Not making the Switch™ to the superior console

>Not making the Switchâ„¢ to the superior console
Explain yourselves.


>Switchfags are degenerate trapfags.
Makes sense.

>He doesn't want to play with Felix's joycon
I want faggots to leave.


I wanna beep Felix's boop


I already have a dust-covered WiiU that will play the new Zelda. Why the fuck would I pay more money for another piece of plastic to collect dust when the one I have will work just fine?

Whenever he gets in a fix he reaches into his bag of tricks

look at that smug fucking cat

Look at that delicious boipucci

I'd much rather resell my preorder to deluded Nintoddlers that will pay a couple hundred extra for it.

So the power....of Nintendo....woah...

reported degenerate

>announcing reports
fucking idiot, reported.

wtf, I love Nintendo now


Wouldn't you be disappointed if you ordered a Nintendo Switch but got a catgirl (male) instead?

Now looky here user, I've been sat in this thread waiting for you to post more. You can't just stop after one image, that's not fair.

My ferris folder is pretty much empty.

What a shame.

Is there anything more degenerate than nintoddlers?

Yes, sonyggers.

Saving that image, makes me feel good to be a Nintendo fan. 2D is king. Keep nigging it up though, user.

>hentai shemale
How can you be weeb enough to want that, but at the same time be ignorant enough not to know the term futanari?

Somehow it's going to have less games then the PS4.






Why is he looking at me like that?

New Crazy Taxi confirmed

>draw a girl
>give it a penis
For what purpose

>Xbone: pedos
>Sonyggers: incestuous niggers
>Nintendo: glorious 2D
This is too good.

To fap.

Nintendo literally wins AGAIN.

not a futa but a trap
even more disgusting

But wouldn't you rather it be a she and have a vagina than a he with a penis?

Opinion disregarded.

>sonycucks literally looking at blacked porn

you answered your own question

I think girls are hot.
I think penises are hot too.

go to bed konata, you are tired.

>liking vaginas


Fuck, now I need to go fap again.

fap me too

Stupid fucking faggot cat poster

Why the fuck would that be disappointing

What's the matter, user-kun? Afraid to get your dick sucked by a kitten?

>fap me too

>boobs and vag
The fuck is this gay shit?

I have a PC, ps4 and a hacked psp why the fuck would I buy a switch

This. Where the fuck is the penis? How am I supposed to masturbate to this faggotry?

But what if twink is also trap?

Do you have sauce for this pic ?

Is this the boipussy thread?


>Xbox is Bro Porn and Teens
>PlayStation is Creep and Incest
>Nintendo is Fantasy porn

What a shock, all Consoles are Owned by Underage.

Artist is tonikaku

Friendly reminder that fapping to Felix is not gay.

You're taking this too far, Sup Forums.

His dick is way too big.


Really activates the neurons, doesn't it?

>he doesn't like to suck his trap's dick

Is it gay if you want to suck his dick though?

I'd say it's more likely there's just a higher proportion of actual black people with Playstations.

No, the dick only makes it better

What about both?

You're gay if you DON'T wanna suck his dick.

Is Grindrr where I can find the boipussy?

idk where to look

we should post his(or her) Link drawings.

>be me
>grow hair out
>look like pic in reply
>hate self for it

welp, its haircut time lads


Grindr is nothing but ugly skinnyfat idiots trying to be cute, AIDs-infested faggots who look like they haven't eaten in weeks, and fat 50+ year olds with tiny dicks talking about how huge they are and how they'll destroy your ass.

Avoid it.

>that lower back

Thanks for the sauce

If you're in Uni, there is bound to be some. Cute STEM nerds are the best IMO

boipussi is better than vagina


>tfw in STEM
>more cute boys than there are girls, either cute OR ugly
I'm not sure if it's hell or heaven.


Objectively true

Same. Engineers and physics majors are my weakness. I'm in Geol myself.
