Grown adults still have an "us vs them" mentality over fucking video game consoles

>grown adults still have an "us vs them" mentality over fucking video game consoles
Come on user its time to grow up...

I never had it in the first placed.

Daily reminder idort masterrace

You mean they should start killing each other instead of simply arguing?

No he means they shouldn't fucking argue or be mad at each other for owning a different console.

it's why I gradually drifted away from this place.

Had a Wii U for a long time, got a ps4 as a present, felt like a breath of fresh air. Missed what it was like to play meaty games, and the Nintendo defense squad showed up and started calling me a shill.

I own every system except for xbone and I use PC too.

Brand loyalty is fucking retarded. Play what you like, and the market should adapt.

>Sup Forums
>growing up

OP, you are too optimistic.

>grown men watch small girls in animes and post on Sup Forums

Grow the fuck up

But that's not what adults do.

>implying platform war faggots aren't underage

'adults' have started actual wars over nothing more than what someone looks like or what someone believes.

Real wars user. That's what adults do. Your comfy life and uncultured perspective leads you no credence to criticize video game discussion on a video game board.

Try reddit, they have a safe place you can feeble in.

>grown up
>uses animuh pictures


>it happens, so it's justified

What the fuck kind of logic is that?

youre 16

>using feeble as a verb
>muh entry level comparison to IRL wars to excuse Sup Forums being utter spergs

"You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18."

Console WAR! HUH! What is it good for? Absolutely nothing! Say it again, Y'all!

It's just memes and banter. If you can't enjoy a good console war thread, maybe you're just too sensitive and need to stop taking things so seriously.

>grown adults
That's a pretty big implication you've got going on there.

>neo Sup Forums

>no argument

But what's the point? It's just rehashed catchphrases spouted over and over and over to make people mad about something that should be fun: games.

But I like throwing fuel on the fire while watching from my throne atop my steam library :^)

Religion is a serious matter. Video games are children's toys. There's a difference.

you're right, user. thanks for reminding me.

>grown adults
Youre giving them way too much credit, user.
Fanboyism is on the raise since we got that new wave of newfags.

But it is fun. Unless of course you're a Nintendo fanboy, then it's just never ending abuse because your platform is a complete joke.

I'm not a Sony or Nintendo fanboy or a PC circlejerker, I only shit talk Microsoft consoles because their cancer has been hurting video games. I also want to deter people from wasting money on a console with no exclusives.

I don't see anything worth arguing with. The cut throat nature in children over vidya is a direct parallel to adult and politics. The only difference is power. My point stands uncontested.

Then you aren't a grown adult.

>a bunch of pedos and goatfuckers scratchedo ut their up their drug induced hallucinations on some paper and a bunch of plebs thought it was legit
>actually technology with real standards and an industry
>not serious


Is it honestly enjoyable to you? Or is it just a habit you can't let go off? I don't mean to offend you, but most people acting like that do so out of some pretty deep-seated issues with their own lives that are not solved by name-calling on Sup Forums.

the only ones who take console wars seriously are underage faggots who can't afford to be idorts and are upset over any console their mommy didn't buy them
case in point

It's a mentality enforced by the video game market.

Game you think looks really cool is on a console you don't have? Your only choices are to either buy the overpriced, under powered machine to play the game, or become bitter over it not being available to you.

>grown adults

>grow up
never ever

Really, user.

I know fedorafags don't like to hear this, but searching for answers to unanswerable questions is pretty much the most serious thing in life. Some people acting in quite misguided ways based on them and the sheer terror that lies behind them is not a good thing, but definitely understandable.

Almost nobody under 25 these days can be considered an adult. Millennials are too pampered and pussified to have the ability of critical thought and lack the will to resist shitty memes.

>'adults' have started actual wars over nothing more than what someone looks like or what someone believes.
Please be underaged. Go look up any war worth noting and find out that it was more than that.

>What someone believes
Can mean a lot of things.

I only like to shit on /r/pcmasterrace fucks because it's the funniest. Even though I mainly play on PC and PS2

don't forget to report fuckfaces like OP who just want a reason to post pics of their shitty chinese cartoons.

Yeah man let's just ignore the importance of religion throughout literally all of humanity's existence and how it shaped development of civilisation god is dum lol I read a couple of pages of neeche at school once

>grown up
>not just bigger children

>what is genocide

educate yourself


You don't seem to understand.
Sup Forums enjoys console wars. It may sound retarded (and it is) but Sup Forums actively starts these not because a lot of them give a shit about the brand/console/game/etc, but rather because they really want to argue and the best way to do that is mindlessly shit on stuff people like.

