High base price for what the console is

>High base price for what the console is
>Paid online
>3 hours of battery life when playing an actual game
>$70 to get a real controller
>Need to use a smartphone app to use voice chat
>Only huge launch game is also on the Wii U
>Absolutely no mention of the Virtual Console

Is it gonna happen? Is the Switch gonna bomb as hard as the Wii U did?

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>Need to use a smartphone app to use voice chat
Explain this part?

>thw Wii U bombed maymay
Sup Forums is not the real world you fucking cukc

B-but it's got super rumble features like can you imagine holding a glass with ice cubes?

What about the Wii U wasn't a major bomb? Nintendo is killing it after a little more than four years, the software lineup has been terribly small for the entire life of the console and it only sold a little over 13 million units

>13 million people on this planet bought a WiiU + hardware and multiple games each
0/10 kys sonygger


>monthly game download
>it's only NES or SNES shit

Do they really think this is equivalent to PS+ or Xbox Live?

It's not looking good that's for sure

You wanna know what's worse? The game goes away after that month, it's a renter

Those numbers are pretty much the definition of a flop.

Fuck Jewtendo

>Sup Forums decides what's a flop

They're dead last, and the next lowest like has over 20 million consoles sold

It flopped man, you gotta come to terms with it

Any news on how are rabid Nintendon't fanboys (e.g. Moviebob) taking this?

God I want to know this too. Even some of the diehards here are disappointed

Wow that's the dumbest shit I've ever heard.
>a limited free version

What the shit

>Only huge launch game is also on the Wii U
The only other time a Zelda game has been a launch title was with Twilight Princess, which was also on the Gamecube. Remember what a flop the Wii was?

The Switch has more in common with the Wii than with the Wii U. The Wii U bombed because of poor, confusing marketing, and it didn't really do much interesting. It also didn't have many games that appealed to general consumers. The Switch is launching with a Zelda game and a dumb gimmicky mini-game compilation reminiscent of Wii sports. I don't think the Switch is going to push 100 million units like the Wii, maybe half that if it's lucky, but it's not going to fail, as much as the sonyggers seem to want it to.

Yes, yes it will.

One of the reasons why Nintendo is retarded as a business is they're one of the few companies that don't "loss lead" with their consoles. Sony and Microsoft lose money when they sell their consoles, but make up the difference through selling overpriced accessories and getting those consumers into their ecosystem. Nintendo tries to have it's cake and eat it too by trying to make a profit on their console sales like with the Wii and Wii U and still overcharging for what many would consider necessary accessories. The Switch should have been at most $250, and if they could've gotten the price down to $200 just about everyone with a passing interest in it would consider buying one and the sales of all their games would likely have doubled. Not only that, but if the Switch doesn't penetrate the market Nintendo can say good-bye to third party developers forever because they'd rather make games for the more graphically impressive competition with tens of millions of consoles in the market than for number the Switch manages to get.

Hardware-wise, it's a total shit show. There's no way this thing can be competitive in an environment where the PS4 Pro and Xbox Scorpio exist as ever so slightly more expensive alternatives. Unless the Switch is running on black magic, this thing won't be very graphically impressive and developers aren't going to just even consider it because it'd be a choice between the combined market for both Xbox and PS4 systems versus the Switch's which even the best case scenario will be much smaller for the foreseeable future.

I literally don't know what Nintendo was thinking. Having a Tegra X1 chip inside the console that detaches for mobile gaming sounds like a good idea and a way to bring over their Game Boy audience, who have already been burned by the introduction of the New 3DS, but they should've paired it with an actual graphics chip and processor when docked.

This thing is going to flop, hard.

>High base price for what the console is
Meh, it'll still be the cheapest console by years end.

>Paid online
While I'm bummed, I don't see Sony/Xbone players trying to figure out how to pirate PSN/Xbox Live for free.

>3 hours of battery life when playing an actual game
I have a 3DS for playing outside. I'll take it off the charger when I take a shit or I'm wanting to play some Puyo Puyo while watching the news/letting the wife watch some TV

>$70 to get a real controller
How bout that Xbox Elite Controller? In all seriousness, though, I get that it's shitty to have to buy a Pro Controller seperatly, but you know Hori is going to make a manhands adaptor for $30.

