Was the reveal THAT bad?

>Even Nintendo fans are expressing disappointment

Holy shit, was the reveal really THAT bad?

Not really, it's just overpriced and hyped for what it offers.




>shitposters are THIS desperate for attention
sad. just sad.

>Launch games include - Zelda U (Also on Wii U) and Switch 1,2 (Literal Wii Fit tier trash that costs $50)
>Controllers cost $70
>Paid online service requires a smart phone app for fucking voice chat
>Paid online service "free games" only include SNES games
>Graphics look like shit
>$300 price tag despite having Wii U tier visuals with the PS4 costing around $270 and being considerably more powerful (with more games and more games releasing)

I expected the conference to be disappointing but the Paid online was something I would never have thought possible.

Nintendo are literally sabotaging themselves at this point

Over priced and over hyped. Nintendo should have mnaged expectations better rather than letting leaks and rumours run wild but at the end of the day that's on the fans not on Nintendo. There's no excuse for the pricing of the system and peripherals

It's way too much of an investment for the average joe to consider buying it at launch especially with it launching with only Zelda as a system seller. Far better to wait for a game which isn't also being released on the Wii U to come out and hopefully get it cheaper second hand


>Oh, the Wii U was a complete failure and frankly, all of our consoles have flopped hard apart from the gold mine we struck with the Wii, what should we do to ensure the Switch is a success?

1 year of planning

>Paid online
>$299 price (more expensive than a PS4)
>No launch exclusives

Did you rike it?

Most of the shit posters are sonyggers and poor fags.

It was exactly what everyone was expecting, bar the paid online. That's the main reason for the general butthurt.

>Even Nintendo fans are expressing disappointment
No, but nice try.

It was pretty lackluster. Arms, Mario, and Zelda look cool but that's about it. I wouldn't pay full price for Arms however and the prices for the peripherals are absurdly high for what they are.

I had literally ZERO expectations as I haven't owned a Nintendo console since the Gamecube/DS era and everything after that was utter shit, but they still managed to disappoint me to the point of utter repulsion.

I hope they eat shit and gtfo of the video games industry for good. They have overstayed their welcome since the Wii days.

The only huge problem is the price as well as the paid online. The presentation would've been great otherwise.

>Nothing but disappointment over the no games launch and paid online

>Sup Forums /vg/ Nintendo
>Nothing but disappointment over the no games launch and paid online

>Big youtubers (Easy Alliance)
>Nothing but disappointment over the no games launch and paid online

You can keep your head in the sand but it won't change the facts. This shit will flop hard, i'll have my golden face memes locked and loaded in anticipation

I sure didn't hear any Nintendo fans applause for the paid online

The reveal wasn't bad. Paid online was bad.


Nintendo fan here, I'm okay with it.

>Holy shit, was the reveal really THAT bad?
>mariokart 8 remastered: definitive HD edition
yes, yes it was

It was, honestly. The thing is prohibitively expensive and has a bunch of questionable features like paid online and awful battery life. Add a nonexistent launch lineup to all that and you have people turning away.


Yes it was, the English translator was terrible

You forgot:
>You only get 1 full controller with the $300 pack
>A half controller can be used in place of a full one, but is really shitty and small
>Oh and one of the games we showcased (Arms) requires a full controller to play :^^)

Not really, the Switch looks up to have a decent library by the end of the year and it generally seems to have more put into.
I think it's more the fact it just has one solid game right now and in terms of prices Nintendo literally became the Apple of videogames, with just the console being close to 500USD in a lot of countries

Sup Forums is a nest of negativity and butthurt people, most of them underage.
I thought the conference had a bad presentation but everything in it is undeniably amazing.

I mean holy fuck the first Mario game since Mario Sunshine to be open world. Plus it's not all set in a resort, which turned me off. And it looks AMAZING.

That Zelda trailer alone sold everyone. Here in Quebec all the EB Games have run out of pre-orders for the Switch.

You know where all that negativity comes from? Sup Forums, because they're mad deep down. The rest of the world love it. No idea why the stocks are diving.

Name a console that came with more than one controller.

Reminder that the N64 sold like shit compared to the PS1 and for every 1 game it had the PS1 had 5 instant classics.

Nice damage control though

No, it was just disappointing.

This, Had it been 250 I'd have scooped on once FE Warriors dropped.

