Plays Dark Souls 3 at 60fps via in home streaming

>Plays Dark Souls 3 at 60fps via in home streaming
>Full access to Steam Library
>HDMI out allows connection to most modern TV's.
>Bluetooth allows the use of 3rd party controllers including the DS4.
>Full PSP/PSX/N64/DC/SNES/GBA/DS libraries via emulation.

Don't mind me, just being the superior handheld. The Switch is literally just a rebranded Nvidia Shield Tablet K1. It even has the same battery life.

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But you can't play Splatoon 2 in it.

The biggest issue is heat. After an hour of Half-Life 2 that motherfucker is hot as shit. Unless they've completely redesigned the heat management, the Switch will likely have the same issues. As far as I can tell though, the only difference is the Switch uses a 720p screen instead of a 1080p and has mounts for the controllers. With the fan deactivated in portable mode, the internals are nearly unchanged.

in a year, I can emulate it and stream it there

But it's an online only game user.
How are you gonna play it on an emulator?

>portable console that you can't take outside

>buy game
>have to pay yearly fee to keep it

2 year ago it was running Half-Life 2. Nintendo basically just bought Nvidia's design for the Shield Tablet 2. It's even running on the same chipset as the Shield Tablet line.

God I can't tell if it's a spic or a poo in loo speaking.

>home streaming

The Shield runs a shit load of PC ports. KotOR, Jade Empire, Doom 3 and all the PS2 Rockstar Games look great on that 1080p screen.

but thats dark souls 2

My mistake.


>yfw Nintendo killed the Shield 2 by partnering with Nvidia to make the Switch.

Enjoy that input lag you fucking tool.

>steaming games

There goes your whole argument you technologically ignorant fool.

>implying there's noticeable lag when streaming in-home.

What kind of toaster are you running, scrub?

I got same shit and mipad with tegra.

Too bad streaming is laggy shit from my pos laptop. I got 5ghz routers. If I get a pc with gtx will it better?

>Nintendo constantly using outdated hardware that's been well-documented
>Wonder why Nintendo consoles are always the first in a generation that gets emulated

They better have poured some considerable resources into their encryption scheme, because it's open season again once that's broken

There is dont deny it.

Weather it is PS4 to the vita or any android with a gamepad from the pc via steam streaming.

even 20ms is unbearable.

Nvidia designed the tablet's hardware and the GPU's hardware AND the software suite for BOTH specifically to facilitate streaming. It's tough to beat that combination.

Obviously, better hardware will allow you to better stream content, but still. Don't be surprised if combining a sub-optimal tablet with a sub-optimal host machine over an unkown network produces a sub-optimal experience.

Should I get that tablet? Or is there a better one?

I don't know how people deal with streaming, latency is fucking awful

My money is on weak, out-dated encryption. Nintendo's priorities haven't changed in over a decade.


Thanks to Nintendo, there is no better tablet for gaming. The Shield K1 is pretty much it, and will be until the Switch dies.

Troubleshoot it, Leroy. FFS. There are a thousand things that can affect your latency, from hardware to radio interference. If there are people out there getting great performance out of their shit, then you can too. Find out what's wrong and fix it.

>Half-Life 2
Came out in 2004. They made an Xbox (original) port of it.

They're pretty much confirmed retarded when it comes to hardware

Just put Mario on the PS4 already. At least Sega knew when to cash in their chips

And a 360 port. It's still pretty kickass to see that running on a thin little tablet. We're living in the future, baby.

>yfw there are tv's out there with latency up to 100ms.

That Xbox port ran like ass. I remember there were long loading screens every 5 minutes. Jesus.

tbph it's more kickass to see people play games of this fidelity on a tablet with local multiplayer (Switch). Can you imagine having actual friends or a social life and being able to play videogames with people that aren't removed via the internet?

You can't chat in splatoon either


No thank you

>Emulate Smash Bros on Shield.
>Have 4 Bluetooth controllers.
>Drown in pussy.

>emulate it in a year
no unless its released for wii u, you wont get a working emu for the switch that fast