>Need to use a smartphone app to use voice chat
What should worry you about this is that Nintendo is getting real comfortable relying on smartphones for stuff.

>Only huge launch game is also on the Wii U
So? No one has a Wii U

>Absolutely no mention of the Virtual Console
>What is contract renewal?

They have to at least make the wii u pro controllIer compatible right?

>Remember what a flop the Wii was?
The Wii was freak instance of getting people that never buy or even play games to get a game system (and who promptly left the market after the Wii). I don't see that happening again with the Switch

I don't think they would just let you use the other controller when they priced the new one at $70?


>They have to at least make the wii u pro controllIer compatible right?


I can't literally see no extra feature in it compared to the previous tho, same exact layout, no extra stupid features like a touchpad or extra lights.

Can you use the Wii U tablet with the switch?

Did you expect more? they can't even get a decent number to go with on launch day, let alone making some of them for free offer.

I could use the Wiimote paired with wii classic pad pro for Bayo.
Check the back of the box

That's not what I asked

What I'm trying to say is that you probably won't be able to use any Wii U peripheral on the Switch

Maybe the Wiimotes but apart from that I don't think it will be the case

yup it will fail and here is why

stunted social capability. if it had features like the DS it might have a chance but with the terrible launch games and this it wont

No Star Fox
No F-Zero
No Metroid
No Donkey Kong
No Wii U/Wii/Gamecube compatibility


Sounds about the same as PS+ at least, that shit hasn't been anything but bad indie games for months

I'm just pointing out that device retrocompatibility is not new considering what you asked which isn't even close to the same thing when both pro controllers are pretty vanilla in terms of gimmicks.

Man some cheap launch games will be better than old games everyone's played.

But they should at least be switch games.
Even PS+ offered resogun and contrast at launch, that kept me entertained until some actual games came out for a while.

No, Nintendo decided that it was a flop when they dropped support after 3 years

>it'll still be the cheapest console by years end.

PS4 is cheaper with more games and significantly more power

I mean at least PS+ has some basic competency in online services in addition to still being able to play your monthly games after that month while you subscribe (which Nintendo isn't gonna). Nintendo's gonna need to bump their online quality up heavily if they want to make it a paid service

The Wii was lightning in a bottle, a freak occurrence that you shouldn't expect to happen again. It got a bunch of non-gamers into the medium and then promptly lost them after less than 2 years. Now those same people play phone games instead. It was also far cheaper than the Switch.

I wouldn't be surprised if the success of connecting to miiverse after the paid service was still tied to a diceroll.

Dude this is some hardcore damage control. Step back for a minute and look at what you typed. You're being an apologist. Look that word up if you don't know what it means.

Nintendo doesn't love you anymore man, learn to accept it instead of making excuses

how long until nintendo gives up and starts developing games for relevant platforms?

>Sold out after one day of pre-order
>It's going to bomb

Nice logic you fucking retard.

It sounds out because they don't make enough.
I don't think it's gonna bomb so I'm not just arguing with you because I disagree, but I'm pointing out this fact because you need to use real arguments if you're going to try and argue.

Sold out, rather.
It sold out because they didn't produce enough units.

They always do this.

>Nintendo sees everyone online saying that its going to flop like the Wii U
>Decide to only make a small number expecting no one will buy it in mass quantities
>Suddenly everyone shits on them for not making enough

It's just like the NES Classic. They listened to the retro community, who then screamed that you could just emulate the games or buy a Raspberry Pi, so they didn't make a lot and then the REAL people who wanted it couldn't get it.

That's not what happened at all, Nintendo does not listen to feedback, they have been doing this for a long time.

They short-stocked the amiibos, they short-stocked the nes:classic and they are short-stocking the switch.

Why? It creates demand. The line of "It's sold out" makes people want to buy it. It's very basic marketing. When something is sold out, you are far more likely to buy it if you happen to find it somewhere. You hear it's sold out online and then go to wal-mart for something out and you see one. You are going to be way more likely to buy it.

They've been doing it forever man. Stop jumping through logic loops to make it look like something it isn't.

>Nintendo sees everyone online saying that its going to flop like the Wii U

Do you think they haven't even started mass producing systems yet or something? It releases in less than 2 goddamn months