We gave them a chance after the motion control dumpster that was Wii. They gave us more of it and didn't even put out a 3D Mario Platformer (open world) to bide autismos like me over.
And now they're trying to steal even more money from us and cover it up with a really shiny 3D Mario Platformer that actually looks kinda fun.
Not as bad as M$ or $ony yet, but still pretty shite and couple that with
>A thousand fucking gimmicks
>2.5 hour battery lives

>Here in Quebec all the EB Games have run out of pre-orders for the Switch
That's not because it's popular, it's because nintendo likes to abuse artificial scarcity

>Not really, the Switch looks up to have a decent library by the end of the year

A Wii U port and a Mario game that will almost definitely get delayed?

Did you fags forget about the PS4/Xbox One and Wii U "first year lineup" that involved 90% of the games getting delayed?

>but everything in it is undeniably amazing.

Because you're a Nintendrone.

>You know where all that negativity comes from? Sup Forums, because they're mad deep down. The rest of the world love it.

It's the exact opposite. When even Sup Forums hates the new Nintendo console you can GUARANTEE that the rest of the world won't care for it.

Pic related

>No idea why the stocks are diving.

Because it's going to flop, hard

5 instant low-poly, non-memorable games that only PS1 owners remember as good because they couldn't get the good version of these games.

>Ahah guys le Spyro and Crash
Literally a poor man's Banjo and Mario

It was literally nothing

Wiggle waggle everywhere

The only exclusive launch game shown was a wii fit tier """""game"""""

>no mention of the PS1
>feels the need to compare it to the PS1 and its games
Alright man.

Granted, the launch line up looks like real trash right now.

Xbox 360.

>only have a 2 million Switches worldwide

They did the EXACT same shit with the Wii U

It was fucking awful. $300 price point, paid online, horribly overpriced accessories. Real controller once again sold separately.

Launch-line up is literally 2 games. The hardware is fucking PS3-tier. It's an absolute atrocity.

I seriously hope Nintendo is finished after this.

It was great but wasn't horrible either. People with retarded expectations who want obscure hipster bullshit games like Hotel Dusk or an F-Zero game are the ones shitposting.

>BOTW Launch Title
>Super Mario Odyssey looks great
>Bomberman is back
>JRPGs for the weebs
>Skyrim, I guess
>No region lock
>Splatoon 2 (if you're a faggot)
>decently priced.

>Cringeworthy presentation full of Reddit-tier puns and bad acting
>bad translator (should be a positive cause I was laughing my ass off)
>Too much time on wagglan shit
>underwhelming battery life
>Joycons look uncomfortable as fuck
>Lots of mentions of games coming with no release dates.
>wasting time on MK8 deluxe when they could have just made MK9
>The bullshit chat app and SNES rental system sounds like utter garbage
>No Donkey Kong Country

It wasn't mind-blowing but it definitely was enough to get me to have some faith in the console. If they're bringing back Bomberman of all things, I'm sure we're getting other smaller franchises at some point too.

Also no, I'm not putting paid online membership as a negative because I'm an adult with a job and I'm not gonna freak out over sixty fucking dollars. Sorry they don't accept Good Boy Points, guys.

I'm pretty hyped for the games, but salty as fuck about paid online. Good thing I don't care much about online multiplayer, but there's no excuse for this kind of shit.

Also, while I liked the improved rumble, they should have shown more games instead of fucking waggle.

Even NeoFAG is split over it, so you know the reveal was a complete disaster.

The only thing I'm disappointed about is paid online. Everything else looks fine.

All I ever wanted was to have my handheld and console games be on one system anyway and I got that.

>Rest of the world loves it
>No idea why the stocks are diving
Hmm. Maybe the rest of the world realized it is a fucking mess and are speculating that Nintendo is a lost cause. That's one real possibility of why the stock would be dropping.

>Nintendrone honestly thinks the N64s library can even touch the PS1s library

>has 1 good exclusive at launch
Already has more games than the cuckstation 4 or the bone aftrr years.. Really makes you think.

>puts Skyrim as a positive
>Not putting paid online as a negative

Way to discredit your entire post you Nintencuck

>I'm not putting paid online membership as a negative because I'm a dumb nintendrone

Is what you meant


>games that won't release for like another 7 months

Come on

>Paid online service requires a smart phone app for fucking voice chat

Hol' up, is that true?

It doesn't even have 1 good exclusive at launch, the fuck you talking about?

