>5 games at launch
Is this a joke? How the fuck are they so incompetent? This is going to be another Wii U. Nobody but the most hardcore Nintendo fans will buy it, because it doesn't have any games, and it won't get any games because nobody will buy it.
5 games at launch
I wonder how long the switch will survive. It's going to bomb at launch, no doubt.
The N64 had only 2 games at launch.
The switch has comparable hardware
Why is it so small?
>Sup Forums is made for ants
Common user, get a better quality instead of putting a thumbnail
The N64 was a commercial failure in Japan and one of those games was one of the most important video games in history.
>5 games at launch
And don't forget that the only game people care about is a port from the Wii U. Nobody who owns a Wii U (i.e. virtually anybody who still cares about Nintendo) has an incentive to buy this thing on launch, unless you really want to play a bomberman rehash and "milk the cow" minigames.
i'm really looking forward to skylanders, just dance and 12 switch
youre just jaded user
Does Nintendo really believe that people will pre-order a machine without knowing what's inside it?
I was surprised to see that game in the reel. It's a dumpster fire that Sony ejected.
God damn, it already got the PS4 beat? Amazing
Five games? They have launch Zelda.
No, it's 300 dollars with shit hardware. "can't sell at loss" well I don't buy at a loss anymore after Wii U fuckers and no Bayo 3
Its gonna be hilarious when this thing shits the bed.
you are retarded, nintendo never release specs to this day they have no released Wii or Wuu specs.
To match its library of games
That's a Wii U port. People who own a Wii U have no need to rush and buy a Switch if they want to play that game.
Nintendo is banking on Zelda being a system seller, which it could very well be to casuls, but they have to advertise the shit out of it ASAP.
which they won't
You haven,t been following. People talk about it constantly. Core gamers are already very well aware of it. Do some ads a month or so before launch and they'll be fine.
Ports are rarely system sellers because you can get them on another system.
This is fantastic. I can dig up all my old PS3 HAS NOGAEMS macros and edit them for the Switch. Easy (You)s
>but they have to advertise the shit out of it ASAP.
every body that calls himself a "gamer" is talking about the new trailer.
>because you can get them on another system
yeah but that system is the wiiu
WiiU install base was core, dedicated gamers. No casul got it, so very unlikely that WiiU would ''steal'' BOTW sales
They got Zelda on launch they'll be fine, MK8.5 comes out next month and then Splatoon 2 soon after.
They are trying to pad out releases this time around
> No casul got it
becasue there was no zelda.
Zelda is not exactly only liked by core gamers.
Yeah, i wonder sometimes what would have happened if the WiiU had Botw 1-2 years in.
Seems pretty clear WiiU suffered from the game taking so long to come out
Nice fucking thumbnail OP
>People who own a Wii U have no need to rush and buy a Switch if they want to play that game.
You mean the 5 people who do?
No one bought the Wii U. If people want the new Zelda, they're going to get a console/handheld with potential. Not a dead system.
Launch line up looks fine to me. I'll only be getting BOTW and Bomberman but that alone makes it better than the Wii U and the other current gen offerings. PS4 and Xbone are multiplat machines.
I'm gonna get it. I already have a gayman PC.
>Sonic Mania
>Launching March 3rd
Remember all the potential the wiiu had?
How smash would sell the console?
How casuals will still like it?
The wiiu has 0 potential at the pace nintendo is reliseing games, and thei laughable 3rd party support, i doubt people who dont have a wiiu but want zelda will buy the switch for one (1) game
I was hoping Mario Kart 8 Deluxe would make it out for launch. Already preordered it for Zelda though. It's a Nintendo platform and have. Whether I buy it now or at the end of the year it's still gonna cost the same.
*the switch has 0 potential
At least the switch will get games at launch, unlike the PS4
PS4 had more games at launch
>dead system
>No one bought the Wii U
Except the core you know, the only ones that even give a fuck about nintendo at this point.