Now that the dust has settled, are online subscription services really that bad?

Now that the dust has settled, are online subscription services really that bad?

Stop paying for online.

Case and point: PS Plus
The service hasn't improved at all since it became mandatory to play online, in fact the library of subscription games has only gotten worse since then.

Yes, it's basically compulsory for the majority of people (going by which games are popular).

It doubles the cost of the console, but Americlaps are too fucking dumb to realise.

If I wanted to play red Dead redemption with my friend on a console we haven't used in years, we'd have to pay.
Isn't that kind of bull shit?

Xbone is pretty dead, PS+ is eh, you can play online and that's good, but the chance of actually getting 6 GOOD free games with PS+ is low. I'd say it's not all that worth. As someone who liked the Switch, I also don't appreciate that they added paid online and a shitty concept for renting games.


Remember the 10 dollar price hike on ps plus

People said they would get better games meanwhile it's the same old shovelware shit

They are so bad that only normies pay for them now.
Because they are stupid and don't give a fuck paying for shitty services.
I love how the shills are saying "you are poor if you can't afford to be jewed for online lolz"

>Xbone is pretty dead

What does this even mean?

it encourages shitty practices.

paying twice to use your internet connection baka oh and don't forget to pay a third time for metered bandwidth from your shit tier isp

tech industry is filled with greedy shitbags time to find a new hobby

It is gonna be the same if nintendo fags let themselves be jewed
First they charge 8, then they will see people accepts and they will have more.
Greed has no limits.

Nobody wants an Xbox One

There will never be a world where I pay for playing online.
I already pay for my internet you fucking jews

I preferred my phone over a gaming pc because of exclusives, but I may revert back considering exclusive titles will be on PC.


Thanks autocorrect.

Idort with all consoles (ps4 + ps4 pro + pc + xboner + Xbox one s + wii u)

And laugh at you peasants. I play with friends and games. I have no need to worry about consoles.

My friends online have different consoles, some play on the ps4 some on the Xbox. Doesn't affect me. And I can still play "exclusives" that you all whine about

>pay us so you can use your internet

yeah they're pretty bad

Another idort here, just cause I can afford 10 subs and all the consoles doesn't mean I like their stupid practices.
The problem here is if I stop buying then I have nothing else in my shitty life, cause I am schizophrenic and hate human contact. So I am secluded safely behind a monitor and vidya is pretty cool to spend my shitty time.

yes, keep paying for them, you stupid peasant

>Pay for console
>Pay for internet
>Pay for game that utilizes internet
>Have to pay a tax to play game you paid for on the console and internet you paid for
Yeah, it's fucking cancer

>console cucks doll out $15 a month for the "privilege" to play multiplayer