I swear Tortanic ruined this board. Everything is a blunder, everything is dead, everything is a failure

I swear Tortanic ruined this board. Everything is a blunder, everything is dead, everything is a failure.

This place has always had a negative view on the industry, but I swear it's gotten worse since that point.

What do you get out of doomsaying everything?


I think Sup Forums in general likes to see things fail and say they will fail. When your depressed you want everyone to be as misrable as you are. Not that some of the complaints for the switch aren't valid.

Agreed, ever since TORtanic something has had to one up how much of a disaster it was.

>What do you get out of doomsaying everything?
Pathetic satisfaction of putting down someone who dares to enjoy something.

Shitposting > video games

Maybe if the vidya game industry would focus on making decent games like they used to for the love of it instead of crappy flashy all style no substance gimmicks and didn't try to nickel and dime us in every which way possible i.e. online pay and amiibos...

I've been playing games for 34 years now. That includes all the bad games in the 80s and 90s and yes, the bad outweighed the good back then.

I'm still having fun. Yes, the industry has problems, but there are still lots of good games out there.

There's nothing with healthy skepticism and some cynicism, but you guys go way overboard with it.

Places like Sup Forums need to be super cynical to offset the staggering amount of backpatting, duck sucking, shilling, and developer fanboyism that's rampant in the rest of the industry. It's not a good feeling to be bitter all the time, no, but I'd much rather consumers be super critical of everything than the blind devotion you see everywhere else.

>Not that some of the complaints for the switch aren't valid.
Leaving switch aside.
Retards mostly use retarded Sup Forumshyperbole, lies of omission, gross generalizations and all kinds of shit posting to pretend $thing/$game is worse than Hitler (fuck off Sup Forums).
Anyone trying to correct 'Sup Forumstard facts' is shill or asked to stop sucking $corporation's cock.

None of the blunder calling on this board is anyone being critical of anything. Half of it is just negativity in itself.


>people say bad thing about a video game

One day you'll grow up and realize negative opinions are no different than positive opinions, and someone disliking something you like is not a personal attack on you. Today is not that day.

You're really missing the point.

You can't even remotely say anything positive or logical about anything, you're called a shill.

That's a problem.

Because everything about this industry is terrible. There is not one good thing about it.

Name one game that's actually come out this millennia. You can't.

Change your hobby.
If you make claims like that and still stick to video games you're either retard, masochist or troll.

>he thinks we're worse off now than we were in 80's
hey user, did you buy the expansion pack for your CONSOLE that lets you play CDs yet?

i like being right

I don't stick to them. I just come here to make sure others know my opinion.

Take off the rose colored glasses, fag

but you're always wrong, and everybody knows it

But what does it matter? People buy shit games whether you think they're shit or not and no one knows who you are here.


use your words you autistic fuck


this election is starting to make so much sense to me

>didn't vote for the winner

It's really simple to make fun of things you don't really care about. Add to the fact that many people get annoyed by even the slightest sign of hype of any kind and how easy it is to shittalk it with one or two sentenses it's not hard to get how most boards turned to shit, not only Sup Forums.

We also passed the point where each fanbase hates each other anyway for "that one evil post that one drone made" so it makes you hate the entire fanbase and people are constantly seeking for revenge of some sort.

Developers need to stop making shit games, simple as that