>this is what has become of Nintendo
>this is what has become of Nintendo
Other urls found in this thread:
Bowers is cute desu
Why is bowser so attractive
>hair and eyebrows clipping
At least they haven't stooped to the level of shitposting on a Filipino bootleg anime porn forum.
>this is what has become of society
Fixed that for you.
why is he so cute, bros?
>They still make gorrilions of dosh
I'm sure they feel real bad for you on top of their mountain of stupid people's money
He's gruff, but a good father.
Id buy a Bowser mobile dating game.
Im not joking.
me too
especially if it's him trying to find love off some grindr/tindr type thing
Thats stupid.
that was a nice touch
Bowser is a great dad.
he is the most sympathetic sexual predator in this day and age
Are you gay?
I don't really get why you'd hate on the commercial, it was very cute.
The actual app is fucking horrible, though. Missing the mark on what you're trying to accomplish, but being cute while doing it. That's Nintendo alright.
Of course not. That'd be a sin against God.
I'm going to masturbate over the fantasy of businessman Bowser looking for love and dick on a dating app and you can't stop me.
dude, no, what gave you that idea?
>not being gay
Ok good, post more
I'm busy.
He's the dad you always wanted to have and fuck
cute! CUTE!!!
bowser dad was the only good thing to come out of last night
>Newfag Shitposter thinks he can make a shitposting thread with Bowser and not expect it to get derailed into barafag posting
Welp, barafags, why don't you teach him a lesson?
I want to like his paws
this needs to be edited to bowser porn/lewds
They're just feet, user. Paws need paw pads.
I hope Pence fries all of you.
>dat look at the end
what was that expression trying to convey?
Now that's an asd
>Implying that tail swing isn't the start of a dominating night of sex
Bowser is truly the king
Mike "if men make you jerk it, you'll complete the circuit" Pence
It's funny because both Wario series are dead!
Nintendo animation is amazing.
By the thumb I though bow bow was snorting a bump of coke, but the real pict is objectively worse
I would hug the Bowz.
>tfw my parents only let me play vidya for an hour a day when I was a kid
I snuck in more time whenever I could of course, good thing my parents didn't have this.
My exact reaction when I saw Link with an iPad... in game.
Any lewds of his new outfit yet?
How can Bowser even be such a great character? He's just a stupid antagonist in a series of kids games, and yet an animation of him being a loving and awkward father is completely heartwarming and perfect.
Of course it was the exact image Sup Forums was jerking off over for the past month.
How did he even get that picture?
>Peach on Bowser's homescreen
So she's the mom?
She's his child's mother it wasn't that hard.
Can you hook your own phone to someone's else console?
It'd be pretty hilarious to lock them away from their own console.
fuck you that ad was cute
Maybe because Mario is such a hollow character. I mean here is a two foot tall plumber that lives with his brother or something?
Guys, hear me out: Dungeon Keeper on mobile except good and not hot garbage, but made by Nintendo and you play as Bowser.
Bowser is just a goofy bad guy. He tries his best to be the baddest of the baddest but he always fails at it which makes him more lovable.
f***, fantheories were all right
>phone hardware
>locked content behind mcdonalds toys
>paid online
>tiny screen with terrible graphics
>terrible battery life
>no third party games
Mike "take it from behind? I cast Ziodyne" Pence
What did they show last night for the Switch? I'm afraid I missed it
My friend made an indie-style Bowser dating sim for the PC. I havent played it but I heard some people enjoyed it.
Splatoon 2
Mario Kart 8 with new shit
Xenoblade 2
Fire Emblem musou
Region free, paid online, rumble technology can EMULATE the feeling of a glass filled with ice cubes.
>rumble technology can EMULATE the feeling of a glass filled with ice cubes.
Never heard of it.
Fuck if I know but it's important enough to waste a minute talking about it.
They're flaunting that they have rumble technology that can apparently emulate the feeling of literally anything, from ice cubes in a glass, water in a glass, to punching, shooting a bow, etc.
well, combine that with a possible VR-headset...
Yes, that.
And how do you emulate the feeling of that many stuff? "Rumble" makes me think of vibration. Is that what they're going with?
Why bother? Who would shell out another $100-200 on a headset for a $300 console with no games?
I want to destroy this ass
How many tributes do you think he tweets to her weekly?
>for a $300 console with no games
somehow, I start to believe, that a console, who doesn't have the newest Fifa, CoD, AssCreed, or any other third-party shit, is labelled as a console who doesn't have games...
>Almost no third party support
>Only decent game on launch is Breath of the Wild
>They actually thought a game called Arms was good enough to show
Nobody's going to buy this and wait 4 months for Splatoon 2 with nothing but Zelda on it.
Regardless who would still pay $200 for a VR headset to play games that won't be well incorporated with it?
>takes place before, during, and after your regularly scheduled invasion of the Mushroom Kingdom and kidnapping of Peach
>you can try (and fail) to woo Peach, or you can set your sights on a number of your vassals and minions
>leans heavy on the comedy
>have to get Bowser Jr on board with whoever you start dating
>Who could ever love this?
Majority of Sup Forums
>Great father.
>Desperate for love.
>He would protect you.
>Big Turtle ass.
Whatever happened to the Baby Bowser triplets?
Bowser is: confident, outgoing, financially well to do, handsome, bold, and most importantly thicker than a bowl of oatmeal
Dirty snapchat slut