Filename thread
Keep it vidya
Filename thread
Keep it vidya
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so fucking creative OP
did you stay up all night thinking about this one?
lemme share it with my buds at reddit, I'm sure they'll appreciate your unique snowflake genius
fucking retards
Look at this buttblasted baby boy
you ok?
Dont spit your Nintendoâ„¢ brand dummy out kiddo.
Hello Nintendoshill
>t. assblasted nintoddler
What a great day to be a pcuck
just look at those crisp shadows and textures, dreamcast is truly bringing gaming into the next millennium.
I don't get this post, the image wasn't even insulting the game or anything to guarantee this much butthurt.
i genuinely can't even tell if you're joking or not, this is sad.
Here's your (you), you autistic fuck.
Nostaligafag doesn't remember how bad Dreamcast actually looked.
What are you trying to say?
Why does that make you mad?
What a very original post, OP
I hope that drunk fuck died
geez, are you ok?
Who hurt you
It was a JOKE you utter morons.
Has Sup Forums fallen so far that they don't even know what jokes are anymore?
Jesus Christ!!
>merely pretending
Bro are you okay?
Do you need some help coping?
Aren't jokes supposed to be, y'know, funny?
looks exactly the same
You're the only joke here.
thanks mr autismo
Hi David Clegg.
Hahaha holy shit story please
holy shit user eternally assblasted
Imagine being Reggie in that conference and having to be all like "damn, Switch, you fuckin' fine, all powerful with your 32GB sd and horrific pixelated Wii graphics. I would totally play with you, both the CEO and the real me." when all he really wants to do is play another round of MHTri in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Reggie and not only stand on that stage while the Switch reveals its disgusting specs in front of you, the favorable hype barely concealing the paid online and plastic gimmick shit, and just stand there, game after game, presenter after presenter, while the conference keeps going. Not only having to tolerate the 70$ toys'r'us shake weight, but the atrocious battery run time as everyone on reddit tells nintendo STILL GOT IT and DAMN, BREATH OF THE WILD LOOKS LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to stand there and afterwards tell your yakuza bosses while the stocks reached a new low you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been making nothing but a healthy amount of successes and later raping Sony and Microsoft with sells for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the favelas in Waikiki. You've never even seen anything this fucking overpriced before, and now you swear you can taste the icecubes that're breaking out on the unnecessary cardboard stand as the new game starts buffing, reporters assuming that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to stand there and revel in the "consolesque (for that is what the call that tablet)" beauty, the beauty Nintendo worked so hard for in the previous months. And then Miyamoto calls for another game, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the Switch gets its first exclusive , but you stand there and endure, because you're fucking Reggie. You're not going to lose your future chief operating career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.
user it's ok
Just please stop yelling at us ;_;
Somebody posted it in one of these threads asking what to name it, I suggested that name then I saved it. Don't know more than that.
What's the context?
>being so angry you replied to every post even if they didnt comment on your autism
Needs a filename
Black people.
World Star auditions
Platform segment in non platform game
great hollow.gif
>Merely pretending
Every time
It really does look like SEGA helped with this a little bit. Definitely feels like something they'd come up with.
1. That's more of a /tg/ filename
2. That's a diplomacy check, not a Charisma save. In 5e, they're really only used for Banishment and Possession.
3. I have autism
>unironic merely pretending
fucking wow that's sad
Is that Jimmy Numale?
>on a 2017 console
Tell him to stay murph
Needs more shields and d-throw into uair
Chould call it Denuvo
What is the substance enveloping the small cube?
I like the flames.
It make the computer look faster.
>8 chan.jpg
I believe it's silly putty with magnetic shavings mixed in.
You better bereive thats a ding dong bannu
i hope reggie's skin gets better
>massive chimpout
Does it even need any context?
>Nintendo fans are THIS mad