

Nintendo once again outpacing the competition in the hardware department

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Someone fucking JUST edit the squirrel




Yeah but the Wii U version will have dual audio since CFW exists, while you'll have to eat up that fucking godawful dub-only release if you buy the Switch.

It's an ironic post about both looking garbage, you cucklet

Who cares, I have plenty of games that look like they came out during PS2 era on my PS2.

Damn...the switch looks like THAT

wow looks better on wii u

Someone should make an IMAGINE edit for the ultimate shitpost. Sadly i'm not fluent in english

Mad as fuck cuck

Damn, I thought that was real life at first.

Starting to get reports that the Wii U version is smoother than the docked Switch version too.

Just lol.

>The spoken language is important in video games

Go back to tumblr.

I don't care about improved textures or lighting, I just want to know whether the Switch version will run at a better frame rate. If not, I'm still just going to pirate the Wii U version.

Looks like a turd desu

It looks a lot better, what are you fucking complaining about now?

>doesn't know switch is region-free
>is probably an EOP
lots of laffs

Literally no one wants a new Zelda. We have Last Guardian and Gravity Daze 2, which looks a million times better.

>muh sony
>zelda ever on a playstation console
Are you retarded?

Fucking freelancer looks better than that you fucking idiot

It has very mildly improved texture resolution, probably due to the increased memory size. Both games run at 720p which is an absolute insult to Wii U owners, since all the games the Switch will be getting should have gone to them as the system is obviously barely more powerful

>10 years for a 5 hour game

Wait. Are you really taking that as a pro-Sony image?

lol. i hope you enjoy KH 2.8 for 5 hours worth of new content for 60 dollars

Hilarious how butthurt all of the babbies are about this.

Nintendo makes their own game engines and optimizes their games to them. You can whine about bad hardware and MUH GRAPHICS all day, but I think they've got the market in innovation and design.

You know, the thing that actually matters? If I want to see REAL GRAPHICS I'll go take a walk outside or play another boring, Havoc/Unity/Crysis engine piece of shit or something.

>I got ya gud, u m-mad as f-uck the m-more you reply the m-more u r ma-mad

let me guess. your uncle works at nintendo?

>the joke

>your head

Will the Switch version be 900p or 1080p? Please say 1080


Also sweet fuck, why is every captcha I get "calle" fuck off california

Don't listen to this faggot. Confirmed 1080p @ 60fps.
The screen on the unit itself is 720p, yes.

LOL Fucking Game of 2006

>Confirmed 1080p @ 60fps.
[Citation needed]

> 60fps

No, retard.

mad as fuck cuck

But I never played DDD, and even if I didn't that doesnt actually devalue the package, 10$ movie 20$ for DDD 1080p 60fps and 30$ for 0.2

>blurry screenshot from a stream
nice meme

Where's the source of this image?

>now you can see the shitty textures in higher resolution


Error 404: Textures not found

How is this acceptable in 2017, let alone for a flagship console?

They just announced it in the treehouse stream you dumbfucks. It's 1080p @ 60fps.


>buying nintendo
>calling others cucks
in 2017

Is the floor being rendered?

>What is "art direction"?

I'll probably just get it on Wii U.

Can you believe motherfuckers still want at least $249 for a used console?

so this is the power

So literally the only difference is blur and slight changes in the color....wow....so this is the power of the switch....damn......

Man, imagine how its going to look on CEMU.

Too bad its going to be shit and just another clone of OoT like every zelda game since.

If you're gonna use the art direction excuse, maybe try use it when the art direction isn't total ass.

I fucking said it, Switch version will be the real version.

>upscaled 720p

No they didn't

1080p 60 fps is what they said it would be in the tree house

The art direction is great - the hardware isn't up to the task, though. They have no excuse.

They can say whatever they want - the hardware isn't up to the task.

Is the sky less colorful because lack of resources?

Imagine being Aonuma on that stage and having to be all like "damn, Nintendo Switch, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your sleek and horrific detachable side controllers. I would totally play with you, both my virtual character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is buy another PS4 from Sony. Like seriously imagine having to be Aonuma and not only sit in that chair while Nintendo Switch flaunts its disgusting tablet like monitor in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing the low cost materials and worn out joystick, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while they perfected its presentation. Not only having to tolerate its monstrous fucking visage but its outdated hardware as everyone on set tells it it's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, NINTENDO SWITCH WORKS LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch its plastic fucking gremlin body catch on fire as you try to develop a game that looks like it wasn’t made for the 5th Generation. You've been playing nothing but a healthy diet of Playstation and PC games and later quality ports for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in the highlands of Nagano. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out of its overheated processor as it sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in its "state-of-art (for that is what Reggie calls it)" beauty, the beauty the executives worked so hard for with the engineers in the previous months. And then Reggie calls for another take, and you know you could beat every single person in this room in Tri Force Heroes before the venue security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Aonuma. You're not going to lose your future political career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.

