>Play this game for the first time
>Its actually really good and has that untainted feel to it
>all the vampire chicks are hot
>cant fuck any of them
>no nudity
Dropped, I can't do it bros.
>Play this game for the first time
>Its actually really good and has that untainted feel to it
>all the vampire chicks are hot
>cant fuck any of them
>no nudity
Dropped, I can't do it bros.
Other urls found in this thread:
Vampires who have been around for a while don't feel pleasure from sex so why would they sleep with u?
>cant fuck any of them
You can though
but my wennie twitchy when i see dead bitchy
Grow up.
>talking like you know shit when you don't
You can fuck Jeanette if she and only she survives, it's fade to black though.
You can fuck jeanette if you have the right skills and say the right stuff
The character models seem to hold up weirdly well, which I think is probably in part due to the artstyle.
get a load of this faggot
You uh... all right up there buddy? Um, Chunk? You're gonna be just fine... uh... aren't you?
just hanging around
>has that untainted feel
>drops it because it isn't tainted with romance options
So I downloaded the gog version, I heard it comes with unofficial patch fixes?
Old version of Unofficial patch basic. 9.2 IIRC. 9.6 is the latest
Does the new basic patch version warrant installing?
No reason not to install latest
What was Skelter's MO? He was a Gangrel and obviously very inclined to help the Anarchs. Was it just that he was friendly with the local Anarchs and wanted to help them or did he ever have a bigger fish to fry?
The UP that comes with the GOG version is just bugfixes. Nothing else.
What's with there being so many cables when you play as a Malk?
I only really want bugfixes, although I've been thinking about trying restored content, worth it?
I wanna get blowjob from pisha
>all those people in the last threads arguing for killing Pisha
How good are your mental gymnastics when you blame her for being forced to kill mortals or die? She is explicitly forced to become a carnivore with no choice. Are spiders worth killing because they are forced to trap other insects or die of hunger?
A friendly reminder, you and her were closer kin than you and the mortal were.
It's a shitty game that isn't worth finishing unless you have fallen for the "story and atmosphere!" meme.
You can use restored content literally just for bugfixes. It lets you choose what to patch.
if you've already played it you might want to restore the content but for a first timer play it without
Thrill-seeker, eh?
Basic patch does just that. Plus tries to "fix" certain things by changing things here and there.
These cables.
not bait. most stats are worthless, most skills are worthless, the gameplay is uninspired, it's a shitty source game. the only people that enjoy it were fucking middleschool goths.
I think he means when you're playing Malk the telephone wires start "waving" around a lot like they're possessed. It's one of those patch changes that frankly seems a little out of place. Malks are already crazy enough.
looks like plus patch
creepy, also do the windows get boarded up or am i imagining things again
There's boards off to the side, and it's implied that your character does it before dawn so they can get some sleep.
What did he mean by this?
Low gen vampires fall asleep during the day no matter the situation, they just stop functioning.
> Grout est mort? Quoi?
Grout is dead? What?
Uh, yes
>ywnb Miss Voerman's personal bitch boy acting edgy as fuck all the time while stalking mortals/think bloods for draining in her blood bank
[ glass him ]
He wants a blood filled baguette
>"I have no taste" the post.
>How good are your mental gymnastics when you blame her for being forced to kill mortals or die?
Because (humane) kindred act on a "catch-and-release" system of only draining their prey a little bit and letting them live. Pisha devours an entire body of flesh every night, which is something that's probably fatal to the person she's eating. She's a murderer, kindred try to contain the beast.
Plus she's a filthy carpet muncher.
There is a cheat to make the female character's tits huge though, not even kidding.
Oh wow, imagine an user being so incredibly socially akward he can't even get vidya girls with pre-determined answers to fuck him.
I would like some milk from the milkman's wife's tits
> tfw you forgot to put the dash in fat pie and had some explaining to do
It's fine, LaCroix saved him
Can't lose a man as valuable as Chunk
I don't believe you.
He's a Nam vet with a chip on his soldier about authority
hes a loyal guy
>Can't fuck them
>When I let Jeanette live just so I could
Okay user.
Money cheat. It's well known.
For you
The only way it's really even remotely comparable to human morals, is if you think about how humans are treating animals. This might sound edgy as fuck, but vampires in the oWoD are going to sooner or later have to accept the fact they are not "human" in the slightest. This might place them lower or higher in the morals of anyone but a vampire killing humans because they HAVE to feed is not actually cannibalism. It's the clan weakness, they have to consume flesh or DIE and how are you going to spin survival instinct into an immortal action? Even if they followed the Path of Humanity, I doubt they would lose a point of humanity for doing something that is required for survival, it's really the same thing as self preservation.
