The Switch is looking FAAAAAANtastic. Real fun

The Switch is looking FAAAAAANtastic. Real fun.

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I think 1 2 Switch will bomb.

>GameXplain Nintendo shill in the background enjoying it

It this real?

Is that the guy with lisp?

>look at your hands as you milk

Fuck this casual party game crap, Nintendo wants Wii money again I guess.

All they had to was make it the new Wii Sports and bundle it with the console. That was all it would take to make the Switch a success.
Also revealing their Virtual Console plans wouldn't have hurt either.

>the state of nintendo in 2017

but this game does look like fun? i don't get the hate for simple, goofy, fun shit like this. is it because you don't have any friends to enjoy it with?

Is 1 2 Switch the console's pack-in or are they seriously giving you jack shit for buying it early?

The Switch is doomed. Throw it out of the airbus window.

I got second hand embarasment. Thank's Sup Forums.


1 2 aaaaand switched off.

Why Jeff always looks so miserable?

Thats a very funny Mike Ross, do you mind if I save it?

>That was all it would take to make the Switch a success.

No, they had to suddenly make Nintendo consoles relevant again

almost like they should use modern hardware

This wouldn't be out of place if it was just a 5 second Warioware minigame out of dozens.
But this is just one in an handful that you have to play for too long.

You mean like the Wii? The one that bundled a simplistic, but fun game that showcased the functionality of the console?

I think it's warranted in this case.

>this hat is stupid
>my ass hurts
>I wish I was at home playing Mario Maker

It's the Nintendoland of the Switch.

But at least Ninetndoland had this.


I cant wait for the stream.

Do you troglodytes know how popular Zelda is


Zelda is obviously going to be a system-seller, but you must admit that not bundling 1 2 Switch in a similar way to Wii Sports is a collosal oversight.

Yeah, nintendo land was legitimately fun. I'm not seeing the same appeal for 1 2 Switch, it should've just been a Wario Ware game but I guess Nintendo is too afraid to use le farting Jew in a generic pack-in.

I desperately want to stay with the Wii U.

It looks like shit so it would have been a waste.

It's the Wii all over again but $100 more so normies won't care

Fuck Nintendo, they deserve to burn

So buy Zelda on Wii U and you're set until Odyssey comes out next christmas. That's what I'm doing.

So.. this is what the Nintendo fanbase is like.

>mfw eastern europe
>new Wii new costs $550
>PS4 fat $500
>PS4 Pro $600

>man in his 40s doesn't enjoy party game made for 12 year olds


This is going to be as successful as Sing Party.

That's not really the point. A simple game being bundled that essentially explains the mechanics of the system will do wonders for word-of-mouth marketing and will therefore sell more units.

If it's a simplistic game that is kind of hard to market by itself, but is sold at a full retail price then it's going to be even more of a waste.

>disrespecting one of the handful of people in the industry that should be respected or even listened to

thanks for your hot take user

jeff thinks RDR is shit which undermines his credibility a bit

He is one of handful OG players in the game.
What you think is irrelevant.

"le burnt out older gamer" persona is just as pathetic as the manchildren who overreact to trailers during livestreams and mindlessly hype everything up. in fact it's worse. just get a a real fucking job outside of gaming you asshole.

RDR plays pretty badly though, atmosphere is it's saving grace

It's the only thing Jeff knows how to do besides music, though I imagine he only has like a few more years in him before he hands the keys to Giant Bomb to Brad

wtf i love jeff now

He's been writing about video games for his entire adult life. It would be insane to stop now.

>m-muh autism bux won't cover Switch AND my pony figurines for me to cum on! Nintendo finished REEEE!

About as popular as the Wii U which it is also coming out on.