As a moderate/casual nintendo "fan", who skipped out on the Wii the Switch worth it?
As a moderate/casual nintendo "fan", who skipped out on the Wii the Switch worth it?
It's not out you retard
I never said it was??
Nah just get a wii u
>mario kart 8
>mario maker
>donkey kong tropical freeze
>bayo 2
>wonderful 101
>xenoblade chronicles x
>star fox 0 (havent played yet but looks fun)
>wii library you missed out on
All 2017 has going for the switch is Mario Odyssey and Splatoon 2
switch is only worth it for zelda fags. stick to whatever you enjoy right now or get a wiiu like said
> botw
Inferior Wii U version
> Smash
True. But what if they release the game with all the DLC for Switch?
> mario kart 8
Much inferior Wii U version
> W101
Meh game
Not as good as the first one. Plus a proper sequel for the first is coming to the Switch.
> SF0
Sucked ass
> mario maker, donkey kong tropical freeze, bayo 2
Getting a dead system for 3 games? Which may or may not get ported?
I'm a pretty diehard Nintendo fan and even I'm gonna wait.
How could they shit the bed so hard? The biggest problem with the Wii-U was the huge lack of software, so they make a conference showing shovelware and fifa?
it will probably be worth it on dec 2017 when most of the games are out, otherwise no.
b-but muh zeldah n sheeeit
>list 9 games
>only 3 are playable
Also youre out of your damn mind if you think xenoblade 2 is coming 2017
So how can we deduce if it's worth it then, retard?
Just use Cemu.
>superior versions of everything
Not at launch
The line-up is just as bad as (if not worse than) Wii U
You can look at the hardware, launch title lineup, includes peripherals, etc and figure out if its worth it.
Really not hard
>as a
Ask reddit.
They lost me with Skyward Sword. Unless BotW looks absolutely amazing, I will not touch it. So far I'm not impressed.
Mario looks like fun, and I never played Splatoon or Mario Kart 8, so I'd be interested in those, too bad not one of them is a launch title.
All they had to do was show Retro's next game and release the console with 2 8/10 games, but no, they couldn't even manage that.
in terms of launch titles, botw beats all of these single handedly
>All they had to do was show Retro's next game
I hope they finally get a clue. Fuck those price tags and paid online.
BoTW is on the Wii U.
>launch titles
Cemu has like another year until it is worth a fuck
Also how does the gamepad work?
Zelda will get 10/10 scores no matter what
Why the fuck did you skip out on the WiiU if you're a fan?
Also this Switch wont be worth it until halfway through 2018. Unless you're a big fan of Zelda and Mario. Which I am. I'll be getting it this holiday season.
The price isn't an issue for me. Paid online is annoying as fuck though. Animal Crossing is one of my favorite Nintendo series. So now I have to pay for their service just to visit someone's town? Something I do maybe 1-2 times a month. They better do a Nintendo Direct before launch and announce some more games or they are royally fucked.
why are you even talking about Mario Kart and Smash for Switch, nobody is going to pay for online multiplayer, dude.
>Not as good as the first one.
then i will get the first one and play it one the same damn system
>Plus a proper sequel for the first is coming to the Switch.
how nice, i am not blowing 300 dollars just for that game, when i can play the two versions before it, one you clearly said was superior.
good rpgs, and multiplayer games, i will play them on the wiiu until Nintendo shuts it down and maybe at that time the Switch have stopped sucking or been replaced with something else, or better yet Nintendo going 3rd party because they clearly don't know shit anymore.
I am really thinking of getting a WiiU and Wii games i missed like that other user said, because the damn Switch has done nothing but disappoint me so far
>Launch titles
Yes, a game on the Wii U is not a reason to get a Switch
Or do multiplats suddenly count now that Nintendo does it?
Yeah it's affordable here, but like you said why should I pay online for the few times I need it for AC or receiving online gifts for a game.
I don't know what they are thinking.
If you're gonna spend 200 on a Wii U might as well spend 100 more for a Switch
Wii U for me was basically a Smash machine, and I imagine it will be rereleased on Switch eventually.
goddamn, i didn't think about that, now i DON'T want any AC for the switch, and Pokémon stars will be good for a few playthroughs and then just sell the game, because fuck nintendo if i am going to pay for the bank and online battles/trade
if they make more comfy games like Tomodachi Life, and the Tomodachi rpg for the Switch, those game will be a no purchase for me because paid online, oh fuck all the art sharing games too..
No pokemon no sale, especially not at 300 fucking dollars, the only worthy game is BotW and you can just get a used WiiU, hack it and pirate it
You underestimate the value of being able to play BotW is for someone like me who has long commutes to work.
>launch console
Never worth it fag.
I'm pretty casual as well.
I suggest getting it since its been a long drought for you. I have a Wii U and its 'okay'. At least we know they'll make new games for the switch whereas the Wii U will probably be killed off as soon as it releases.
I still want AC, but if they want to make paid online worth it, they need a MUST PLAY game centered around multiplater. MK and Splatoon are probably not those games.
No, you're overestimating it
No. Get a PS4 instead, friend.
>he doesn't buy launch consoles where the possibility of them getting hacked is the highest
>he doesn't want free games
get a wii u and don't buy the switch.
Well evidently you can't, else you wouldn't be asking.
Wait a year or two.
Better off waiting for emulation to become halfway decent when the Wii U hasn't received a price drop.
>best versions of Breath of the Wild and Mario Kart 8 right off the bat.
Yeah, go preorder one right now.
It's an emulation of the gamepad only.
>The line-up is just as bad as (if not worse than) Wii U
Switch has BotW, Mario Kart Deluxe...Wii U had only New Super Mario Bros U
>Or do multiplats suddenly count now that Nintendo does it?
Sonyggers always count stuff that's on the PS3 like Persona 5 as exclusive, and no one complains.
Never mind about Mario Kart Deluxe
Does it even have a release date? They already posted the box-art and everything, so I thought it was for launch
I was waiting for Zelda basically. Or at least a Metroid
April something
>Wait a year or two.
The sad thing is we both fucking know, that nobody will wait. Practically everyone in this thread is still gonna go out and buy one this year, and they will pay for online, and they will fucking defend it even
April 28, 2017
Might be. I've gotten so casual over the years, I doubt I'd have problems with the battery life.
>nobody is going to pay for online multiplayer
It's 5 bucks for supposedly better internet, poorfag
Also free games like what Sony and M$ does
>when i can play the two versions before it, one you clearly said was superior
I said XBC was superior to XCX. Not XB2
> because the damn Switch has done nothing but disappoint me so far
I bet you were disappointed by PS4's and XB1's launch then
I'm not a poorfag and I don't play weeb trash.
I think it will be once it had games, yes.
>Superior as in 5fps and audio issues along with a lack of multiplayer? Pass.
Yeah better pre-order it.
>Meh game
>being this ignorant and delusional
Good job.
>paying to play Mario Kart Online
>1 SNES/NES game for one month only
i wouldn't even use paid online multiplayer for games i really like, let alone fucking Mario Kart, Smash, Splatoon, fucking hell user.
Wait at least 9 months before biting.
You must be fun at parties