Is Nintendo seriously charging $300 for the Switch?
Those fucking old farts have gone senile.
Is Nintendo seriously charging $300 for the Switch?
It's like the console is not overpriced enough.
Fucking nip jews.
They're going for a last ditch normie attempt. If they get the marketing spot-on, maybe it'll work?
Nintendo have always produced overpriced garbage. I don't understand why anyone would buy from them, they price-fix everything for all eternity.
>micro sd 32gb
>153 gflops
>no ethernet
wtf is this real?
This is it.
This is the straw that will break the camel's back.
The Switch is going to kill Nintendo.
It's 32GB onboard storage with MicroSD support, not support up to 32GB MicroSD. Also no official CPU/GPU specs were given.
You know that officially there are no specs, because Nintendo didn't drop them. This is just some poor bait.
Defend this
These controllers are not cheap to manufacture? Go take a look at the technology in them.
>32GB onboard storage with MicroSD support, not support up to 32GB MicroSD
Is this 2005?
>These controllers are not cheap to manufacture? Go take a look at the technology in them.
I would love to pay 80 bucks for a controller that would feel like a glass with ice cubes
do the games even have to be installed on the system?
Nice try, shill. You can get a good mechanical keyboard for less than that.
>Dual Shock 4
>audio input/output jack
>Steam Controller
>2 touchpads
>hepatic motors
No, but for those who buy digital are screwed. Enjoy paying $100+ for a 256GB card.
It supports microsdxc cards that can have 2TB of memory. Not that any high amounts are even maybe be manufacturers, but it can support them. Besides that, games on cartridges can save the game on the cartridges and you don't have to install a game.
damn this image sold me on the ps4.
Does it really not come with the dock?
DOA is that's real. Jesus Christmas
Can you take your PS4 on the go?
I thought so.
For 80 bucks you buy 2 controllers, that you can use in different play styles. It's a good idea of Nintendo. Want to play a with a pro controller, buy that one for cheaper than the attachable controllers.
What was the launch price for the PS4, anyway? Wasn't it ~400 Dollarydoos? When the Switch gets hit with a price cut it'll be more than affordable, I'd imagine.
with a vita/smart phone and a good internet, you can.
i drive.
Those are controllers and not specs. Dumbass.
All you'll need is 128, and high quality ones can be purchased for 40 dollars. You used to pay the same for 8 megabytes proprietary cards for PS2, why complain about this?
Because he has autism.
Are you blind?
Did you look at those specs?
$50 for half a controller HOLY FUCKING SHIT.
>$90 bucks for a shitty dock, hdmi cable, and ac adapter
>You used to pay the same for 8 megabytes proprietary cards for PS2, why complain about this?
the key word here is 'used to'.
You actually are getting six ice cubes with both controllers, and that's before you even pour the water into them.
>You used to pay the same for 8 megabytes proprietary cards for PS2
Yeah, and you used to wear diapers and shit in them. What's your point?
It has been 8 hours. 8 hours since I learned Nintendo doesn't care about its products. 8 hours since I learned Nintendo has learned nothing from the Wii U scandal. 8 hours since I learned Nintendo does not care about its customers and told us they'll kick us out on our behinds unless we play ball.
No more Nintendo, no more. We are the customer, you do what we say, we don't do what you say. You sit in your towers made from the blood, sweat, and tears of gamers, and you expect us to just sit by while you completely ruin the Switch and make the video game industry a laughing stock to the world. You were wrong Nintendo, dead wrong.
You thought we would applaude a $70 controller? You thought we would jump through your hoops for Skyrim, a 6 year old game that destroyed the RPG genre? You thought we would stand by as you charge for online? And what of the price? $299? You have to be joking, you think anybody can afford $299 in the Obama economy? Guess what, you thought wrong Nintendo.
Everybody I talked to, from my 4 year old cousin to my 93 year old grandmother, just can't figure out what you are doing Nintendo. If real gamers like me can't figure it out, how do you expect the idiot masses to figure it out? Even my Nintendophile friend, whom has a basement filled with rare Nintendo displays and clothing, has giving up on you. He is in the process of selling everything he has, a guy that has lived and breathed Nintendo since he was born.
Who are you going to blame this time Nintendo? You already blew your load blaming us for the Wii U, do you really think the gaming public will fall for it again? Well, they won't. They have seen through your lies. Gamers will stand united as one, we will no longer spend our sweat and tears on you. You have made a very powerful enemy Nintendo, you are already feeling us and we haven't even started.
Go live in the real world, you wannabe autistic faggots. The Switch is going to sell really well like everything which you have fortold commercial failure.
>why complain about this?
Because it's something that should be included in the system? Games need patches these days, and while 12gb and 40gb was just about bearable OVER A DECADE AGO on the PS3 and 360, it's absolutely absurd for a console in 2017.
So who will take Nintendo's place when they inevitably end up like Sega?
Wow, easy there, pal. Why don't you grab a Mtn Dew and some Cheetos to calm down?
What fresh new pasta is this
And what of the price? $299? You have to be joking, you think anybody can afford $299 in the Obama economy?
How can a grown man not afford a 299$ console?
Is this thing less powerful than the Wii U?
What are they thinking?
>PS4 Slim
point me where and I'll buy one right now
How do you tards expect Nintendo to stay in the game? They charge what people will pay. That's what you do with a business.
>No official CPU/GPU specs were given
TechFoundry already went over the specs, Nintendo are never going to reveal their shit specs themselves because they know how fucking terrible they are.
"we should focus in gameplay "
OMG they're done!
>$299.99 US DOLLARS
>$299.99 US DOLLARS
>$299.99 US DOLLARS
>$299.99 US DOLLARS
>$299.99 US DOLLARS
Really makes you think ;)
Please tell me this shit is at least backwards compatible with games or controllers.