On the Wii U

Also, the PS4 doesn't need games to sell and it never will. The games are merely a bonus

>Also no, I'm not putting paid online membership as a negative


fucking hell...

yes, they are also still using friend codes

>Skyrim, I guess
>"I guess" implying that it's not a terrific decision but not a terrible one

Please learn to read, shitposters.


I swear, Nintendo keep finding new ways to amaze me

You're a blatant liar

Boy, my memory must be shot, because I don't recall any one of those systems coming packaged with two controllers for the standard retail price.

>Real controller once again sold separately
It's literally just a controller. No one is going to hold you at gunpoint and force you to take the Joycons out.

>urrrrfff muh graffix
I should have known.

>games are merely a bonus for a videoGAME console

How can this small portable ever outperform a desktop PC? Won't it only play shitty mobile games / outdated games? I don't get what's so good about it. Maybe if you're a travelfag or still in school and play it on the bus.


How can one company be so ineffectual holy shit.

>say some retarded shit
>no u r shitposter!!

No, it's mostly sonyggers trying to make it look bad by complaining and shitposting about every little thing. The games they showed look amazing.

Does your post really mean anything?

>no arguments just shitposting

Typical of a damage controlling Nintenshit.

The joycon controller is awful and it's been proven the XB1-style controller is the best for playing console games. If you can't include that, your system is shit and not for serious play.

I am literally looking to my left right now at a collection of consoles bought at launch retail price.
The only one missing a controller out of the 2 they came with is the PS3 because I use that for some games on PC.

>Still hasn't put 3 hours of battery life into the pasta

Step it up senpai

Can't speak for all of them but my 360 definitely didn't come with two controllers. I think your confusing bundles with the base configuration

Arms maybe
Bomber man
Mario kind of? I haven't played since sunshine.

It's fucked senpai
t. Nintendo apologist

So paid online is not a terrible idea?

Paid online with no voice chat (unless you own a smart phone) and the only free games being SNES shit?

Kill yourself

Yes, it was awful. Many of the games you'd want for it are not launch titles so it's DOA. Sega and Suda 51 literally came on stage and said they're thinking about making games for the Switch but haven't started yet. Why the fuck would you even bother?

1, 2 Switch! was the most cringeworthy thing I've seen all year.

Arms looked like a fun downloadable or pack in title maybe but it's going to be retail.

SMT was barely showed because thy barely started Development, and may not even come to the west.

The controllers looked too small and unwieldly.

I mean there just wasn't a lot shown, and a lot of what was is not launch titles, and the big launch title is also going to be on Wii U which I already own.

Switch is going to *snap* flop and Nintendo will go 3rd party software dev.

>At launch
Splatoon 2 and Mario are slated for Summer and Christmas respectively.


Gonna need a source. That's fucked.


Also on WiiU

>Arms maybe

>Bomber man
Who the fuck cares

>Mario kind of? I haven't played since sunshine.

no titles at launch and paid online is very, VERY bad.

>Here in Quebec

>no im not putting paid online as a negative

im dying lads. its like theyve become the stereotype

Not a launch title
Not an exclusive
>Arms maybe
Not a launch title and LMFAO at you calling a Kinect tier game "a good exclusive"
>Bomber man
Not a launch title
>Mario kind of? I haven't played since sunshine.
Not a launch title

Only Zelda (a Wii U port) is a launch game

Those consoles didn't come with two controllers just look it up, why are you so blatantly talking bullshit.

>>I'll never again be able to wield the mastr sword naturally with the wii controller like in skyward sword
>>I'll never again feel like a badass rescuing the love of my life
>>I'll never again get to lift my arm and have divine lighting strike my sword to smite my enemies

I don't care what anyone says. Skyward sword had the best gameplay and immersion of all Zelda games.

Zelda was good, everything else was awful

If you haven't seen it watch it. It's one giant joke.
Hell do a shot everytime you laugh and you'll even get shitfaced.

Hes right though.
Japs bought a PS4 for weeab games and Wests for multiplats.
Sup Forums is so out of touch with reality that they think a console needs exclusives to sell and that people actually play PC for multiplats.
The PS4 sold on the name, hardware and multiplats.

Will they at least improve the online account system since you're forced to pay for multiplayer now? The current one is fucking retarded.

