>One ONE O N E Launch title thats even worth shit
>ARMS isn't even launch
>Fucking MARIO is holiday season AKA 2018
>Splatoon isn't even until summer
>Shit like Xeno is inevitable to get delayed throughout the year and pushed to 2018

If you get one of these things at launch, you have NO right to complain about lack of games, you did this to yourself.

The fucking street fighter port isn't even launch?

What. The. FUCK?

>>One ONE O N E Launch title thats even worth shit
Still more than the PS4 or Xbox One had at launch. A better lineup for the first year as well.

>Street Fighter II and Skyrim aren't launch games

Nope. Which leads the question as to why Hori even developed the sticks when theres literally nothing for them, Not even Pokken or Smash ports are planned.

>Being this blind of a drone

Dude, I can appreciate nintendo asd much as anyone else, but don't act like this is an acceptable line for purchasing a $300 console for one game, WHICH already has a wii-U version. Its not even an exclusive. Thats just bad. Even you can't defend this atrocity.

PS4 didn't need games to sell, it's a Sony console.

Stop with this false equivalence. Also, are you forgetting the "Sony first year lineup"? It looked shit hot only for every game to end up delayed.

>Complaining about shit that every console has to deal with since forever
Not saying it's not a problem, but for fucks sake OP this is to be expected.

Maybe for 7th gen onward, 5th and 6th gen had strong launch lineups.

What did you expect, them releasing it on March? They expect it to be a product to be interesting with games by Christmas or Summer for it to be bought in those times, not March.

Whether it's going to work or not is completely another thing.

Remember when people thought the Switch launch would be packed with games that sell?

Spring means 2 months from launch before E3 so it's not really a problem

I'll gladly take Zelda and Super Bomberman

How the fuck is bomberman a thing? Didn't konami stop making videogames?

Remember when people thought the Wii U wouldn't be a failure?

Remember when people thought Nintendo learned their mistakes from the Wii U?

Can you imagine the fallout if Zelda wasn't launch

This would've been a Day 1 buy for me granted it had AT LEAST one of the following titles at launch: Mario Odyssey/Mario Kart/Spla2n/Skyrim. But nope, Nintendo flubbed the shit out of it and are banking entirely on Legend of Shitza. Now it's a Day TBD buy for me. Who knows, I might not even get it until Christmas. Fucking retards.

>mfw it's a Wii 2.0 with the Waggle
>mfw it's a WiiU 2.0 with the NOGAEMS and price
>mfw online subscription means that there is no longer a modern console with free online, ushering in a new era of jewery

It's a gimped wii u

Is it wrong Puyotetris is the only thing I give a shit about on that list?

it's a fucking wii u with paid online HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH

The rabbit hole of the online goes so much deeper.

We don't even know what smart devices it will even support. Not everyone owns a device bought in the last year. And since this is nintendo we're talking about, you most likely will have to add friend codes by hand to your device to even play with people.

>ARMS isn't a launch title
>1 2 Switch isn't bundled with the fucking console
This shit is their biggest mistake right there. The whole reason the console is 300 bucks is because the joy cons have a fuckton of unnecessary shit crammed in them for this types of games, but no one will buy them because they're not worth the money. I actually feel bad for ARMS, the game looks really nice design wise but it will sell like shit.

Reminder that all launches are shit. PS4 was ports and Knack and the Xbone was ports and Dead Rising 3.

Why are people discounting Bomberman at launch so much?

Nobody is debating that guy.

Don't forget that there is no pack in game as well. Why anyone would be dumb enough to buy this at launch is beyond me. Definitely waiting a year minimum before I think about buying it.

The launch lineups for the PS4 and Xbone wern't any better.

The Switch day one just lacks most of the filler.

>wanting Nintendo to blow it's load.
I would rather they spread out their big releases than have it all come out at once and have more fucking dry spells in which the Switch is sure to suffer.

Fucking wow.

ARMS literally looks amazing, and i'd totally buy a switch for it and only it, but its not even fucking launch?

Come the fuck on Nintendo.

So why is everyone acting like it's a problem with Nintendo?

Lol ps4 was ports? Meanwhile the ditch ports aren't even slated for launch. What a joke

Because deflection is not an argument.