Link dies at the end, you saw part of it in the trailer.
There, saved you some money.

no its the art direction its meant to look like that

The art direction is fucking shit, they legitimately only made it non-traditonal like this because it's technically not HD assets so they can actually make the game. If they tried to make it look like that zelda wii demo at e3 like what 10 years ago... well fuck maybe it'd look good. But this looks like shit. I LOVE ZELDA nad nintendo, I have a wiiu and a n3dsxl but I am not hyped for this shitty blurry jaggy bullshit, it's like persona 4 on ps2 or some shit. It's bad, both the art direction and graphics in general.

It looks sharper on swith but thats about it and even then the textures are still blurry I'll just buy this on wii u and save myself 300 bucks until monster hunter or something comes out for it.

I remember that reveal - they couldn't have gone with a realistic look for the whole thing because, again, they don't have the hardware to pull it off. The character models and certain assets look okayish, I could only imagine the shitshow if they decided to go with something like Twilight Princess.


>yfw Nintendrones bought a Wii U for The Legend of Open Fields with Grass: Ocarina of Climbing that Mountain

Just can't wait to collect all those rupees bro, open world is going to change Zelda forever

Are you sure about that? If the switch flops as hard as the WiiU, the new Zelda might be the first multi plat.

> A Nintendo attendant told me that it runs significantly better on Switch than it does Wii U, which shouldn’t be hugely shocking? (Clearly they want you to buy the Switch version.)
Its 30FPS with rare dips to 26-27 vs 20-25 FPS constantly

>that look like that
proof the sony ponies just care about oggling graphics

Nah, I bought a Wii U for Hyrule Warriors. I never had much interest in 3D Zelda, and only less as I witnessed Aonuma's ruination of a franchise.

I seriously hope there is a Jap audio patch, fuck the English dub is bad

this literally didn't happen

This is what the Switch should have been:


>Literally no one wants a new Zelda

Literally millions of people do.

Switch should have had a 1080p screen & used Tegra X2 for $200

Fucking greedy Nintendo

you fucking retard they confirmed 900p

mario kart is 1080p 60fps

holy shit drones need to fuck off

Its a game MADE for the wii u moron, not the switch

>they confirmed 900p
they haven't even talked about Zelda on treehouse yet

That and had the games be streamed by Nvidia. There - I also justified your paid online.

>you fucking retard they confirmed 900p
Did they really say Zelda would be 900p on TV or is this just disinformation starting up?


also 60fps games have 60fps videos on the nintendo youtube page while zelda is a 30fps video

All of the footage from the new trailer was 720p

I do know it will be at 30fps

so far that's the only source and until it's officially announced in some capacity it's just a rumor

>e3 Trailer

>switch reveal trailer

what does it mean?

nothing. it means you cant tell the resolution of a game by how the video is encoded

It's running on a mobile chipset. I don't know how people expect it to crank out 60fps at 1080p, given that the game looks to be very CPU and GPU intensive. From the way it looks, it barely scratches 30 FPS on what I presume are low-mid settings.

>low-mid settings.
what are you talking about, you have no idea what you're saying

I'm not talking about the encode of the footage, I'm talking about the rendering resolution. It's 720p.

>nothing. it means you cant tell the resolution of a game by how the video is encoded

Not necessarily, but you can tell that it's upscaled.

It's the easiest way to say that the hardware isn't up to snuff.

that's how i like my graphics, muddy and with shitty anti-aliasing. truly next gen.

nah you can pixel count

I will play the definite version on cemu in a couple months in 4k, cry more nintoddler

>30 dollars for a 1 hour demo

you are right it's just a rumor, I thought it was said on stream

Why does every footage from this game look like it's filmed in Beijing? You can see that they've used vibrant colors all over the place, but it's all covered in this weird smoggy look. Feels like such a waste.

But you wont get HD rumble.

They were probably desperate to avoid the Overwatch aesthetic