Nintendo will win, because parents buy the switch

No matter how you see it, this time NIntendo will win.
Just look at this video

Why Nintendo will win:
>Children will love the Switch
>Holy shit I can play it at school with my friends
>holy shit I can play it anywhere
>holy shit it has all the good games
Children do not care about muh metroid or muh realistic humans in Mario Oddyssey or muh 30fps Zelda.
Parents will buy the shit out of the switch for their children while you faggots will be complaining here.
>There is no way parents will buy their children a PS4 instead of a switch.

Other urls found in this thread:

IF Bowser Junior is Bowsers child,
who did he create that child with?

>Holy shit I can steal this betacuck kid's Switch so easily, he literally left it in his cubby

>Playing Console Games
Miyamoto did. No really, that's what he said.

did your parents rape you or something? What is your problem?

>it has all the good games

Nigga it has ONE good game, which is multiplat on a cheaper console. The rest is literally kiddy shit.

Yes you're going to deflect to sony, but at least that console has hundreds of AAA games on it already, is more powerful than switch, and is CHEAPER. (Same with bone). Switch is fucking DOA and in two years we will have Switcheruu.

Didn't you get OPs point.
Kids don't care. Kids don't know what AAA means.

Kids don't care, they are not cynical suicidal faggots like you all, they actually enjoy games you know.

Peach, duh. She never denied it.

>What is your problem?
Niggers come in child form now, any kid who takes the Switch to school is a fucking moron.

>Hundreds of AAA games
The fuck it does, and I own one.

>Holy shit I can play it at school with my friends
I don't know what school you went to but around here, if you even LOOK like you've got electronic devices, teachers will take that shit and lock it up until you come in with a parent after school to get it back.

I lost my DS for a few days once just because I had headphones hanging out of my pocket during lunch break. Fuck you school.

This is a cute video

Fucking nintendo


How old are you?

He is adopted. Bowser probably found him as an orphan in the streets and took him in.

Not everyone went to nigger training school


he's right. it's just like with the wii

>Knowing what kind of games your child likes to play may make it easier to talk to them

>he didnt preorder new game

Don't forget local mutliplayer Splatoon. That's gonna move consoles like no tomorrow.

How is that difficult to get? Are you autistic?

>He didn't unlock the secret ending in Sunshine


>tfw mom won't let me play in peace


As a behavioral health specialist the idea that parents can "suspend software" at any time is a god damn godsend.

Timers and everything are great but I'm actually genuinely surprised that they finally just came out with a way to remotely "pause" the game.

It absolutely will in Japan. Do you have any idea just how popular that franchise is there?

It's just strange like you need an app to talk to your child about a game

I must say you're pretty autistic to not see I was simply reacting to the absurdity of their assertion

>Dat peach wallpaper on bowser iphone

This is gonna be fun as hell when the app gets broken into pieces and hacked. Their API will suck ass like always. I can't wait for it.

i love this video, it's freaking cute

Bowser even has a Peach phone screen, fucking kek

>Kid takes Switch to school to play with friends
>Gets stolen out of his backpack when he isn't looking
>His parents have to take a second mortgage on their house to buy another

Should've just gotten him a console that stays inside. :^)

>the app gets broken into pieces and hacked
Like, what could you gain for that?

I like how Bowser has Peach as his phone background.

in japan. The average sonypony/pccuck/xboxwhatever doesnt care or envy splatoon

Yeah just like the gameboy advance and psp right? No way they'll have any siccess with all the nigger kids stealing them lmao

I'll probably get the switch for my siblings.

Remote control others to fuck with their system.

parents don't buy their kids consoles anymore, they buy them iphones and ipads

You still need the Nintendo ID and password to authenticate against the server, duh

Once it's hacked it'll probably be the best emulation machine around. I'm sure a GCN emulator would work on it.

how long until people register parental controls on their friends switches and use their phones to deny them of using their switch

You don't have a pic of your wife as your homescreen?

Does my waifu count?

It won't win because nintendo will under produce the products like the cunts they are

>Reset console to default
>Parental control is gone

and he just happened to also be a turtle dragon thing?

This switch looks delicate and has a bunch of little parts that can get lost. Don't know if parents want to let their kids take it around.

>losing all saves

You mean a koopa, like the hundreds in the land and the species Bowser is King of?

By OP's logic, they'll just get a fucking 3DS

>Implying they aren't stored on the cartridge
wew lad
>Implying you can't backup them on the microSD
top kek

How big of a slut is Peach?

wait so thing doesn't have cloud saves? how can nintendo be so far behind?

No bigger than your mom

Never confirmed to have had a kid. Rosalina, meanwhile, has tons.

>nintendo leaving a glaring hole like that to get around parental controls

>The rest is literally kiddy shit
Thats the god damned point. You buffoon.