>Not even Pokken or Smash ports are planned.
they wouldn't need to port pokken or smash if the fucker was backwards compatible.

No fuck you. Not ever nintendo fan gives a shit about Zelda, and fuck nintendo for expecting us to care about what looks to be the worst mediocre entry to the series yet. Skyward sword looked better then this shit, it at least had dungeons and good combat. BoTW is Literally just skyrim with zelda elements, which means it has all the mind numbing combat of TeS to boot

What is it with Nintendo and shitty launch titles?

It's so they can quietly cancel them later on.

only game im excited for but still wont buy the switch

It's not going to work on such a grand level. And I couldn't be happier. I wanted this shit to fail and Nintendo listened.

Google PS4 launch titles.

>>One ONE O N E Launch title thats even worth shit
I know you're not talking shit about Bomberman, because that + Zelda is already better than fucking Knack at launch.

Why would a cart based system play discs? Think for a second.

Also i'm glad it doesn't. Wii/Wii-U needs to stay its own thing, Switch should have no ties to it whatsoever.

There are like, very large portion of people who would disagree with that.

You should still not expect much for any console launch. Your own fucking fault.

>wanting Pokken to die when we haven't even gotten the Japan-onry Arcade Characters
I couldn't care less about Smash, I say just let there be a new one instead of making a port like Mario Kart.

>PS4 didn't need games to sell, it's a Sony console.


>Being this blind of a drone

Is he wrong? Was ps4 and xbone launch better?

And I give a fuck because?

Point being zelda isn't the end all. Its one big title. Big whoop. They should ahve given us smash and pokken ports, as well as other noteable IPs

They shouldn't even have any dry spells if their handheld library fills in the gaps.
I don't care Zelda, and I'm not complaining because I never buy a console at launch.
The only thing that would be make me buy this system at launch is Kirby, and Kirby is NEVER a launch title, so ergo I'll never buy a Nintendo system at launch.

That's with any console.

>Making a sequel to Splatoon instead of patching the old one

Fucking jews.

So they port it over with arcade characters? Doesn't need to play the wii-U disc to still be a switch game bro. Just buy the ultimate edition.

>implying the switch doesn't have ports
Oh right, you actually have to wait for those ports.

If they would have launched with BOTW AND Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, it would have been over. Unfortunately, they're too stupid to do that and are pushing Mario kart 8 back more than a month after release. Really stupid on their part.

> Mommy buy me a nintendo switch

But user why?

> I need it to play minecraft while im outside or on the toilette

But user u already have a PSvita




That's good though. It ensures it fails even quicker.

>not even skyrim at launch
How can you not port a decade old game in like a week? The fuck are they rrmoving?

Reminder that you're wrong. Whether you like it or not due to your normie-phobia, Call of duty and Killzone were big sellers if not BIGGER then Zelda. Knack was not the "big' title. Ghosts was.

what they should've done is release zelda bundle at 300 and sell base console at 250 and don't mention online fee until months into the console's life.

Still, pretty sure it's doing well on sales. we'll see tho

>not even the SE

What the fuck, Todd

Also where is FIFA?

I never said it didn't have any ports.

>Where is Fifa

you can't possibly be this blind.

>and don't mention online fees until months into the console's life
That's even worse. You enjoy your games' online features for awhile blissfully unaware until one day you suddenly get a message telling you to buy a subscription in order to play the games you once played online for free just yesterday.

>Still, pretty sure it's doing well on sales. we'll see tho
Nintendelusion is so fucking delicious! Please tell me you have more.

>Fucking Skyrim, AGAIN
>not a launch
I'm so fucking mad holy shit, putting skyrim on switch was a fucking bad idea at first but they did even worst

Just take a look at what was on gamecube within the first fucking month and a half

>lugi's mansion

Then a slew of third party titles like ssx tricky, tony hawk 3, and a port of crazy taxi

It's more than reasonable.

Are you a European?

>and don't mention online fee until months into the console's life.
Nah, that is exactly the kind of shit they had to get out now and I give them props for starting with that announcement.

>Still, pretty sure it's doing well on sales. we'll see tho
I thought 25 million units lifetime, but after tomorrow and seeing the early line up I'm switching my prediction to around 15-20 million at most.

