How much money do you roughly invest into video games (DLCs, streamers, patreon, kickstarter, skins etc.) every month...

How much money do you roughly invest into video games (DLCs, streamers, patreon, kickstarter, skins etc.) every month, Sup Forums?

0, I play on PC.

None of your FUCKING business.

fuck off with your e-celeb shitposts

no idea
>streamers, patreon, kickstarter
0, get a real job faggot

>spending money on patreon, kickstarter, skins, etc.

legitimately laughing at anyone who does this

lel rekt



I only pay for one patreon. It's the only one that is worth it.

Maybe like 250€.

maybe 20e

Reminder pewdiepie is /ourguy/

I only buy video games and dlc. I don't support any streamers or any bullshit like that since I actually play video games.

For dlc, I rarely buy it and I mean rarely. If I do it is on sale. The only dlc I can think of that I bought this gen is old hunters and that was because it was like $6 or something.

Next dlc I see myself buying is witcher 3 one but it would have to be really cheap.


his latest video basically says he doesn't want to play video games anymore

I use ad block



I pay ~$5 a month for PS+.

Throughout a year, I buy only a few games. Mostly sales or budget titles. $200 at the very most.

>streamers, patreon, kickstarter, skins

Actually had a giggle

>streamers, patreon, kickstarter, skins etc.

This is a decent quality shitpost. I give it a 6.5/10

>streamers, patreon, kickstarter, skins etc.

>streamers, patreon, kickstarter, skins etc

fuck video games.

Reminder that you have to be 18+ to post on Sup Forums.

i wait for sales like a smart person

I like Paradox Games
So I payabout 4 billion£ a week on DLCs.

I usually buy a few games off steam each month for my collection and I always buy all of the available DLC, so around 50$
I have around 10 subs going and I do donations sometimes, so 50$ plus random 20-50$ donos
>patreon, kickstarter
few hundred dollars for various projects
depends on what I'm playing, usually rounds out at about 100$ spent on csgo and overwatch cases at the end of the month
>mmo gametime
I have WoW and FFXIV subs going which are 13$ both

I know this is bait but the fact that someone like this probably exists scares me.

I'm not going to like the answer but how many years ago did Pewdiepie start making videos?


Invest implies you get money back eventually


Any other answer is an oath of loyalty to The Jew.

He literally is


How about - fucking - no.

This fagget is doing the all seeing eye wink.

>streamers, patreon, kickstarter, skins etc.
jesus christ what went so horribly wrong

so and did you miss his other video where he stated death all jews


gtfo Sup Forums