take it on the daily, faggot


Nope, family is fine.

>Substance abuse

Is picking things up and putting them down substance abuse?

>Been bullied

No, I was never bullied. My friends were the bullies


Yeah, i noticed this trend lately, faggots call me "flamer" and "toxic" to which i reply with more insults, also sarcasm seems to not work on them as most of these conversations usually begin with me saying stupidly obvious shit but i guess its not that obvious.

Substance abuse almost always arises out of traumatic experiences and ways of dealing with the trauma.

Or dealing with current, present pain.

Smack talk isnt even creative anymore its normally just someone saying EZ. I usually just reply "reported :^)" and watch the real salt flow.

People really shit themselves over a simple "toxic, reported" or similar

Literally just respond with "Lol" or "k" and you can watch even more salt flow

Cyberbullying: people you know IRL posting shit about you on social media, where people in your friend group can see it. Exclusively for middle schoolers, high schoolers, and greek life in university. This actually effects you IRL.

Smack talk: Anonymous bullshit in video games. Walk away from the screen nigga.

What games are banning people for talking shit now?

Are you a cyberbully, Sup Forums?

Realtalk? People being aggressive and unwelcoming increase player churn and cost you players in the long run.

A friendlier community makes your game grow faster and you make more money, you bunch of adorable idiots.

>liberals blah blah blah

You know socially conservative moms coddle the shit out of their kids, right?

It's not even the smack-talk allergy that is the problem. It's people that refuse to put effort into anything they do and treat multiplayer games like their personal safespaces.

>I play this multiplayer game that relies on the whole team cooperating to succeed for fun and to relax user, chill out :)
>You didn't buy me this game I'm allowed to make the experience worse for everyone else.
>What does it matter if I refuse to try and complete the main objective of the game?

>people you know IRL posting shit about you on social media, where people in your friend group can see it. Exclusively for middle schoolers, high schoolers, and greek life in university. This actually effects you IRL.
I hate how this became a thing. Thank god i finished high-school way before this social media shit became popular.

it used to be
>get online in a new game
>not so good
>everyone gives you shit for being shit
>cant say anything because theyd just point out the scoreboard

>only options are be a little bitch, or get better at the game
>become better at the game

wew that was so hard

all this cyberbully shit doesnt actually apply to people that want to play the game,
it applies for people who want to be "gamers" whatever the fuck that is, but dont actually see a point in honing their skill

And children being raised as babies till they're 16

>>"get your shit together, team"
>>"omg toxic reported"

>failing the difference

>Why did everyone get so sensitive about it and why do companies pander to these sissies?

>wanting the right to bully to submission and ruing psychologically

Go read a book on that

I was in a hotel on business and watched this piece of shit on their cable one of the nights. Wow, even for a Lifetime-tier feel good movie, it was terrible.

XIV will give you a warning if you as much as throw snowballs at an erping couple doing it right outside of your plot.
The games constant coddling of the players and refusal to teach the players how to actually play the game has created a playerbase that have no idea of how to play the game and if you try and give advice you get called elitist or at the worst, reported for it.

it's annoying
>wow this team omg
>lmao u suck so much
what's the point?
I enjoy text mute

I play games for fun user after a days work of blogging about gender politics! You can't expect me to put any amount of effort into playing games!

Soft cunts mate.

>Why did everyone get so sensitive about it and why do companies pander to these sissies?

No, no, no, no. What happened is what happens to everything free, organic, and open to abuse: people abuse it, take it for granted, or take it too far.

Now, that doesn't mean "cyber bulling" is legit. But that's the truth. And don't give me this shit about people being too sensitive these days, either: most of it was about faggots and darkies.

So while people definitely are pussies, if 98% of in-game chat was anti-white, the tune ITT would be different.

>"You bunch of cuck faggots, to back into your cuckshed desu senpai XD"

It's always the shitposters who are most petulant little babies when people don't put up with their shit.

>from a country that bans kitchen knives and arrests people for having bike wheels


Better to ask Europe they've been living in a hug box since WWII ended

Mostly because physical bullying is getting easier and easier to spot.
Schools are covered in cameras now, have security guards, and any kind of violence is taken very seriously. Passive aggressive shit talking on Facebook, however, is much easier to pull off.

It's pretty easy to forget, but telling someone to kys or slit their wrists is verbal abuse, and can have a big effect on retarded little shits that are still developing and emotionally vulnerable.

Basically, middle schoolers and high schoolers don't have thick enough skin to take it.

Wheres the "Uploading your angry screeching to Youtube" option?

smack talk =/= whinging
i never mute someone who gives me a "nice shot mongoloid" or a "that went so well for you lmao"
meanwhile the guy who goes "FUCKING RETARDS YOU'RE ALL SHIT" gets muted instantly

The rise of social media and campaigns against it because twelve year olds started killing themselves over Myspace arguments or some shit.

True, but the reaction is basically the same. Used to be you could call people names all day in a game and nobody really cared or else just silently (or publicly as it were) called you a loser. Developers are more attentive to how people communicate in game and acting like an asshole gets you outright banned in some games.

>what is stalking
Just Delete All Your Online Accounts And Start Over Haha Just Hope They Dont Find You Again Nigga

Tell us already how you were being stalked and it wasn't your fault.

>Haha it was YOUR fault for being raped, shouldn't of caught that dick on your vagina :)

Its cause idiots these days dont know good bants and rely on calling each other cucks for being shit instead of actually coming up with something original.

Oh no some dude is sending me dickpics oh woe is me

You just tripped, fell and landed on his spaghetti dick.

picking on aussies, low low blow...

scoreboard, faggot

Cyber Bullies are come from dysfunctional families

>"To solve bullying let's bully the bullies!"
they really thought this through

is that supposed to be substance abuse?

>"TEAMPLAY" in online
>90% of time one-two retards thinks they're LEADERS and everyone should listen them
>"Hey, I don't want to pick and play heal/shit hero so you SHOULD do this for team.
>When everything is fine - you're best oh god 10/10 heal me pls
>When everything is not fine - it's your fault unskill degenerate!

This is a problem. And plus modern internet generation of kids thinks acting like redarded underage is epic)) troolling) Especially underage Sup Forums tards and newfags

Because they think they will make more money that way. That's literally all they care about

I think icons 2 and 3 should be swapped

substance abuse/addiction is akin to being tied up, which is icon 3

and icon 2 looks more like physical bullying irl

>he hasn't had a girl trip and land on his dick
Happens more often than you'd realise.

Foot fetishfags. Not even fucking once.

This is an issue I've always had with how companies handle flamers.

I get it, you don't want people to be assholes and swear or treat people like shit in your games, but they only seem to care about you making other people feel bad if it's funny. You can taunt someone all day and treat them like shit and make them not want to play the game ever again, but it's okay because you didn't call anyone a faggot or whatever.

People who rage are just human, a lot of people just have bad days or even mental conditions that make controlling their anger difficult. And yes, some do come from dysfunctional families and all that shit. If you were half as touchy-feely as your policies on "toxic" behavior suggests, why do you forsake the people who need the most help?