

Bitch please....

What makes him so violent now? He's been kicking peoples' asses for 25 years already.

He turned black.

Sonygger here, even though your new console looks like shit, at least you have a better Street Fighter, i'll admit that much

>Violent Ken
>Without the afro

Will this be HD Remix?

Does Guile have an OP, forward-moving Flash Kick in this game?


>Exclusive for switch
>*Also on XB1 PS4 PC

I liked some of HD remix changes, why can't guile get a useful flash kick.

I think it's based off of ST rather than HDR. You can fully tech throws now which is a pretty huge (and terrible) change.

The whole point of the move is so you can't jump on him. He should be able to fly forward with it too.

I guess it's unsafe but that is way too much space coverage. If you flinch then you eat a Flash Kick.


I doubt that'll be confirmed until after the hype dies down.

It's a palette swap character from SNK vs. Capcom. I think it's a reference to the brainwashed Ken in the anime movie.

He never had an afro in the game, just in the ugly artwork.

You're talking about this game? Because even ST had throw softening.

This has full techs apparently, not just softening.

your ugly


I can download Super Turbo for free on MAME and play it on a shitty laptop.

We'll manage

That's not mine.
>cotton hair

I never understood the appeal of evil versions of Ryu and Ken. Isn't that the whole point of Akuma? You might as well just make Good Guy Bison.

thisI give it 6 months and it will be ported to everything from Android to the PS4 since nobody will buy a 2008 game for $40

They haven't even confirmed if it will have online, they only talked about playing it with your kids or with random strangers on your visit to the doctor in the Treehouse stream.

Evil Ryu makes sense because part of his character is fighting to his limit. Akuma shows what happens when you don't care about how far you have to go so Evil Ryu exists to demonstrate that Ryu can't fight as hard as he wants without compromise.

Violent Ken is just b/s, though.

>Good Guy Bison.
Kind of rebundant tbqh.

ST had throw tech, USF2 has throw escape.

>You might as well just make Good Guy Bison.
That's Rose. Bison wants to be a woman, hence Cammy.

Also "good guy Bison" is supposed to be Rose. He's the fragment of Bison's soul that he sold to learn the secret of Psycho Power.

Problem with flash kick is it sucks, if some one crossed you up your only option was to super. unlike shotos who could do crosscut srk also shotos had other moves that controlled horizontal space besides projectiles.

oh wow, the switch finally gets a port of the most inferior version of sf2 with an snk crossover character thrown. HD remix was even of a disappointment than street fight v

Oh, you mean like throw breaking?

Yeah, that's not good for SF2.

>Sagat, blanka and honda on day one
SFV is finished.

the afro was in svc chaos wasn't it?

Reminder that $40 is the japanese price and the nips ALWAYS pay more for video games

American price isnt confirmed but this will cost around 30 bucks

Hey you know what else has SF2 and can emulate all old street fighters.

Capcom fucking sucks

Why would I want this
Why would I want to play SF2 for the millionth time on the Joycon
Why didn't they bring back Viewtiful Fucking Joe

Why use the HD Remix sprites but not the HD Remix profile pictures?

this is the correct response

"Violent Ken" in this game is ostensibly the same character as Violent Ken from SvC Chaos in that he's an evil form of Ken, but technically the lore behind Violent Ken in SvC is that he's under the effects of Orochi energy from King of Fighters a la Orochi Iori, whereas Evil Ryu is Ryu under the effects of the Satsui no Hadou. The original Violent Ken looked like thistl;dr they're calling him Violent Ken instead of Evil Ken or something because it's an easter egg to some old crossover game made by SNK.

If throwing escaping is in this game two of those character are low tier and are being nerfed into the dirt

whoever drew those has never seen a girl in their life

and what the fuck is with bison's cap?

>meme edition that no-one will play outside of side tournaments

Because most of them look like shit. The Udon artstyle is disgusting

I don't think they're using the HDR sprites

Anyone got a link to the press kit?

>a 2008 game.

A 1993 game with a new filter and two palette swaps. Stop being nice.

But isn't that a risk you just have to take with Guile? His low-recovery projectiles and wide-coverage anti-air mean that his weakness is having someone get close to him.

Being able to push an opponent back with his anti-air would just turn the fight super-defensive. A character like Vega ought to have the advantage in such a bout but if they try to go to the wall and the opponent has a Flash Kick loaded, they won't make it far.

If only instead of the option of playing with the old ass sprites we got DECENT HD sprites, and not that UDON abomination...

>shitheads on Sup Forums told me SNK owned the rights to Violent Ken

explain this

repainting Ryu Ken and Akuma must've been hard in these pictures


You can switch from classic sprites to HD shitmix sprites.

I'm not that bothered but that's because by and large I like UDON's work. The real problem was at such a high resolution, the animations looked very jerky (even though, frame-for-frame, it's the same animations).

Oh, I thought they had redone them again. Meh, still look like shit.

Does it even have online play?

Dramatic battle has potential for fun I'll admit that much.

Not really.


He's not that good in this game (unless you play old Ken, I guess).

Most shitters will probably use Blanka, I figure.

>The Udon artstyle is disgusting
Why? It look plain at worst.

I'm legitimately excited

Whoa there

I only remember Street Fighter 2 Turbo from the snes

When did they add Akuma and violent stuff and shit ?

super street fighter 2 turbo in arcades

The only thing the flash kick did was make it so you had to be more careful approaching guile and made flash kick harder to bait.