I really had to look hard after reading your post

>no monster hunter

Fuck those lazy piece of shit devs that keep using the same fucking assets since ps2

>MK8 a years old port for their previous console is not a launch title for their new system

How does that make any sense?

>Still, pretty sure it's doing well on sales. we'll see tho
You got a sauce on that lad?

The only good thing on there is Melee.

People will buy it.
People will complain.
People will defend Nintendo.

i didn't say it would be consumer friendly. but it would be better PR at launch

>Nintendelusion is so fucking delicious
Never once owned a nintendo console, couldn't give less of a shit if the whole company goes under alongside sonyggers and xcucks.

XX is still in dev user, let it come out first, then they'll work on something new. not before.

Did you honestly think
the Switch could run Skyrim remastered?


say what you will, but those games are certainly more complete experiences than fucking 1-2 switch.

Wii U did not use friend codes.

Not him but excellent points you're making, buddy

Just wait and see if it will sell you idiot instead of trying to justify your preorder by pretending it's already doing great

How impatient must you be to be incapable of waiting 2 months for 8 more games?

So the switch has 5 original games.
Wew lad.

>Still no localized Mon hun stories for either Switch or 3DS


I heard that the switch is not going to have online chat but that you have do it through your phone. Is this a meme or real?

It's not a meme.
This is the power of old men who are out of touch with today's youth.

>8 games

Ooooh. I can play a shit ton of shovelware, and a port of MK8? What a steal!

isn't this worse than the wii u lineup?

Kids seriously believe this

Wasn't the same guy. Just pointing out Europeans tend to be hardcore console war shitposters.

>defending no games launch because its nintendo

If it was Sony you would all be shitposting with no games meme like usual but its literally okay when nintendo does it.


Son, I was alive for the virtual boy launch, don't you be talkin smack.

PS4 and Xbox have the ability to run the games you were gonna buy anyways at higher performance.

Switch doesn't offer that, with the sole exception of two Wii U games.


Voice chat, the rest you can also do normally on the console (i think)

you know that there will be more games revealed in the next months

Wow. Then no buy. Had to skype with my brother to have any sort of communication when we played Mario Kart 8 online. Never again.

>Implying Xenoblade will make it in time for a 2017 launch

>I want all of their heavy hitters now
Experiment, try some of the new shit rather than just casting it aside if it bothers you that much, Nintendo doesn't need to account for your narrow mindset. And hell this is only the currently announced games, we will most likely end up hearing more before the end of February.

Okay, then. What console had the strong launch titles?


It has been 8 hours. 8 hours since I learned Nintendo doesn't care about its products. 8 hours since I learned Nintendo has learned nothing from the Wii U scandal. 8 hours since I learned Nintendo does not care about its customers and told us they'll kick us out on our behinds unless we play ball.

No more Nintendo, no more. We are the customer, you do what we say, we don't do what you say. You sit in your towers made from the blood, sweat, and tears of gamers, and you expect us to just sit by while you completely ruin the Switch and make the video game industry a laughing stock to the world. You were wrong Nintendo, dead wrong.

You thought we would applaude a $70 controller? You thought we would jump through your hoops for Skyrim, a 6 year old game that destroyed the RPG genre? You thought we would stand by as you charge for online? And what of the price? $299? You have to be joking, you think anybody can afford $299 in the Obama economy? Guess what, you thought wrong Nintendo.

Everybody I talked to, from my 4 year old cousin to my 93 year old grandmother, just can't figure out what you are doing Nintendo. If real gamers like me can't figure it out, how do you expect the idiot masses to figure it out? Even my Nintendophile friend, whom has a basement filled with rare Nintendo displays and clothing, has giving up on you. He is in the process of selling everything he has, a guy that has lived and breathed Nintendo since he was born.

Who are you going to blame this time Nintendo? You already blew your load blaming us for the Wii U, do you really think the gaming public will fall for it again? Well, they won't. They have seen through your lies. Gamers will stand united as one, we will no longer spend our sweat and tears on you. You have made a very powerful enemy Nintendo, you are already feeling us and we haven't even started.

I'd say Dreamcast.

>rabbids was fake

thank god. I'm not sure why I even considered that for a moment. Such a ridiculous rumor

This! Buy 1 2 Switch now! ITS NOT SHOVELWARE