>all these poorfags on Sup Forums trying to make the switch seem bad because mommy doesn't have enough bux to buy it
Who /ps4+pc+switch/ here? $299 is fucking nothing if you actually have a job.


>$299 is fucking nothing if you actually have a job.
I am too rich to spend for dead consoles.

>Spending 300$ on a useless piece of shit.

True, 300$ ain't that much.

But I'm not rich enough to toss 300$ in the garbage for no reason.

A fool and their money are soon parted.
I'd rather buy actual games than the Wii-U 2: Electric Boogaloo.

Haha bro, why don't you just regularly burn money? Are you poor or something?

It has no games. Having money doesn't justify spending it frivolously

Paying for online is literally dogshit

>$299 is fucking nothing if you actually have a job.
That's money I could spend on something worthwhile. Like improving my PC:)

An affordable piece of shit is still a piece of shit user

>$299 is fucking nothing if you actually have a job in the first world country

I regularly drop 1000+ dollars on guns but I wouldn't pay 300 for the switch. Its fucking dogshit.

It's official, I can now say that console chucks have to pay to play onlinr

They have to PAY for an otherwise free service

They're paying for literally the same shit and they get free games for paying for it

They pay for free games

In what universe does that make any sense?

>It's the same Mario kart as last time but the difference being you have to pay for online after your "free trial"

No thank you.

>paying $300 for 1.5 games (Bomberman is apparently launch now but no guarantee on fleshed out story mode)
>paying $80 for extra joy-con ( to get 4 player)
>paying $80 for proper game controller
>paying $40-60 for needed extra storage (256 GB micro SD)

Not even poor but holy shit not even Apple is this shady.

>Y-Y-You just poor
Literally "PS4 paid online" tier defense.

I mean, i'ts not like Nintendo is the only one charging for online service.
Also, it's not that expensive, ffs
If you can't afford it, dont buy it kek

>having a job
>not being wealthy

FINALLY the damage control thread is up i was getting worried Sup Forums would stop being absolute shit for a moment

>I mean, i'ts not like Nintendo is the only one charging for online service.

Yes, Nintendo just descended from Nintendo tier to pleb Console tier.

299$ is not that much for babies who have a job yet still live with mommy a daddy, thus having no expenses.


Will you buy my shit for 300$ a log? Wouldn't want anyone thinking you're poor.

>have a job
>also have a car to pay
>also need to build a new room for the house
>incoming child in a few months

but sure OP, everyone who has a job should pay 300 bucks right away

I would neve throw money to Nintendo.

And this is from someone who had spent $80,000 on savannah cats

> $80,000 on savannah cats

It's the fact that you're being forced to pay for features you already paid for with your console. You're paying for what is and already was a free service and you're getting nothing more or better

Don't reply to me, filth.

$299 could buy a fancy hooker though user, one with a better build quality and aesthetic than the switch

But that's wrong you fucking retard. It's basically like ps plus. Were you this ass ravaged when sony made you pay for online with ps4?

Voice chat isn't behind a paywall on ps4. Also, you get multiple games with ps plus including games for ps3 and vita.

Yeah whatever nigga. Keep moving them goalposts.

>Were you this ass ravaged when sony made you pay for online with ps4?

Not him, but yes.

Only reason I have PS Plus is because I got it for free.

Not the same user you replied to.
Also, you said;
>It's basically like ps plus
And I corrected you.

You're literally paying for freeware. They claim the games are free and you have to pay to get free gsmes

The online didn't cost you anything before. The cost is arbitrary and made up. It's a fucking cash grab. Like Sony paying money for a service that doesn't get better than the free shit on ps3

Yup. Just ordered one for myself and my bro. Not being poor is pretty lit.

at least PS+ and Xbox Live let you play the "free games" for more than a month and they're more than Nes and Snes roms that anything can run

>no guys they have to pay for their servers!
So they didn't have to pay for servers before when it was free

You delusional fucks are as gullible as Sony ponies defending ps+

You don't get to keep your games if you stop paying for them with ps+

that's true, but with the Switch even if i keep paying for online i can only play the "free" games for 1 month

>$299 is fucking nothing

Then give me $299 right now.

And its still not a free gsmr

Stop fucking saying shit like "pay for free games" that's not free if you pay for it you stupid fucks

If a street bum took a shit in a brown bag and put a $300 price tag on it, would you buy it?

Its not about being poor, its about shit products and shit services. Not a single person here has been able to justify the paid-online policy.

>300 dollars are nothing!

K can you send them to me then? Also I'll need money for the controller and online fee

>Same OS backbone as the WiiU

Well worth the price when you consider this thing should have custom firmware in 9 months flat.

>console cucks have to pay for free online and pay for free games

Daily reminder its not free if you pay for it faggot

that's what i put in quotation marks you dumbshit.
it's just a fact that Nintendo's online service is providing less value.

From what I've seen of it and it's predecessors or not worth $300 to me

I just got a $400 graphics card and there's no way I would pay $300 for that shit. Overpriced shit is still overpriced shit even if you have money.

Honestly I may spend the 300$ solely for the tablet that wont freeze up and act like shit every time I stream Netflix or try to play a game.

Though I haven't had a hand-held since the psp was new.

No what I'm saying is none of it makes sense

Paying for free shit is not free no matter how you spin it

Xbox live is shit

PSN used to be free

And now Nintendo is for paywallware

Why would I have to pay $ 5 to play Splatoon?



Feels pretty good

Hey, impersonating me is rude.

>paying $40-60 for needed extra storage (256 GB micro SD)

As much as I dislike the PCMR fanboyism, consoles need to do better here.

Now all Console retards are gonna pay up money to play features they already paid for

like others have said. $300 is not a lot of money, but it is a lot of money to spend on fucking nothing.

fuck of nintenshill

Just got paid a cool $516 for the week today
Feels good not being a neet

With spending habits like that, you'll be poor in no time.

Thats like 13 dollars an hour user git gud

I'm not some 17 yo chuckle cuck who is so desperate to escape his shitty life that he'll spend 350 dollars on a Zelda machine

Is it actually a functioning online system now or are you paying for the AIDs that has been Nintendos old online

I will sell you my literal feces for 300 dollars, that's nothing right ?

Yeah enjoy spending that money on things you barely have any time to use. Meanwhile I can sleep in and play tons of games on my PC all day.

PC and Nintendo only.

Um, is Savannah cats some sort of code, you hunted the Savannah cats or get money to save them?

>Who /ps4+pc+switch/ here?

yup, woulda got the xbone too but there's just no exclusives. Which makes them the "better" company in my book but it's not good for sales.


some people are poor (why would you be such a cunt about that though?), some people stick to a budget, some people wonder if they can justify the price and some people who have the money for all the Switch bullshit refuse to pay for it on principle alone.

Liberals are hypocritical trash
>we shouldn't make fun of underprivileged people because we're privileged
>we need to remember the underprivileged poor people
>I feel superior because my Macbook and my Starbucks latte simply make me better
>you don't like the price of my favorite console maker? LOL u poor

blithering idiot millennials