I'm getting a switch later this year and I'm doing it for its ONE good game. Wanna know why? Because I'm a responsible adult who enjoys his hobby and already has a PS4 and a PC.


I went to a Catholic school and this is how it was there, too.

>gonna buy $500+ handheld for my children
better just buy a fking ipad

Only if you made a son with her

Just like parents bought the Wii U lmao

>Implying they aren't stored on the cartridge
umm... user.....


it won't. As said on cartridge or (like zelda and splatoon) on system. You are able to backup on SD or HDD. For online games it likely won't be possible this time I guess, like splatoon to disable the hacks and shit that happened last time where you could reroll as often as you wanted by backing up your save and restoring it.

pic related

Why Nintendo will win:
>Children will love the WiiU
>Holy shit I can play it at school with my friends
>holy shit I can play it anywhere
>holy shit it has all the good games

Parents will buy the shit out of the WiiU for their children while you faggots will be complaining here.
>There is no way parents will buy their children a PS3 instead of a WiiU.

Did you watch op video

This trailer is pretty fucking cute. It might just be parental controls but it looked like Nintendo put a lot of thought into this.

It has been the same since the wii/3ds/wiiu, obvisouly a kid won't do this and if they did, their parents would just ground them harder for messing with that.

800 games

That's nothing new if you're a kid. They all have $100 tablets loaded up with free games.

Yeah. Miyamoto is B.J.'s mum.

So then why did the WiiU sell like shit? If it always ended up being Nintendo, that console would have done well. Average families will either but what's cheapest, or what specifically the child wants. Most children don't want Nintendo. Only Nintenyearold manchildren are interested in an overpriced tablet with paid online and shit battery life.

Not with Peach, end of Sunshine confirms it. Peach considered it a possibility though, meaning they had a different kid at somepoint.

Deepest Mario lore

>>Holy shit I can play it at school with my friends
Either some stuck up teacher takes it just because the screen reflection's glare bothers her, or a little nigglet steals it because

I think the Switch will do slightly better than the Wii U solely because normies can tell it's an actual console and not some sort of accessory.

FUCK, to this day I still remember this tragic day:
>be a happy full of love 7 year old playing my GBC
>Carry it to school, show it to my friends, everyone loves it
>At the end of class, the NIGGER of the class ask me if he can carry my bag downstairs (I had my GBC on it) because he liked the design of the bag or some bullshit like that
>the filthy subhuman nigger stole it, only when I was in my home I realized

I was an innocent white kid who didn't have a clue about the true redpilled nature of the world.
To this day, I still miss my Game Boy Color, and obviously I hate niggers too.

I can live off the nintendelusion for months. Thank you Nintendo. Watching this shit crash and burn is gonna be glorious!

Name 10 AAA exclusives.

Yes, except for when the example they showed happens and the kid acts even worse

That's probably why they said it was "a last resort"

>$400 for a tablet with a few ports
Or they can just get their kid a PS4 for much cheaper with games instead if old Wii U ports.

I dunno, what reality has anyone choosing an expensive tablet with overpriced accessories and no games over an established console?

why didn't your parents call the cops?
fucking cucks

Nobody is spending that much on a toy for their kid, one that is going to get fucked up very easily, when they can just buy their kid a tablet and some cheap as fuck games on it for a fraction of the cost.

Nintendo would have been better off if they just made another DS that isn't underpowered as shit.

USF2 HD Remix Turbo Edition Plus
ARMS (best game ever)
Mario Kart 8
(Other Mario)
New Game
Mario Party Fuck You.

I didn't tell my parents, I told them that I lost it. I was too ashamed to tell them the truth.

do you think he also has peach r34 on his phone, haha

Nah, cause Junior plays on his phone in the car. He has that on his computer in his study, like a responsible dad.

i'd like to see peach ride his big koopa cock while making fun of Mario's mini shroom

But Sony sold more PS4 units than all nintendo home consoles combined. How is nintendo winning??

>using a Iphone

Modern kids don't give a shit about this. They'd rather play garbage mobile games and generally use a smart phone or a tablet instead of a clunky video game console that probably won't let them watch yo gabba gabba or whatever the fuck little shits watch on youtube because the switch will only work over a wifi signal

>What country
>What type of school (catholic or such)
>What year did it happen

It's not my fault the preorders for NEW GAME went up at 4am and Nintendo jews us with artificial scarcity. My wife's son will just have to live with ports of Wii U games.

Kids like sex and violence. If it doesn't have GTA they won't want it.

lol nintendo think western parents still care about their children and don't use vidya to get them out of their hair

You wanna know why Nintendo will win?

Sustainable development and responsible budgeting. They'll make a profit on every console sold and every game will have a reasonable budget. The PS3 with its 80 million is still billions in the red, the WiiU with a pathetic 13 million eeked out a profit.

That video was cute!