AGDQ 2017

Now: Contra

Next: Super C

Later: Contra 4


real thread already made

This is the thread

Ignore rabbi ribbi threads, don't reply to rabbi ribbi posters


Wish he was running Rayman 1.


fuck off already

I won't get more than five (you)'s this thread.


no fuck anime.

Hey rabbi, watchu doin?

this legit

Who /jp/ here?


What time is the Rabi Ribi run?



xth for daughterfu

Sup Forums

why thank you.


What games are you anons playing between runs?

I'm playing Diablo 3, made this character yesterday during the Turok run

when did Sup Forums suddenly hate rabi rabi..

You guys ready for Contra block?

>diablo 3



fuck, I missed metal slug 3. I used to play the shit out of that game and I know for a fact it's the first game my nieces ever played when they were toddlers which is a pretty sweet first game to play i think. but now they play minecraft

Post a webm you don't get to use often

>bender for a life

>american breakfast for 1 person

Damn straight my nigga. I always liked playing as robots instead of the stereotypical rambo character.

You beat Contra without using the Konami code, right Sup Forums?

>"IMMEDIATELY after it is Contra"
>setup is an hour long as always

who Sup Forums here

>10 minutes to set up Contra
>12 minutes to beat

How many chemicallssss

Rabi-Ribi Fuck you faggots for making it a meme it's a solid metroidvania

Yeah, actually



I didnt beat it at all.

One of the first webms posted on Sup Forums.

Why are the names people donate for to see in the games so shit?
Sometimes there's a name that you actually believe chat would donate for but its always behind "Clyde" or "Jeffery".
It's got to be rigged somehow to rack up donations for the clearly superior last place.

How do we fix the anime problem?


I never played it at all.

>just a snack

There should never be another CM Punk chant after the UFC fight

(*_*) /

anyone else staying home on a friday night...

build a wall.

I beat all the NES Contra games as a kid

ignore them


Amy is good


What is v drinking?


>only one can of pringles
if one's going to make a years worth supply of shit food they should at least do it right

you guys ready for the contra?

What was his endgame?

>sister shipped me a 2kg box of genuine assorted Japanese dagashi for Christmas

Thanks, onee-san.

True /m/en

Fuck off, video games are for children

You have to go back.


gittin gud with lance

Some ice cold coca-cola

>no sound

time for mexicuntrunner to hit the wall again

>a year
give me two weeks

Who was legs?

Water and Capri-Sun.

TMR will choke.



How mad do you think the rabi ribi shitposter is that even though his threads are first, nobody wants to post in them?

>tfw you are a weeb but hate people like that rabbi faggot

free pussy whiffs

>base wall


Why don't they have one person push both start buttons for these races so they're hit at the exact same time?

Every single race I've seen the runners start like one second apart.

Water in a ceramic cup. The cup's got fruit painted on it.


>Now now, perfectly symmetrical gaming never solved anything


It's "daughteru". I'd call you a retard but I like your taste.


we /m/ now?



>tfw you help repost rabi ribi memes to troll redditors
>tfw it's working and they spend every thread crying about anime and rabi ribi
>tfw you don't even like rabi ribi


I'll try spinning! that's a good trick

this is how I imagine all of you.

Contra is best game though.

dual wielding cokes right now

local stuff

I am

>It's "daughteru". I'd call you a retard but I like your taste.
except it's daughterfu, as in daughter and waifu because you marry them once they grow up

>shitskin falling behind