Two confirmed launch titles

>Two confirmed launch titles
>Paid online but no ethernet port, gotta buy the adapter separately
>2-joycon bundle $80, one alone $50. Grip for said joycons $30
>Pro-controller $70
>Monthly game downloads for subscribing to the service, but for only a NES or SNES game, and they're only free for a month
>No bundles
>Battery life can skew as low as 2.5 hours
>It's looking like friend lobbies and voice chat are actually through a third party smartphone application
>Internal storage 32 GB


If it wasn't for Bomberman, launch titles overall would be fucking atrocious.

Well except for Zelda obv.

God bless Bomberman

I'm buying a cheap used Wii u and zelda


Bomberman is shit.

>Bomberman is *the* shit.
Fixed that for you.

It's impressive how they couldn't give a single reason for Wii U owners to upgrade. BOTW is literally the only thing worth a shit at launch and it's releasing on the same day anyways

>no ethernet port, gotta buy the adapter separately.
>not having a wireless router.
>cant afford online play even though it is cheaper than eks-box and playstation
>mad about free demos
wew boy whats it like to be this poor?

iwata didn't die for this bullshit

if you are going to waste your money on a wiiu crack it. dont buy games for a dead console.

People are going to eat this shit up no matter how bad it is. That's the sad part.

>Paying extra for a service you're already spending money on
Paid online was a mistake and you know it.

>Monthly game downloads for subscribing to the service, but for only a NES or SNES game, and they're only free for a month
Only free to download for that month, and then you keep them, right? Nintendo wouldn't be so retarded as to revoke the downloads after month, would they?

just like they did for the Wii U, right

>Online gaming over Wifi
>Being annoyed at having to pay extra for basic features means you're poor

No ethernet port AGAIN? Are you fucking joking?

that was just a marketing problem that's all

if it had a different name it would've sold like crazy

that's why it's not called the swiitch

>>mad about free demos
you get free FULL nintendo games on the PC
what's the point

Also no backwards compatibility

Don't forget you can't charge the joy cons with the grip.

Nintendo has completely fucking lost it desu. That thing is a stillborn. 2 fucking games at launch. They had so much fucking time to nuke the entire industry from orbit and that is all they could do? Just incredible.

Most normies weren't interested in the Wii U since they'd all moved to Candy Crush and Farmville, the few remaining who showed interest thought it was an add-on for the Wii.

Only diehard Nintendo fans bought into it without question, and many of them were disappointed.

and you need a tv to play it on
and a comfy lounge to sit on
and like you need to pay your bills to have electricity
and you need a house to put all this stuff in

fucking (((nintendo)))

anyne serious about nintendo online gaming would have the wii ethernet adaptor already, and it works on the switch

go fuck yourself

Looks like I'll be playing Zelda Breath of the Wild on Cemu at 5K instead of at 900p on the Switch.

Don't you mean Bomberman is the bomb?

>Nintendo fanboys will eat this up

And no one else will give a fuck.
The Switch is dead on arrival. It will sell worst than the Wiiu.

>le are you poor xD meme
Nice argument fucboi

>launch titles include bomberman and zelda
>can pay for an online experience better than nintendo usually has and have the option for wired
>have the option for extra controllers
>get free classic games every month
>2 bundles offering different joycons
>battery life can go up to 6 hours
>have the option for voice chat over a smartphone app
>have no need for storage due to cartridges or have the option to expand storage


How much is the online subscription going to cost?

probably $70 per year

Around $5 if Xbox live and PS+ are anything to go off of. Don't think there's an official price yet.

you can bet it's going to be $5 or more if they've shown they can be cocky as fuck with pricing

>Bomberman is shit.
How does it feel to have no friends?

i have no friends and i like bomberman. hes my friend


Only if 1, 2, Switch takes off.

It won't.

>cant afford online play
It's not that I can't afford it.
I'd rather not pay for the console, my internet, the games AND THEN ON TOP OF ALL THAT pay a monthly subscription to be able to use the internet I already pay for to play the games I already paid for online on the console I already paid for.
I haven't bought a PS4 or Xbone for exactly this reason alone.

>Implying nintendrones who bought the Wii U need a reason to buy Nintendo products.

they'll give people a reason in a year when they shut down the wiiu online services

I don't think this will hurt Nintendo, seeing as almost no one bought the Wii U. And people who did probably will get a Switch eventually seeing as they are hardcore fans and probably want to play that Splatoon and Mario game.

>Oh, they shut the online services?
>Guess I'm done with Nintendo

I'm with you user, I'm going full PC.

>oh wow a new mario and zelda? where do i sign

Never go full retard user.

>oh wow a new mario and zelda? again?

yeah right

Again? Havent they been dying since the launch of N64?

>no ethernet port


Fucking hell Nintendo...

>no ethernet port, gotta buy the adapter separately

whats this shit about the online service only able to be done thru your smart device. is that real? im making a list of all the head-scratching things about the switch.

I know there's Zelda but what is the second launch title?