>money #
"Increases all female characters' breast size by the indicated amount. The default value is 1, 3 is the maximum (however, this limit has been lifted in the Unofficial Patch)."
She's taking away prey from the rest of the Kindred, by your own admission we have the right to kill her to ensure our own survival
Also Nagaraja are useless necromantic niggers anyways
>she's a murderer
Dude, stop using words whose meaning you obviously don't understand. A lion isn't a murderer just because he eats an antilope each day. If anything, humans would be much closer to murderers, as we don't necessarily need meat to survive, yet we still kill tons of animals.
> A Fucking Vegan
>if you kill him before lacroix tower his just as stupid brother takes his place
I'm not the one in Tripp pants with a chain wallet, faggot.
would you?
I thought the picture was fairly evident of sarcasm given that all the characters breasts are double the normal size.
Heathers are even lopsided.
You guys are god damn retarded. Just look at that anons pic, not just the thumbnail.
Most don't. But Jeanette is not most, the crazy is overriding her Beastly instincts and she'd get off even if it costs her blood points.
>put in 100
>tits take up whole streets
This game is amazing
Great games. But lots of fan mods and none of them introduced nudity, sucks
You're also projecting, eh? How low can you go, my dude?
Would you?
I'm not. I do eat meat, doesn't change the fact that you're completely retarded.
>Put in -100
>Suddenly parachutes.
Safety first.
>i can't counter his argument!
neck yourself.
>I'm not the one in Tripp pants with a chain wallet, faggot
You're mentally challenged, too?
Didn't she get killed by one of the Nictuku?
But to answer your question, no.
My only Nossiefu is Imalia.
> I'm not.
> A lion isn't a murderer just because he eats an antelope each day. If anything, humans would be much closer to murderers, as we don't necessarily need meat to survive, yet we still kill tons of animals.
Not how it works, bud. Killing and eating another human counts as both murder and cannibalism. Fuck, even Vampires have words for it; Diablerie and Amaranth.
holy fuck how have you managed to live this long?
>Want to play the original pen an paper rpg.
>No friends into tabletop gaming.
>No events nearby playing the game.
>Decide to watch a session on youtube.
>Cringiesy characters I could imagine.
>"Loner" Brujah who gives one word answers and "likes to work alone".
>"Friendly" Nosferatu who "doesn't want to be judged by his appearence".
>The cringiest is a female toreador who is "obsessed with instagram" and is supossed to be one of the other players "ex-girlfriend".
>Only a relatively normal gangriel character.
Are all tabletop rpg sessions like this or did I just pick the cringiest?
Was he the only "true" Anarch in the game?
>willing to do absolutely anything to make the system collapse
>including siring a bunch of Caitiff to advance the end of the world
>Are all tabletop rpg sessions like this
The latter. I'm in the same position, but I'm watching D&D vids instead.
I wish I could've met Grout. He sounded so cool.
The Gehenna novel (the sequel to Bloodlines) pretty much confirms this.
The only one of those that are out of character is the Nos
Vandal's ok
>I'll suck your dick for the key
What do?
Piss on him.
What's the point? All of my nerve endings are dead.
Stab him and open it
You could probably argue the 9th circle was as well.
Jack is definitely one of the best written characters in the game. He has a shitload of missable dialogue and it's pretty easy to read between the lines that he is never letting his "true" attitude shine through even when he is talking about the Camarilla. Sure he claims he never takes orders, but he never speaks about anything with fervor unlike Nines, proving he is already above the shit of trying to convince anyone for his cause, instead just manipulating them.
Spend blood points on your penis get engorged.
Beckett and Jack are my personal favorites. I like characters who don't force their bullshit down your throat.
Just because they are in character doesn't mean they weren't annoying as fuck.
The DM seemed like a chill guy who knew the lore and wanted to make a cool story but it was interspaced with cringy dialogue and by everyone else. He would literally be explaining details about a quest when the grill would say something about how this elder vampire doesn't "know about instagram".
stab him with your dick
Is he siring the caitiff, though? I thought he was pretty high generation to have thin-bloods. I'm assuming he's a brujah, and most brujah abandon their childe after siring them, so it wouldn't be all that different.
>"Individualism is a path fraught with obstacles, and sometimes angry mobs, but for all its hardships it is the only one worth taking."
Spot on, my dude.
Fucking this.
>there are people out there who picked a side instead of giving everyone the middle finger