Hopefully Berzerk Musou scratches enough of an itch that I don't want to play Fire Emblem.
I always thought that series was a better fit than Zelda ever was.

i meant the problem with nintendo do is they like to take a gimmick and build the console around it. Rather than build the console and add gimmicks to it like the xbox one and kinect or ps4 and psvr.

The only one shitposting here is you. Your argument in the first place didn't amount to any more than "it's bad :^)" and you haven't elaborated since. When the Joycons are in the (included) grip, they're no different than any standard controller you'd find on another console. They have sticks, triggers, and even a share button for faggots like you to enjoy. If you don't have any counterpoints, then don't bother typing anything in the first place, you pap smear.

Literally none of the consoles you listed came with more than one controller, sans maybe some special bundles for a bumped up price. You're not fooling anyone.

not enough launch games
even splatoon 2 is this summer
paid online isn't going to be worth it

literally no one wants to use "joycons" and more than half the reveal was shilling those. and they even had the balls to advertise addons for the joycons that add 2 buttons.

>paid online
It's the world we live in. MS and Sony are doing it, and now Nintendo is too. Times have changed. If the service is good, and if you reread my post I said it looks like shit, I'll pay for it. If it's not good I won't because there are no Nintendo games worth playing online anyway.

Either way I'm not afraid because again, I'm not a parasitic NEET, AND they already said the online subscription is gonna be free for a while.

So yeah, go ahead and reply to me using a smug Pepe so I know not to waste my time replying to you again.

Can I use my Wii U Pro Controller with the Switch or do I have to buy the one they showed off?

this is it. nintendos last ever console.

we are witnessing our childhood hero kill himself infront of our eyes

atleast we will get mario kart on other consoles now

Didn't think he was talking exclusively about exclusives

Blah blah blah I can't hear you over your shitposting you dumb weebshit.

The real controller is packaged outside of the console. That's horrible. No other console does that.

You are actually shilling for a $380 shit-tier PS3-level console if you want a similar experience to the other 2 consoles on the market.

Delete yourself.

It was alright, internet posters always stand off than stand down whenever they're proven wrong.

Yeah it's too fucking expensive, not just for the console but also for the extra controllers.
One Joycon Left OR Right: $50
Pro Controller: $70
Two Joycons Left AND Right: $80
Additional Docking Set: $90
Paid Online Subscription: TBA
What the FUCK were they thinking?

Extremely high chance you have to buy the new one. They pulled the same shit with wiiu and the wii classic controller.

People were expecting Metroid, F-Zero, Smash and every other Nintendo IP under the sun. For a fucking pre release showcase. I'll be honest though the motion control crap at the beginning was trash (thankfully ARMS can also be played with traditional controls) and they spent too much time on small shit. But other than that it was decent

>It's the world we live in
Not on pc. If you're paying for online, you're getting swindled plain and simple.

>The real controller is packaged outside of the console. That's horrible. No other console does that.
The Wii U did the same thing.

The reveal wasn't bad. It was something I expected from Nintendo: Gimmicky launch titles minus Zelda during the whole presentation.
The only thing that surprised me was the paid service announcement, but I don't mind it. Why? Because they gave us the system region free. You can't have your cake and eat it, too.

They are also selling extra content for it as well such as controllers, which is what they should've fucking did for the Wii U. Yes, it's a bit pricey, but it beats resorting to 3rd party websites such as Ebay or Amazon, so it will cost twice as much. Even on this day, you still can't buy a Wii U Gamepad without resorting to Ebay or Amazon for the price you can currently get a Wii U console.

People rely on Nintendo too much, but a casual fan would expect no less from them with these kind of things.

>It's the world we live in. MS and Sony are doing it, and now Nintendo is too
You mean after bragging about how they didn't do it? And after always having sub par online and just a general lack of understanding how to handle it? Which without you lack some basic of features?

Never mind that being a handheld partly means you would be out with it and may not be able to use the internet/get a great connection anyway. So even more of a rip off.

Translation: I bought these consoles years ago and I'm too retarded to remember shelling out another $50 or so for an extra controller or a bundle which included one.

The 360 did not come with 2 controllers at base retail price. End of story. I'm sure you've had two controllers since launch, but that's not remotely the same thing.

>Poor fags

If you honestly think that paying $300 for a portable Wii u then you're a fucking idiot.

I love Nintendo, but this shit is retarded. It should have been $250, $300 for a bundle with either arms or 1, 2, switch and Zelda or any other launch title.