You might want to just do what I do and make your filter list a mile long.

>you've probably made a rude post to a girl on Sup Forums before

>Weeb telling other to grow up
Fucking irony at its finest.

most fuckin Sup Forums picture of all time

More like nu-Sup Forums picture.

Literally every genocide in history was more than skin deep.

I'm indiferent to anything Nintendo or Xbox, wish them the best of luck but they have nothing to catch my interest

mindlessly shitting on things for no reason other than to be a contrarian ass is the very definition of Sup Forums's existence

>grown adults still have an "us vs them" mentality over fucking invisible men in the sky
Come on user its time to grow up...

Well of course. How else would you get them to medium rare?

nu-Sup Forums is all that remains

gamergate was a flood of autism

>grown adults still talk about their toys

>nu-Sup Forums
The irony of this statement is ironic in so many ways.

jap cartoons are normalfag tier these days, face it.

>'adults' have started actual wars over nothing more than what someone looks like or what someone believes.

I know on the surface this looks shallow and meaningless to you but faith and culture are extremely meaningful to people. These wars didn't happen by accident.

>literally every genocide in history


>grown adults
>Sup Forums
I'm onlu 23 but i feel like there's more and more underage faggots here. That or i'm getting old for this shit.

>irony is ironic
Thank you captain Obvious lord commander of redundant army of redundancy.

This is why I don't participate in any heated internet arguments anymore, I keep thinking that I'm arguing with actual 15 year olds.

And video games are not a form of culture? I realize it looks shallow and meaningless to you but consoles and games are extremely meaningful to people. These threads didn't happen by accident.

I'd tell you to lurk more but you'd probably consider it a jojo reference or some shit.


>And video games are not a form of culture?
No, they're children's toys, you fucking loser.
>consoles and games are extremely meaningful to children and hambeast manchildren.

I don't think you understand user, how cut throat children can be. How cruel and absolutely terrible children can be to one another. The only thing a cruel dictator has over an obsessed child is power.

You have an infantile view of how the world works. Please go back to listening to Megadeth and playing your electronic toys instead of shitting up a space of public discussion.

My comparison is spot on. Replace the child with an adult and the toys with religion and you have the exact, same, problem. You're the fool for being unable to continue a discussion.

>Religion is a serious matter

Yeah, for morons.

Yeah, it's enjoyable. I agree that some of us have some serious issues, but it's partly a cathartic experience. It's fun to put so much importance and energy into something so stupid and trivial, it makes me forget about my crippling depression and loneliness to banter and shitpost with like-minded anons.

I think anti-console war people just don't understand how many levels of irony we're on. Which I think extends from them being Nintendo fans. See, at the end of the day, we PC and PS4 fans can have a laugh at our own expense because we have plenty of great games to play. But for a Nintendo fan it's different. They get roasted in a console-war thread and they don't have any means to cope. All they can do is stare at their dust covered Wii U trying to convince themselves it wasn't a waste of money.

It's no surprise that the last few years of console war threads have mostly been NEVER EVER posting between PS4 fans and PC fans. While 10 years ago, console-war threads were a lot more diverse with every platform's fans being represented.

Now, can you tell how much sarcasm and irony there is in this post? If you can't, it's you who has to grow up and stop taking video games so seriously.

>Giving Lillie different eyes.

Kill yourself, unironically and seriously.

You have truly wounded me deeply. I hope it was worth the effort.

>replace two incomparable, completely unrelated things and my point will make sense dude trust me
Why don't you try making a food analogy while you're at it. Be sure to replace the burger with a concrete slab.

>Now, can you tell how much sarcasm and irony there is in this post?
Oh I can see it alright. I doubt you are in the majority with that attitude though. Furthermore I think basing your attitude too much on sarcasm is actually harmful to oneself.

Videogames are not simply childrens toys. Its an artistic and highly expressive medium and entirely unique form of entertainment for various age groups.

If you didn't know or understand this to begin with get the fuck off this board.

>my crippling depression
Oh, you're one of those.

My analogy is relevant both for the thread and board. You just don't get it user. And that's ok, you tried.

is that Juxta?

Sup Forums is full of 14 years old

>Its an artistic and highly expressive medium and entirely unique form of entertainment for various age groups
agreed broduderino
*sucks cheeto dust off fingers*
pass the controller bro imma frag this charlie

fair enough

This, it's like the goddamn place is a YouTube comment section.