Or at least tell me that monster Hunter xx will be on the switch. Any of the two will be ok, thanks
>ps4 2016 price
Nice try, shill.
Can this 300 mhz meme die?
Seriously none of the rumors those fucks "leaked" turned out to be true. Stop.
Say it with me:
I doubt it will kill, but it really does show how badly out of touch they are. Pricing it like this with shit reasons for it and having few games are launch worth talking about hoping for a Christmas mario sale boon is some shit tactics for long term growth but you can see them banking on it anyway.
>witha another 200 dollars you can
people are going to buy the Switch as their pokemon machine. It doesn't matter how much nintendo tries to fuck over their fanbase, as long as they have pokemon hostage they will get away with it.
Given so far the only gameplay I see is wagglin copied from an older system and "portability"? Might be, user.
Would it have killed them to figure out swinging around joysticks wildly and portable don't mix?
Mario kart 8 runs at 1080p 60fps according to Treehouse. Your fake news post belongs in the trash.
You only swing them "wildly" if you're a literal retard. Even the Wii needed nothing more than a flick of the wrist.
switch does native 1080p with it docked,
We dont know the specs of the new gen of tegra yet
Yes it does, but the idea is that if you have multiple tvs you can have multiple docks so you don't have to bother with moving around cables.
>300 fucking dollars
>doesn't even come with an actual controller or a game
Give me one good argument to someone who isn't a Nintendo fan that will persuade them to buy this thing
I'll wait.
That image is full of bias and outright lies
Obviously if you're not a fan of Nintendo's games you're not going to give a shit about the games on Nintendo's console. Are you retarded?
The same for the PS4 and Xbone at launch.
I'm sure you can buy official 512GB SD cards from Nintenjew for only 250 ameribucks.
Holy shit sonyponies on full damage control with outright lies
That's the nvidia tax. If they had AMD commission a Ryzen SOC it'd by way cheaper, and more powerful.
my sides
It's really sad that I won't be able to play any new Pokemon games, especially after Sun/Moon were so good.
But I'll get over it.
>b-but MICROSD!
Shut the fuck up. Shut the FUCK up. Nintendo has skimped on internal storage and passed the cost along to you. And you're defending that shit.
The clockspeed leaks didn't come from Emily Rogers or the tranny you retard. DF is reliable when it comes to these things.
>t.pokemon playing neckbeard.
it's a trump economy now. now everyone will be able to afford everything.
It will kill them as hardware developers. They refuse to learn from mistakes. Good riddance, this isn't the Nintendo this old man grew up with.
It's embedded. At best, you were only going to get 64GB at this price range.
>But my $700 iPhone 7 has 256GB!
Yes, and it's a high end device.
> buying digital games when you could just have them on an SD card
Why the fuck would you buy doanload games when you could buy them on the regular SD card? Are you retarded? Those things are fucking tiny AND LITERALLY THE SAME FUCKING PRICE THAT THE DOWNLOAD. AND YOU CAN'T EVEN SELL THE DOWNLOAD VERSION LATER (or give them to any friends that you like to pretend you have).
Also they basically never break and are really quick to switch.
PS4Bone skimp in storage too, unless you pay an extra $100 for a "deluxe".
I'd rather have the ability to use my own storage. Costs less overall.
Do you also like censored games right?
>resolution: 4k
every fucking time
Can anyone tell me how the Switch's specs compare to the WiiU? Will it be more powerful, about the same, or less powerful? I think this is the first time where it's not clear whether a new console will be more powerful than its predecessor.
its not native 1080 its upsccaled 900p
"Already went over something that hasn't been released." So they are full of shit.
I don't even care about the specs. Nintendo never once promised 1080p60, unlike Sony and Microsoft, both of which failed to live up to that promise.
I'm surprised everyone's fine with what happened with the WiiU. They did nothing for it, but now I'm supposed to buy the Switch?
Where's your source?
Man all the nintendo shills the past few months
>I-it's going to be on par with the PS4/Xbone!!!
And after the announcement
>I-it doesn't matter, it has Mario!!
I'm guessing it has to be at least a slight bit more powerful to get that working in a portable device. Not much of a big gap though.
>has PS4 and PS4pro
>no slim which is superior to the PS4 base model and cheaper
Do you know what inflation is? Is comparing launch price to what that would be in today's currency, not the retail price of system in current year.
Yeah me too. I saw one on craigslist for 100 dollars but I don't trust that at all.
Also I still can't believe the PS4 storage is 5400 rpm no wonder it takes forever to load PS4 games. They didn't even upgrade that with the pro. Fucking Sony.
Also the Pro isn't 4k and the Scorpio won't be either. GTX Titans can barely do 4k so this 4k shit just needs to end already wait another 5 years.
Every reputable retailer offers a full refund for game consoles.
>nintendo will go 3rd party in your lifetime
It is quite amazing because they did it to themselves, Sony and MS didn't even bother to go aggressively against them.
>Nintendo has learned nothing from the Wii U scandal
This. I am honestly surprised. I skipped the Wii U hoping to get in on the Switch; used to have nothing but ninty consoles. The PS3 overprice on launch was solved in half a year, here we have 2 generations of consoles still making same mistakes.
His ass.
>applaude a $70 controller?
xboner has a 150 dollar troller lol
>Sony memory cards were puny in 2000, why is it wrong for Nintendo to do the same in 2017?
The ps2 came out 17 years ago user. Also, ps2 games didn't get patches, and you couldn't download entire games.
Why not just say "But Atari didn't even have any memory with the 2600"?
Just watched them play battle mode. it's not 30 fps lol. eat my ass
ill get one day 1
X-Bone also is a cute girl
>X-Bone also is a cute girl
$135 actually and it has quite the features.