It does not revolutionize guile into some new thing, even with the HDR flash kick Vega still beat guile. HDR changes in general did not change tier list.

Last Thursday.

But can you use Evil Ryu?

That's what I thought

No shin akuma?

Whatever i got the dreamcast version don't need this shit

Goddamnit this looks so fucking amateur it might have been done in Mugen for all i care to know


Scrub deez nuts. That image reminds me of good times.

>Whatever i got the dreamcast version don't need this shit
Pirated or legit?

Akuma's already OP, why bother?

>Akuma's already OP
>Implying Vega isn't by far the best character already

Because they're bad, so they got someone to do faithful HD recreations of the original SSF2 portraits instead.

Legit, no jewel case

That's as much the fault of the redrawn animation as the original sprites. The redrawn animations actually introduce new problems and inconsistencies that weren't in the original sprites.

Because they're awful

Still good in my book. Wish it wasn't so overpriced though.

I thought that was Sim.

The faggot just couldn't decipher the original sprite, that's all.

In the game it looks horrendous, especially the facial features.

holy shit why

Because CPU Akuma is even more ridiculously OP, and it would be lulzy to be able to actually play as him.
>Close s.HK has smaller head hurtbox on first active part. (Regular Akuma's head hurtbox is clearly glitched here, it's way back behind him. I'm guessing it was probably supposed to be the same as Ryu's.)
>Far s.HP has a fatter/taller hitbox.
>c.HP has smaller head hurtbox on first active part.
>All jumping punches, as well as neutral j.LK and j.MK have no leg hurtboxes for the entire duration of the moves, including recovery time spent falling.
>Neutral j.HK, and diagonal j.MK and j.HK only have a leg hurtbox during the active phase. It's missing during startup and recovery.
>Hadoukens have shorter startup (7 frames VS 10), 2 frames of startup invincibility, and hurtboxes don't move forward during startup (they stay the same as the idle pose)
>Shakunetsu Hadoukens have 4 frames of startup invincibility, hurtboxes don't move forward during startup, and the medium and hard versions do much more damage (over double that of normal Akuma's).
>Air Hadouken hurtbox is extended for a shorter time, it's only extended on the animation frames where his arms are actually extended. He throws two projectiles at once rather than just one, and the medium and hard versions do more damage.
>Medium and hard Tatsumakis have more spins (4 and 5 respectively, same as N. Ryu). They also do more damage than normal Akuma's, albeit only the spin part (startup knee does the same).
>Air Tatsumakis do less damage. Go figure.
>Medium and hard Shoryukens do more damage.
>Ashura Senku is invincible for the entire duration, no vulnerability on recovery.

See this is from the earlier comic series. I think their artwork here was always excellent.

It's the later series that seemed to lose the plot.

I feel ya, man. My Dreamcast shelf still has a MVC 2-shaped hole in it, but what to do? Plebs like us gotta play the XBLA version, so be it.

Is it even that? It looks like they took the old portraits, put them through a filter, then had someone just draw over the filtered image.

Looks clean but I don't think they were recreated.

damn that Jack-O art is terrible

her face is horrifying

I bet those incompetent fuckers reproduced the same mistake in all shotoclones characters.

Sim falls flat to reversals and has fuck all on defensive tools and no reversal of his own.
Vega has range, speed, versatility AND a reversal.
His only real fault is not having great combos, but even them his mixup game more than makes up for it. Also, izuna drop. 'Nuff said

Its not about tiers
Its sll about that TIGERRRR

Good explanation ty user

They were definitely not recreated, not a chance in hell. The only way to recreate them 1:1 in hd is by tracing, and they do not look traced.

They pulled a REmake background on the characters, stretch + filters.

No, it's how they interpreted the characters that fucked them all up. They made them all look way older, fatter and with way more self-shading that they had to.


it's from 1994 street fighter II the animated movie when M.bison brainwashes ken which svc made into a character

it's not orochi energy faggot. he's drunk with psycho power.

>Updating SF2 instead of making SFV a good game

I like it.

don't insult my wife, it'll make me sad


Ah, I don't see it. They're not Capcom's artists, sure, but it looks faithful to me.

By the second comic series was when they started making everything too busy (the sprites in HDR are based on this comic series' style of art) and the third one was so stylized it's almost sickening.

>tfw no one on this shit sonygger board played SvC, aka the best fighting game of all time

>tfw no one on this shit sonygger board played CvS 2, aka the best fighting game of all time

There you go, i corrected your post for you. No need to thank me, you're always welcome user.

How does it look faithful? How does this remotely look like They all look like they aged 20 years and tried a heavy does of lifting and botox to stay relevant. Look at fucking Ryu, he looks horrendous.

I just meant as a series. But you caught me on svc, CvS is right.but SNK is the better company and should get listed first. Fuck capcom

I really don't follow. Her nose is a bit pointed in the last panel but that's my only complaint.

This was taken from issue 1 of the original series. Everything looks right to me.

wow you're so cool man
I'm sure people respect you for cursing so often

Conversely this is the style they were using for the "Street Fighter II" series and it's distinctly less true to the character designs (doesn't get as batshit as the "Street Fighter II Turbo" series style but it's less accurate than the previous series). The HDR sprites are meant to look like this.

They respect me because i'm not a dumb faggot. Kill yourself pissbaby. Don't make a tl/dr if you don't even know what you're talking about.

probably weren't even born in 1994