>1 post by this Id

>playing online on wifi


>not having a wireless router.
Wireless is shit, and all my consoles are connected with Ethernet.
>cant afford online play even though it is cheaper than eks-box and playstation
I did not like it when it launched with the Xbox, why the fuck would my opinion on paid online change when Nintendo does it?
>mad about free demos
They are not free when you have to pay for online to get them.
At least they removed regionlock so I can buy Hong Kong english versions.

1 2 switch

Bomberman R

I'm looking at the switch from a different perspective but do you guys think it can successfully replace a 3 year old iPad mini that still runs just as fast as when I first got it? For some reason i think it might have like 2 more years before Apple stops supporting the device and $300 is nothing compared to what Apple charges for a Mini.

I only use this thing for web browsing and Netflix.
Console quality gaming would be a huge plus.

I'll b it friend user ;3~

The actual confirmed launch titles.

That's a given user

Let's face it guys, Ninty fucked WiiU owners. They're launching a new console with games that really should be on WiiU as well. They're not there because Ninty decided to shit on their customers. How big of a nu-male do you have to be to STILL buy a new console right after they shafted you with the last one? No, Ninty, fuck you. And I'm not buying Zelda either, I'll just play it on an emulator now. You're not the only one who can save money by being a scumbag, go fuck yourself.

Not bad desu.

Apple made another video game?

>already have the ethernet adapter for Wii U

That'll work, r-right?

Nope, you only get to play the games for that month, and then your access is revoked.

Anyone serious about online gaming wouldn't even touch a Nintoddler console.

I plan to get mine in June. sound way more sexy than the wiiU already.

Is it worth it to buy a Wii u right now?

How does the battery work? Can you swap battery packs or do you have to charge for 30 mins every 2-4 hours?

>Paid online

And you still won't be able to voicechat in Spla2n.

>nintenyearolds make fun of ps4 and xbone for having paid online
>years later Nintendo does it

This is fucking hysterical

Of course. Do you want autists yelling at kids?

The thing has even less games than the Wii.

Actually, now I am poor, because I have paid for online on those systems for years. I can no longer afford Nintendo's service :(

>yfw pc is the only platform to not be infected with pay2play online cancer

Yes, you can get accessories and games for real cheap these days, even brand new.

That would be fun.

>w-what p-panties are you wearing? is it the s-same color as our team?

No but you see, server maintenance is very expensive and nobody can afford to host shit for free.

>Even if steam started charging for online you could just tell them to fuck off and pirate or move to a different service

They could just cover it by using the ad revenue from their eshops.

yeah that's why they get the players to host it on their own shitty connection

He was being sarcastic.

>Two confirmed launch titles

One of them being the most anticipated game on the console

>Paid online but no ethernet port, gotta buy the adapter separately

Do you not have decent wifi? do you live in a third world country poorfag?

>2-joycon bundle $80, one alone $50. Grip for said joycons $30

Sony/Microsoft charge about the same here in UK, but it's ok when they do it amirite?

>Pro-controller $70

Fair point, but it's really not that much for an optional controller, i played everything on the wii/wiiu just fine without one

>Monthly game downloads for subscribing to the service, but for only a NES or SNES game, and they're only free for a month


>No bundles

We'll see, i get the impression they'll announce something in terms of a bundle soon.

>Battery life can skew as low as 2.5 hours

Depending on the developer/game, yes. Did you honestly expect a 720p game that looks like botw to last longer than 3/4?

>It's looking like friend lobbies and voice chat are actually through a third party smartphone application

That's fine by me tbqh, but this really needs clarifying from Nintendo

>Internal storage 32 GB

Buy an SD card, they're cheap enough

I get the feeling you're poor user.

Rich people became rich by knowing how to handle with money, $5 or $50000, doesnt matter.

Rich people became rich by knowing how to use proper grammar, poorfag.

Also, to expand on the battery life, why don't you own a battery pack yet? They literally said you can use one with the Switch.

tons of bomberman games on the internet or on smartphones

how'd pay 60 dollars for another


>Defending a console i like

I-its ok when its sony/microshit amirite?!

>b-but Sony/Microsoft!

Keep digging yourself, it's hilarious

I can explain inflation to you and why cost of manufacturing/sales is such a large margin and how most companies now set these prices of standards for you if you want, but i'm sure you're a smart 18 year old who can use google.

Every other paid online service has autists yelling at kids.

What extra function will Nintendo offer in place of voicechat for the value of the service?

>people will actually buy the nintendo bait and switch
for what purpose

>no ethernet

Christ you obsolete fucks will complain about anything.

im with you on this

You know what else is obsolete? 32gb of storage.

Phones come in higher capacities. PHONES.

Region Free.

but people seem to forget they announced this.

Memes aside, the shit i'm reading on the internet is NOT good.

This conference has actually turned people off from what i'm reading on Reddit/Neogaf.

>inb4 Reddit/Neogaf

Those places were hype as fuck when the Switch reveal trailer released.

I think Nintendo dropped the ball hard with the price point, paid online and scarce launch lineup

Why the FUCK don't Nintendo learn from their mistakes?

>implying that user is a native english speaker
>implying grammar is a key skill to make big bucks
>implying you're not just a buttblasted nintendrone defending the clusterfuck of a system that the switch has turned out to be
oh i am laffin